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The only thing that was "burning" in Brussels last week was the square in front of the European Parliament.
Torched by some "protestors" with the support of the Orban-government.


[2024-02-05 10:46 UTC]

Orban's Fidesz zu Sweden:
'If you want to become NATO member, you have to come to Budapest and kiss the ring.'
If you think "Wow, that sounds like some Mafia stuff", well that's exactly what they want it to sound like.


[2024-02-05 13:03 UTC]

The other good news after this EU summit:
20bn Euros of EU funds for the Orban regime remain frozen.
Thanks to a resolute European Parliament.


[2024-02-02 09:42 UTC]

Donald Tusk slams Viktor Orban in 5 statements:
- "Orban fatigue"
- "security risk"
- "Orban decides if he's in our out"
- "egoistic game"
- "if Orbans position dominates, Ukraine will lose the war"
Some things in the Council have changed very much indeed.


[2024-02-01 09:45 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: 🚨 There's something of a Jan 6 feel in Brussels with farmers supported by Viktor Orbán and far-right extremists who have long supported the Kremlin on a violent rampage during a critical EU summit on aid to Ukraine. This feels like a join-the-dots moment, folks.


[2024-02-01 09:46 UTC]

EU leaders agree on 50bn Euros much needed aid for Ukraine.
Viktor Orban drops his veto.
Big success for European security.


[2024-02-01 10:36 UTC]

Looks like Orban folded.
Lesson learnt:
The only language that Orban understands is real pressure.
Now, it's time to repair democracy in Hungary: Article-7 and rule of law conditionality MUST proceed.


[2024-02-01 11:02 UTC]

Bürokratie-Abbau bei CDU/CSU heisst:
von seiner Partei keinen aussichtsreichen Listenplatz bekommt und dafür auf einen hochdotierten Posten in der EU-Kommission gesetzt wird.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!


[2024-02-01 11:28 UTC]

In front of European Parliament right now:
➡️ Fire
➡️ rocks and firecrackers thrown against policemen
➡️ lots of drunk and aggressive people


[2024-02-01 07:44 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: “Viktor Orbans Haltung ist ein Sicherheitsriskio für uns alle”, sagt mir Polens Premierminister Tusk vor dem Gipfel. So klar spricht sonst keiner seiner Kolleginnen und Kollegen im .


[2024-02-01 08:36 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: Donald Tusk tells reporters if no deal - Orban will be responsible for “dark scenario”


[2024-02-01 08:37 UTC]

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