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R to @carolinevoaden: facilities and we want our young people to be able to make the most of everything this programme offers.

There's a big world out there - we need to be part of it. Fully part of it - understanding cultures and speaking languages.



[2023-12-08 15:57 UTC]

Contrast this to
who said on
that 'it's an issue of huge importance to the majority of British people'.
It's really not. They want to see a dentist. They want their kids' teachers to be not on the edge of despair. They want trains that run and water


[2023-12-08 16:01 UTC]

R to @carolinevoaden: that is not full of sewage.

It rarely comes up on the doorstep and when it does people agree that we need compassion and efficiency - not performative cruelty.

General election. That's what we need.


[2023-12-08 16:01 UTC]

A desperate, tetchy news conference from a lame-duck Prime Minister who has lost control of his party.
He clearly knows his doomed Rwanda plan is unlikely to succeed and his bill may fail.
He may not want it, but this will clearly be a confidence vote in Sunak.


[2023-12-07 11:32 UTC]

RT by @carolinevoaden: When the nasty party can’t even muster the competence to do their nastiness properly, you begin to wonder what’s the point of them?


[2023-12-06 17:54 UTC]

And there we have it. It’s nothing to do with migrants. It’s all about getting re-elected. The Tory party literally has no shame.
(Spoiler alert
- you’re not going to win however despicable and cruel your policies become between now and the next election).


[2023-12-06 16:31 UTC]

RT by @carolinevoaden: Well done @SarahDykeLD mental health challenges in rural communities are a very significant issue. Thank you for speaking up on this important issue


[2023-12-05 20:33 UTC]

Let’s be clear. The govt’s new immigration threshold means people on Devon wages have basically been told they can’t live with someone they love unless they’re British. The £38K cap is way too high - total disconnect from what people actually earn here. Will hit women even harder


[2023-12-06 08:41 UTC]

Conservative MPs last night voted against a Lib Dem amendment calling for a compensation scheme for swimmers and others who fall sick from illegal sewage in our rivers, lakes and seas. Once again they are letting water companies off the hook for this sewage scandal.


[2023-12-05 08:18 UTC]

New Conservative immigration rules just an extension of its damaging, divisive policies. These arbitrary new rules will do nothing to grow our economy, help British businesses or help the NHS recruit the workers they need.
Despicable virtue signalling to Farage and his cronies.


[2023-12-05 08:25 UTC]

Good luck today to all the Atmos campaigners ❤️ as developer goes to appeal in Totnes. The last brownfield site in the town and we want to build 100% truly affordable homes on it. It’s what our community needs. There is only one right result🤞🏻🤞🏻


[2023-12-05 09:34 UTC]

Wow. Amazing film about the people in Tuvalu facing
a catastrophic future due to sea level rise. Well done Channel 4 News - I challenge anyone to watch this film and not feel deeply moved, and ashamed by our lack of action.
I hope it has same effect at


[2023-12-04 19:45 UTC]

Another good seminar by
for party members on their work on the crisis in Gaza and Israel.
Proud of our party’s position on this and unequivocal support for a two state solution and immediate bilateral ceasefire.


[2023-12-04 19:49 UTC]

RT by @carolinevoaden: These lot (paid by unknown sources - they’re part of the Tufton Street lot) LIE to us CONSTANTLY.
Mainly on GBNews.

About 170,000 Ukrainians &amp; 125,000 Hong Kongers came to the UK last year. Nearly none claimed asylum - we gave them visas.

That’s almost 300,000 of the 745,000.


[2023-12-03 09:06 UTC]

RT by @carolinevoaden: For decades Newsnight has sent teams around the world to do original journalism, held power to account, analysed complex geo-politics and exposed wrong-doing. It's a sad day, and not just for those of us who once worked there.


[2023-11-29 15:55 UTC]

RT by @carolinevoaden: Gutted to hear about the gutting of . Its power was always the combination of strong films with robust interviews often around an Off Broadway take. I had the privilege of working for it while a BBC foreign correspondent. It was once considered the gold standard.


[2023-11-29 17:43 UTC]

Very cold outside but we had an extremely warm welcome on doorsteps this week. Two South Hams villages both desperate for change. From the NHS to cost of living, housing and environment it couldn’t be clearer that the Tories are not delivering for anyone.
Time for an election!


[2023-11-29 20:25 UTC]

This is a massive loss for public service broadcasting in the UK. And for such a small monetary gain.
Why is the BBC doing this to


[2023-11-29 20:29 UTC]

RT by @carolinevoaden: A majority of Britons would support joining the single market, even if this meant free movement of people

All Britons
Support: 57%
Oppose: 22%

Leave voters
Support: 35%
Oppose: 45%

Remain voters
Support: 83%
Oppose: 6%


[2023-11-29 11:41 UTC]

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