La conférence sur la région du lac Tchad à Niamey met en lumière une crise humanitaire trop souvent oubliée. 11 millions de personnes ont besoin d'une assistance humanitaire, 2,9 millions sont déplacées à l'intérieur du Nigeria, du Tchad, du Cameroun et du Niger.
RT @gibbin_hannah: "...humanitarian, climate, development, security and other stakeholders [must] work together..."
@RESCUEorg calls for international community not to forget the Lake Cha…
RT @YvesBigot: Achetez le ou chroniquez le, pas pour moi mais pour #ManuDibango sa vie incroyable, son point de vue inouï sur la musique et les relations entre ll’Afrique, la France, la Belgique et l’Amerique @LeMotetleReste #MichaelJackson @quincyjonesprod
RT @PaoloCernuschi: IRC calls for international community not to forget the Lake Chad Basin as leaders convene for pledging conference via @RescueOrg
RT @RESCUE_EU: Happening tomorrow! Join the IRC for its 5th annual Einstein Dialogue exploring how the international community can end impunity for violations of humanitarian law during crises.
To attend online or in-person in Berlin, sign up at
RT @NilsSchmid: Heute finden in Paris die Feierlichkeiten zum 60. Jubiläum des Élysée-Vertrages statt. Gerade wegweisende Reden von Kanzler Scholz & Präsident Macron an der Sorbonne zu den Errungenschaften der dt-frz Freundschaft & konkreten Schritten für mehr europäische Souveränität.
RT @DMiliband: I’m en route to Senegal and Cameroon and looking forward to meeting @RESCUEorg staff and clients. West Africa shows what happens when conflict, climate change and economic shocks come together.
RT @amdescotes: "Zwei Seelen in einer Brust. Deux âmes dans une même poitrine" la France et l'Allemagne célèbrent aujourd'hui le 60ème anniversaire du Traité de l'Elysee " socle d'un lien inaltérable" @EmmanuelMacron
RT @amdescotes: 60 années d'amitié franco-allemande, 60 années dd paix, 60 années de coopération et de projets au service de l'Europe. Ensemble allons encore plus loin!
RT @MarysiaZapasnik: Today, in #Kherson, as we unloaded more trucks with essential #humanitarian items, the sound of shelling was constant.
Life for people in the city is heart-breakingly difficult.
We have more deliveries next week.
#ukraine #kherson
RT @RESCUE_EU: Join the IRC for its 5th annual Einstein Dialogue hybrid discussion taking place online / in Berlin Tues 24 Jan.
We will explore how governments can step up efforts to end impunity when humanitarian laws are violated in crises.
Learn more and sign up ⬇️
RT @RESCUE_EU: Meet Amina, Mohamed, Madina, Makus, Owliyo. 💛
They are among the millions of people in #Somalia who are uprooted by drought and facing a catastrophic hunger crisis.
Read more about the ongoing crisis in Somalia ⬇️
RT @DMiliband: We witness daily attacks on civilian targets in humanitarian crises around the world. Important @RESCUEorg panel event in Berlin next week (+online) bringing together @GermanyDiplo and civil society experts on political action to end impunity. Register:
RT @NilsSchmid: Vive la République, vive l'amitié franco-allemande, vive l'Europe!
Meine ganze Rede zur heutigen Vereinbarten Debatte zu 60 Jahre deutsch-französischer Freundschaftsvertrag – Gemeinsame Verantwortung für die Zukunft Europas gibt es hier:
RT @gideonrachman: Really thought provoking conversation with @DMiliband on why the number of deadly conflicts is proliferating. Is it because leaders know they can get away with atrocities? And how do you end immunity?
RT @RESCUE_UK: IRC president and CEO @DMiliband in conversation with @gideonrachman discusses why a global effort to tackle impunity is imperative to reverse the suffering caused by conflict, famine and climate change.
Join us! January 24 is the IRC's next #EinsteinDialog in Berlin. With Luise Amtsberg @DEonHumanRights , Alexandre Liebeskind @hdcentre, Ruham Hawash @impactcsrd and Sam Duerden @RESCUEorg we will discuss Germany´s role in ending impunity in conflicts ↓
RT @RESCUE_UK: 8.3 million people in Somalia are on the brink of catastrophic famine. A combination of insufficient aid funding and an expected sixth failed rainy season is putting the population at risk of starvation.
RT @RSF_inter: #Turquie 🇹🇷: RSF rend hommage au journaliste arménien de 🇹🇷 #HrantDink, assassiné le 19 janvier 2007 devant son journal @AGOSgazetesi. RSF demande que toutes les personnes en lien avec ce crime soient poursuivies.
RT @hansvandeweerd: At @RESCUEorg we work night and day to welcome refugees, asylum seekers and others that seek US protection. Thank you for the kind words @SecBlinken and @PRMAsstSec but more importantly for your key reforms to welcome more refugees!
Over the past few days, three of IRC programme locations came under shelling in #Ukraine.
Our staff were forced to suspend essential humanitarian work in the Kharkiv region, Dnipro and Kherson. Perpetrators must be held to account.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Senior Vice-President Europe at International Rescue Committee @RESCUEorg @RESCUE_EU Personal account