Nali naljaks aga tollal oli Eesti esimesi, kes andis naistele valimisõiguse, varem kui pea *ükski* nn "Vana Euroopa" riiki. Norra ja Taani olid meist ees. "Uus riik" Soome ka. 2 aastat enne "liberaalset" Rootsi. Prantusmaa ootas kuni 1944.
1917. a. oli Eesti täitsa eesrindlik.
RT @Helendus: Aasta on 1917, Eesti naised on viimaks saanud valimisõiguse, talupojad: "Kas siis nüitse anname walimisõigsuse ka pudulojustele? Kas ka rehepeksumasin võikse nüid hääletada?"
Attn: @koutchoukalimar
RT @secretsqrl123: lots of people asking who will pay for the dutch F16s... dont worry holland has been waiting for years for payback
Jälle mingi anonüümne troll 14 jälgijaga, kes pole kusagil mingi tegija:
RT @kustas33: @vilbiks @tankler lasteostu ehk inimkaubanduse legaliseerimise toetajaid on eesti "ühiskonnategelaste" hulgas palju - see pole ju mingi üllatus!
Suht uskumatu aga arvestades ERR praegust taset, võib-olla mitte.
RT @proviisor: itimeeste grupi kaudu jõudis minuni lõpuks info, et viimast Rahva Oma Kaitse 16.05.23 saadet esialgselt tsenseeriti ja siis lõigati veel 10 minutit lühemaks. Ütleme nii, et minu huvi see ainult kasvatas :) Siin veel tsenseeritud (mitte kärbitud) versioon.
600 ühiskonnategelast avaldasid toetuskirja perekonnaseaduse muutmisele #ERR
Countries' and leaders' attitude towards Russia's brutal aggression and war crimes in Ukraine has become, inside Europe as well as around the world, a litmus test of whom to take seriously, whom to view as unserious and/or morally corrupt.
RT @OliverStuenkel: Lula says Ukraine's peace proposal, which includes a demand for Moscow to withdraw all its troops and for Ukraine’s full territorial integrity to be restored, amounts to "Russia's surrender"
Another country where populism (in this case left-populism, like right-populism, pro-Putin) roundly defeated by normal people.
RT @visegrad24: The New Democracy party of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis won the Greek elections today with 40%(a 1% increase)
The far-left, pro-Russian Syriza party declined by 11 percentage points, bringing them down to 20%
Varoufakis & his Pro-Russian MeRA25 are out of parliament
Erakordselt hea intervjuu erakordselt tubli, julge ja patriootilise Eesti kodanikuga.
RT @maarjapunak: Kihvt intervjuu naelapea pihta tabavate näidetega. Äge on lugeda inimeste lugusid, kes on Ukrainas toimuva sõja ja Venemaa ja venelaseks olemise teema enda jaoks pulkadeks lahti võtnud ja oskavad oma seisukohti selgitada. #ERR
RT @dwnews: Russia's envoy to the US said that providing F-16 jets to Kyiv would raise the question of NATO’s involvement in the Ukraine war.
One of the best essays on Ukraine in a long time.
Unlike isolationist pie-in-the-sky, this is what genuine realism in foreign policy should look like. By @EliotACohen
RT @WarintheFuture: “To be brutal…we need to see masses of Russians fleeing, deserting, shooting their officers, taken captive, or dead. The Russian defeat must be an unmistakably big, bloody shambles.” A fine essay on why Russia’s defeat matters from @EliotACohen
The embodiment of the Okhrana, NKVD, KGB, GRU and the FSB.
RT @BRyvkin: On the night of his assassination, Rasputin ate two poisoned pastries. Nothing happened. Drank a few glasses of poisoned madeira. Also nothing. He was then shot once, collapsed, arose & lunged at his killers. Then he was shot four more times before dying. Not 100% of this world.
A smart article that moves beyond putting out current fires. The analysis is spot on European security, the authors think ahead and offer rational advice.
Nature vähem vingumist palun
RT @EU_Eurostat: ❄️🏠 In 2021, 6.9% of the EU population was unable to keep their home adequately warm.
Largest shares in:
🇧🇬Bulgaria (24%)
🇱🇹Lithuania (23%)
🇨🇾Cyprus (19%)
Lowest shares in:
🇫🇮Finland (1%)
🇸🇪Sweden, 🇸🇮Slovenia and 🇦🇹Austria (all below 2%)
Reaping what you sow.
You get the feeling the world really doesn’t like you? via @thedailybeast
TFW you see yourself vicariously reliving 2003
RT @Prune602: @JuliaDavisNews “We should remember that we’re standing alone”
~ Margarita Simonyan
All alone…could it be a consequence of your actions?
🇷🇺: 😡😭
No wonder he drank too much... again. Those Anglo-Saxons and their CEE poodles again.
RT @ManiacMagic1: Lavrov's daughter expelled from Georgia with her relatives - Mtavari
She came to a wedding and booked the entire hotel, where Georgians protested outside. President Zurabishvili intervened and canceled the wedding. Lavrov's relatives were then expelled from the country.
Parafraseerides 22 ennast täis eks-kommunisti, XII ENSV Ülemnõukogu liikmeid, "poleks toona, aastail 1990–1992 osanud" enamus eestlasi küll ette näha, et 32 aastat hiljem grupp seltsimehi ikka tahaksid teha Eestist Belarus või Venemaa.
Bad hangover again? Hitting the sauce with Dima the Dim and Maria "lumpy sugar" Zahharova?
RT @RFI: Sommet du G7: une réunion d'«hystérie anti-russe et anti-chinoise» aux yeux de Moscou
Olen alati suhtunud skepsisega nendesse, kes millegipärast teevad suurt numbrit teiste inimeste homoseksuaalsusest, nagu see oleks nende asi tatti ja tõrva pritsida teemal, mis pole üldse enda sättumises kindla inimese asi. Lugege.
Empiiriline loetelu homofoobide tegelikusest.
RT @ilvestoomas: Ajal mil eks-kommunistid, paremäärmuslased ja EELK tegelased võistlevad, et olla räigeim homofoob, siin loetelu Lääne eriti homofoobsetest poliitikute-/kiriku tegelastest,…
Ajal mil eks-kommunistid, paremäärmuslased ja EELK tegelased võistlevad, et olla räigeim homofoob, siin loetelu Lääne eriti homofoobsetest poliitikute-/kiriku tegelastest, kes äkki ise osutavad salageideks.
Millal selguvad me enda variseridest vihkajad?😃
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