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Estonian PM: Events in Georgia remind us that democracies may also gradually erode at the hands of elected leaders via @ipnEng


Neli nädalat enne valimisi ja nüüd ei tea kui kauaks pärast pühapäeva lüpstakse neist iga viimnegi tilk.

Keda parlamendis 10 kohta kaotanud partei esimehe eneseõigustusi huvitab, @err_ee?

Aga saade tuleb täis teha!
RT @err_ee: Kell 21.40 "Esimeses stuudios" Jüri Ratas | Eesti | ERR


Thread. Please read.

Nihil novi sub sole, at least when it comes to Russia.

But countries that have experienced this are called “warmongers” and “hawks” by those who have never known Russian aggression.
RT @EtoBuziashvili: On this day in 2008, when I was doing groceries, Russia invaded Georgia. As the news on Georgian radio were nervously reporting about Russia’s bombing and killing civilians, I was already running to my parents’, with the only thought to see …


RT @PaulJawin: Waiting for the partisans. Apparently, in the opinion of the Russians, this should show the strength of the Russian army, but an armored train in the 21st century looks a little strange.


A great youtube piece (with English subtitles) on how Moscow's "progressive mayor" bribes progressive liberals with his massive slush fund:


A great youtube piece with English subtitles on how Moscow's "progressive mayor" bribes progressive liberals with his massive slush fund:


Hey @Reuters, it's been 32 years, a third of a century.
RT @maxfras: "Protesters in the small ex-Soviet state of Georgia"

Seriously @Reuters could you be any more condescending


Including the tens of thousands your soldiers have raped, @mfa_russia ?
RT @mfa_russia: Happy International Women's Day from Russian Foreign Ministry.

Dear women, colleagues, family members, loved ones - we wish you all the best. May you enjoy happiness and good health 💐


Last line is correct. The entire @mfa_russia is going to The Hague
RT @mfa_russia: Those of the US, Canadian, EU liberal globalist elites encouraging neo-Nazi regime in Kiev to ethnically cleanse Donbass by killing civilians, including children, should know that the day of reckoning will come.

⚠️ None complicit in the genocide will be forgotten, nor forgiven.


I see this and then recall the ridiculously arrogant 2003 essay by Derrida and Habermas that claimed Eastern Europeans were too immature to understand what Europe meant. And think Derrida and Habermas didn’t quite get it either.
RT @berlin_bridge: Amidst thousands rallying in against the Russian-inspired “foreign agents” law tonight, an incredible image of unity & courage.
From to , this flag stands for something the Kremlin will never un…


Bardakistan will always remain Bardakistan. 🤣😘
RT @ChrisO_wiki: 1/ Russia's deployment system is so dysfunctional that many soldiers are reportedly spending weeks "wandering around in search of their units" in border and rear areas, with some being listed as deserters because they have not reported to the units they cannot find. ⬇️


Tähtis lõng @kaimarkaru-lt
RT @kaimarkaru: Eesti e-valimisi kritiseerides osutatakse mõnikord reaalsetele tehnoloogilistele või protseduurilistele väljakutsetele, kuid suurem osa hetkel arutletavast põhineb performatiivsel kriitikal, mille ajendiks on küüniline ja omakasupüüdlik poliitiline spin.


A nice surprise to find this ⁦@FT⁩ front page headline and photo at the Frankfurt airport this morning.


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