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RT by @djeppink: In de 1e jaren Mandela na afschaffing apartheid meermaals met trots leiding ANC in ZA en NL geadviseerd/-getraind. Vandaag klaagt Zuid-Afrika niet Rusland, niet China, niet Iran, maar met steun van oa Iran, Syrië en Venezuela, Israël aan. Tragisch ontspoord


[2024-01-11 19:29 UTC]

Wordt het geen tijd OS gelden aan Zuid-Afrika te bevriezen?
Hearings to begin at The Hague in case claiming Israel’s Gaza war is genocide | Israel-Gaza war | The Guardian


[2024-01-11 14:42 UTC]

70% Duitse burgers steunt de boeren. Boeren voelen zich niet gewaardeerd, vergeten, vooral genegeerd door stedelijke elites die DU besturen.
Klinkt bekend in de oren?


[2024-01-11 12:57 UTC]

RT by @djeppink: France is simply not a serious country anymore. Our new Prime Minister - Gabriel Attal - is 34 years old.

Here's his CV:
- Went to one of the poshest high schools in Paris (École Alsacienne)
- Graduated university (Sciences Po) in Paris in 2012 with a Master of Public Affairs
- Worked a menial job (parliamentary liaison) for five years at the Ministry of Health
- Became an MP in 2017 of a small posh constituency in greater Paris
- Since he is arguably a good public speaker he was made spokesperson of La République En Marche! (Macron's party) in January 2018
- October 2018: appointed Secrétaire d'État (junior minister) to the Minister of National Education and Youth
- 2020: he became the government spokesperson
- May 2022: he became Minister of Public Action and Accounts
- July 2023: appointed Minister of National Education and Youth
- January 2024: Prime Minister

So here we have a guy who graduated university only 12 years ago, only has 6 years work experience at a job with actual "responsibilities" and half that time he was a spokesperson (i.e. a press secretary). He has never worked (or even studied) outside Paris and has obviously remained in the same small cushy bubble all his - very short - life, stepping directly from the benches of his posh school to those of the French government. The most hardship he's suffered in his life is probably when his mummy grounded him for not doing his homework...

Are you telling me this is the profile of a man with the character and life experience necessary to lead a country's government? I mean, COME ON! I know liberal democracy has become such that politicians are supposed to be mere pretty faces just explaining to you that "it's not true that everything is going to shit and we're the best" but even with this standard, this is just a joke. I mean, at least try to make it look real...

I'd actually take any random 50…


[2024-01-09 16:25 UTC]

RT by @djeppink: WOAH

Convoy with thousands of tractors on the German autobahn stretching as far as the eye can see.

No farmers = No food



[2024-01-07 23:34 UTC]

RT by @djeppink: BREAKING: Nationwide farmer protest begins in Germany.

The media doesn't want you seeing this, so share it everywhere!


[2024-01-08 08:51 UTC]

RT by @djeppink: PVV-leider Geert Wilders trekt drie in Den Haag omstreden wetsvoorstellen - onder meer een verbod op islamitische uitingen - formeel in. Eerder kondigde Wilders al aan om zijn toon te matigen en omstreden plannen in de ’ijskast’ te willen zetten.


[2024-01-08 10:14 UTC]

RT by @djeppink: Intrekken van de 3 wetsvoorstellen door @geertwilderspvv is mooie stap voorwaarts en past bij belofte die hij eerder deed. BBB hoopt nu, samen met de andere partijen, komende weken verder te kunnen praten over andere belangrijke dossiers, die gaan over de problemen in Nederland.


[2024-01-08 11:05 UTC]

RT by @djeppink: Oud-minister Grapperhaus wekt woede met uitspraken over PVV: ‘Zo brutaal als de beul’ “Grapperhaus. Is dat niet die minister die op zijn bruiloft precies datgene deed wat hij jonge mensen verbood?” vraagt huisarts Els van Veen.


[2024-01-07 08:33 UTC]

RT by @djeppink: Politicus van toen, @MinPres en 95% van de hedendaagse ‘politici’ mogen hooguit haar voeten kussen …



[2024-01-07 11:01 UTC]

RT by @djeppink: Yahya Sinwar, head of Hamas in Gaza, had an aggressive brain cancer several years ago.

He was operated in Israel and received extensive treatment, leading to his full recovery. All paid by Israeli taxpayer.

Israel saved his life. He sent his "thank you" on October 7th.


[2024-01-06 21:36 UTC]

RT by @djeppink: Het koppel de en vd belazeren tijdens de kluit door achter de rug van 't om een ruilhandeltje tussen en de provincie op touw te zetten. Dit los van de . Misbruik demissionaire status!


[2024-01-05 18:04 UTC]

RT by @djeppink: Nationale Postcode Loterij: 31,3 miljoen euro voor Clinton Foundation. En niemand van de landelijke pers die het bestuur van de loterij vraagt waarom.


[2024-01-05 07:21 UTC]

RT by @djeppink: Duitse🇩🇪Minister Habeck wordt door boze ter verantwoording geroepen wanneer hij met het veer terugkomt van vakantie. Ze proberen het schip te bestormen en de politie lukt het niet om ze tegen te houden. Hij zit nu vast op het schip in Schlüttsiel.


[2024-01-04 18:55 UTC]

RT by @djeppink: Party leader @BoerBurgerB @lientje1967 concludes on a thought provoking phenomenon: "If Farmers leave, they will not come back. No-one is going to come into farming and invest millions of pounds, if farmers are not recognised for the work they are doing."



[2024-01-04 11:32 UTC]

Eerste voorverkiezing 15/01/24 in Iowa.
Startschot race presidentschap.
Ook hier immigratie thema nr 1.
Donald Trump: Joe Biden undid my secure border; I will restore it


[2024-01-03 20:31 UTC]

Volgens peilingen: Trump 60%+ onder Republikeinen.
2024 Republican Primary: Presidential Nomination Polls | RealClearPolling


[2024-01-03 20:36 UTC]

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