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Including the tens of thousands your soldiers have raped, @mfa_russia ?
RT @mfa_russia: Happy International Women's Day from Russian Foreign Ministry.

Dear women, colleagues, family members, loved ones - we wish you all the best. May you enjoy happiness and good health 💐


Last line is correct. The entire @mfa_russia is going to The Hague
RT @mfa_russia: Those of the US, Canadian, EU liberal globalist elites encouraging neo-Nazi regime in Kiev to ethnically cleanse Donbass by killing civilians, including children, should know that the day of reckoning will come.

⚠️ None complicit in the genocide will be forgotten, nor forgiven.


I see this and then recall the ridiculously arrogant 2003 essay by Derrida and Habermas that claimed Eastern Europeans were too immature to understand what Europe meant. And think Derrida and Habermas didn’t quite get it either.
RT @berlin_bridge: Amidst thousands rallying in against the Russian-inspired “foreign agents” law tonight, an incredible image of unity & courage.
From to , this flag stands for something the Kremlin will never un…


Bardakistan will always remain Bardakistan. 🤣😘
RT @ChrisO_wiki: 1/ Russia's deployment system is so dysfunctional that many soldiers are reportedly spending weeks "wandering around in search of their units" in border and rear areas, with some being listed as deserters because they have not reported to the units they cannot find. ⬇️


Tähtis lõng @kaimarkaru-lt
RT @kaimarkaru: Eesti e-valimisi kritiseerides osutatakse mõnikord reaalsetele tehnoloogilistele või protseduurilistele väljakutsetele, kuid suurem osa hetkel arutletavast põhineb performatiivsel kriitikal, mille ajendiks on küüniline ja omakasupüüdlik poliitiline spin.


A nice surprise to find this ⁦@FT⁩ front page headline and photo at the Frankfurt airport this morning.


Rohkem öelda kui @erikmoora siin kirjutab polegi vaja. Piisab sellest, et mõista, mis valimistel toimus.

Nii peakski üks analüüs olema. Täpne ja tabav.

Nüüd läheks edasi.


Ammm, @err_ee: 2,4 protsenti kogu valijaskonnast "protestihääli" ei ole "lõhe ühiskonnas".

Kas klikisööta teisiti ei saa?

Tõesti loodan, et nüüd ei pea pikki arutelusid selle 2,4% üle õhtuti vaatama.


RT @ChrisO_wiki: 1/ Russian soldiers on the front line in Ukraine are reportedly cooking and using drugs to deal with combat stress and try to get out of fighting by injuring themselves – but military doctors aren't fooled and won't accept bribes. It's said to be impossible to get out. ⬇️


Let's hope he does not remain nameless for long.

He had a name.

He was a POW brutally murdered by the Russians.

They are sick enough to circulate it.

He deserves to be known.

He has a name, dammit.
RT @SamRamani2: The unknown Ukrainian soldier who died shouting Slava Ukraini to his Russian captors


Tehke Eesti õiglasemaks ja demokraatlikumaks, lõpetage võimu ja raha koondamist Tallinna nn linnavalitsuse juurde.

Nüüd on Toompeal hääled olemas.

Linnaosad linnadeks. Vaba Nõmme! Vaba Lasnamäe! Vaba Kesklinn!

Just do it.


Eesti twitteri tänane võitja:
RT @ebavalitsus: mart helme sai 2019 valimistel 6499 paberhäält ja 2023 valimistel 4407 paberhäält.
süüdi on loomulikult e-valimised


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