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‼️THIS is remarkable‼️

The Orban governments spends millions of Euros on anti-Brussels propaganda.

And still, Hungarians have more trust in the European Parliament. Like A LOT more trust.

Source: Eurobarometer.


"Formal government coalitions involving the extreme right were once unthinkable in Europe, but no longer. In general, they have not worked well — but even so, we can expect more of them in the future."



RT @panyiszabolcs: 🔎New investigation: Viktor Orbán's government tried to help unfreeze funds of a Russia-dominated bank, blocked by European authorities due to sanctions.

Moreover, Hungary even tried to help the Russians avoid future direct Western sanctions on the bank.


@moritzkoerner @LinkAlbert @huettemann Die Sache mit dem Doppelsitz in Brüssel ist doch völlig klar: Will keiner. Wenn wir das wirklich endlich mal stoppen wollen, braucht es Bewegung in Paris.


This years Oscars - in the category of anti-EU propaganda and hate speech - goes to the Orban government. Again.

Well deserved!


Things you can build in your hometown when getting rich with corruption:

⚽️ a football stadium
🚂 a toy train
🏰 a palace

Hungarian countryside always worth a visit for EU budget controllers.


Viktor Orban manages to talk about the Russian war against Ukraine without ever mentioning Russia.

It's mesmerizing.


"In 2022, the office ordered €359 million worth of assets frozen, seven times the organization’s budget."

The European Prosecutor is doing a great job tackling corruption in the EU!


Things you can build in your hometown when getting rich with corruption:

⚽️ a football stadium
🚂 a toy train
🏰 a palace

Hungarian countryside always worth a visit for EU budget controllers.


Former Slovenian Prime Minister Jansa - aka Marshall Tweeto - sharing anti-semitic fake news on twitter.

Hard to imagine, but this guy once spoke in the European Parliament for the Council Presidency.


RT @FrancesDiBi: 's govt is attacking . What's happening here at @DomaniGiornale deserves attention at the European level. That's why I'm writing a short thread in English. ->


RT @lobbycontrol: Katar sponsert Business-Class Flüge für den Leiter der Generaldirektion Mobilität & Verkehr der EU-Kommission, während die EU ein Flugabkommen mit Katar verhandelt. Dass er sich dabei „an bestehenden Regeln hielt“, zeigt nur wie schlecht diese sind. (1/7)


RT @SenatorShaheen: .@USAmbHungary has rightly condemned Viktor Orbán’s autocratic policies. During our meeting today, I thanked Amb. Pressman for his leadership & for reminding the Hungarian people that the U.S. always stands in support of democracy & human rights.


The village of Felcsút (pop. 1700) is lucky. It's the home of Viktor Orban. And it's been on the receiving end of A LOT of EU funded projects. Including a toy train and whatever this is:


Hungarian government touring SWE and FIN these days, asking for "respect".

I wonder, "respect" for what exactly?
- the corruption?
- the anti-democratic policies?
- the Putin propaganda?
- the anti-Brussels hate speech?
- all the foreign policy vetoes?


'Brussels ate our homework.'
RT @RULEOFLAWpl: President Duda assessed that the blocking of funds is an attempt by EU institutions and the "left-liberal camp" to overthrow the current authorities in 🇵🇱. "They think they can influence the results of the elections and thus violate democratic principles"


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