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Russians have to eat it instead.
RT @DefenceU: The cats of Izyum eagerly await their liberators. Unlikely that in russia there is such nutritious food for cats.
📹: @YurchenkoSt


RT @trlp: Ent Soome teab ettepanekut tehes, et seda otsust ei tule. Noh, iga riik otsustab ise, mida ta tahab ja ei taha teha, aga see meem siiski:


Will say no more on this, but you do realize it's a pattern. 32 years acting undeservedly superior and allowing yourself liberties to say things you never, *ever* would allow (or have allowed) yourself to say about Sweden or Russia/USSR.

So fine. You just reconfirmed it. Thanks.


Millegipärast vihastatakse kui mainin 90-, 2000- ja 2010ndate ülbusi ja üleolekut Eesti ja eestlaste suhtes. Halonen, Lipponen, Tuomioja olla minevik. Kõik olevat muutunud.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

Kummardagem siis Herrenvolki
@minna_alander @charlyjsp
RT @TuomasEnbuske: soome @demarit aseesimees @matiasmakynen vihjas @YleAstudio, et eesti ei ole õigusriik, sest sulges venelastele oma piirid, @IlvesTooma…


Kas ma peaksin imestama?

Meil olla juba demokraatiaga probleemid sest George Bush tuli Eestisse aga mitte Soome.

Kahju, et me nii kiiresti ratifitseerisime.

Tähelepanu suursaadik @Sakkov, @MFAestonia
RT @TuomasEnbuske: soome @demarit aseesimees @matiasmakynen vihjas @YleAstudio, et eesti ei ole õigusriik, sest sulges venelastele oma piirid, @ilvestoomas

see on täielik jama! soome valitsuse joon on häbiväärne, ja sellel puudu…


If true it’ll be a open season on Russian trolls tomorrow
RT @sentdefender: There are Unconfirmed Reports that after 2359 Moscow Local Time tonight, it will be Illegal for Military Aged Men between the ages of 18-65 to leave Russia and all Territories Occupied by the Russian Federation.


That would resolve the EU visa issue for half the population
RT @sentdefender: There are Unconfirmed Reports that after 2359 Moscow Local Time tonight, it will be Illegal for Military Aged Men between the ages of 18-65 to leave Russia and all Territories Occupied by the Russian Federation.


RT @mfa_russia: 🇷🇺 President of Vladimir :

💬 members are countries which firmly believe that the modern world must be polycentric and based on the generally recognised norms of international law & the principles of equal & indivisible security



RT @JimmySecUK: It's worth remembering that Dmitry Medvedev already laid out a red line in respect to Crimea, promising on Telegram that "judgment day will come very fast and hard" if the peninsula was attacked by Ukraine.

But after the Ukrainians DID attack Crimea, he just deleted his post.🙃


When it comes to Russia’s failings in Ukraine, “anti-imperialist” rhetoric is spreading across the Western left-wing. @Chrisdyork reports for @newlinesmag on the top five spinners.


Plebiscites in militarily occupied territories are forbidden under international law, their results are null and void *ab initio* and taken seriously by no one.
RT @NoYardstick: The occupying forces in Kherson Region now also want to hold a "referendum". The article doesn't mention a date, but likely the same as Luhansk.

Yes, it seems Russia is trying to stop the counteroffensive by means of annexation & threat of escalation.


Anonymous tankies will always find a whataboutist reply to justify some commie crimes against humanity. Case in point:
RT @BsBroschyr: @DarthPutinKGB


I see that to get rid of Putinism we will have to go back to replace our "NATO-centric" view of Russia with kumbaya and be a social welfare agency/psychiatric social workers for Russia so their fee-fees won't be hurt.


You wonder why the CEE is so tolerant.

With people like @merkel_wolfgang you see how the spirit of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact flourishes not only in the fevered dreams of Alexandr Dugin but in Germany in 2022 as well.

Views like his need to be made known across CEE.
RT @phoenix_de: Kann es eine Kooperation mit geben? Da haben Prof. @merkel_wolfgang und @n_roettgen @cducsubt gänzlich unterschiedliche Meinungen.


This entire piece by @stefanauer_hku is very good.
RT @stefanauer_hku: ‘Whether we like it or not, when Poles talk about domination, they fear not merely Russia but Germany too, particularly when Germany is seen as being too close to Russia’, or so I argue in @POLITICOEurope


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