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@BioMickWatson @HI_Voices @sweenyness @LeaskyHT What a shocking thing to say! It’s not the rural communities which are getting the sales. They would be perfectly happy to be self sufficient and not export. These connections should be buried for weather reasons, anyway


@olivercravenld @TrueAnonyman @hodgestick @bee_slash_her I’m told they are working on it in conjunction with Plus


@DWPgovuk I need to speak to someone about a PIP admin thing. The phone seems to be impossible. Is there an email address or do I need to use snail mail?


@hodgestick @bee_slash_her And, actually, was not so much bad as necessary (signed, drafter of first definition)


RT @PatsyeStevenson: For me and every cis woman I know this is not how we feel. Trans women are not a threat in 'women's spaces' it's all absurd. Also hey new followers, those of you who don't know - I don't sit on the fence, I support trans rights.


@HI_Voices The marine environment matters to all of us, not just those who it exploit it for income. So, maybe engage with the consultation, instead of just binning the whole idea? Outrage over (temporarily). Thread ends/


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@HI_Voices We KNOW that there are many reasons to undertake restoration beyond immediate environmental concerns, - potential socio- economic opportunities linked with tourism and sustainable fishing, and enhancing community awareness of, and participation in, the marine environment. 4/


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@HI_Voices the commitment to turn 10% of our MPAs into HMPAs by 2026. Rightly. So the issues are are around where and how, not whether.

We are living not only in a climate crisis, but a nature emergency. 50% species loss in the last 50 years, not to mention the extinction rate. 2/


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@HI_Voices Coming from the ignored NE, whilst I agree with her about governing for all of Scotland, that is about the only sustainable thing she says in the article. I am happy to wade into the HPMA thing.

Background- U.K. AND Scottish governments signed up to (Nay, led on) 1/


@ruskin147 @k5j6d2 I think you were brave to try. I know you love , but you can't care for her if you can't move, yourself.


@TwitterSupport I'm gobsmCked to fine @buitengebieden is suspended. Please fix this travesty.


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