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@EllzSummary @SteveBarclay @theRCN @patcullen9 This is the key. Their pay has been slipping for years while the workload becomes heavier. The NHS can’t be sustained on goodwill


@Shay_TheActress @MarkRSWright @StokesNeuro @WidowedAndYoung I’m so sorry to hear that. There is a US organisation I think that is similar. Widows wear stilettos or something… worth checking out. Solidarity is vital x


I wouldn't underestimate the nurses if I was @SteveBarclay - I'd get round the table PDQ. And if I were a Tory MP I would demand it.
Talking tough and expecting nurses to cave in is behaviour of a bully - and the govt have got this so wrong


@MarkRSWright @StokesNeuro Sending love to both of you and your families. I’m so sorry to read these tweets. Twenty years ago I lost the father of my two little girls to cancer. I can’t recommend @WidowedAndYoung highly enough. Saved my sanity and gave me friends for life.


This is how planning can be done. Private sector net zero homes - well done @CheltenhamBC for raising the bar on developers
RT @MartinChelt: Pleased ⁦@CheltenhamBC⁩ planners have refused bid to build in foreground of this stunning view from ⁦@CotswoldsAONB⁩ on site with important orchards. Nearby, our first private sector net zero homes are going up. You can plan homes AND be green. ⁦@GreenLibDems⁩


@AnnieLennox And this is why I don't leave Twitter... Just love gems like this. The singer, the dancing, the dive mask... just brilliant! Thanks @AnnieLennox


I completely agree with this @LukePollard - so why did Labour Lords abstain when they could have stopped this legislation in a fatal motion in the House of Lords tabled by the Liberal Democrats? How serious is Labour really about defeating this attack on our democracy?
RT @LukePollard: Today on I spoke out against the Conservatives’ attempt to gerrymander elections with compulsory voter ID.

The chances of you falling victim to voter imper…


RT @sarahjolney1: Mortgage costs are soaring, housing repossessions are up 30%, and 500,000 renters are behind on payments.

Nobody deserves to be forced out of their home this Christmss.

We need a temporary eviction and repossession ban to end this Dickensian nightmare.


RT @Dan_Acher: Ever so accurate.
"Every winter, fresh snow reveals how much we’ve over-designed our streets & roads for cars, making them faster & more dangerous, & how much space we could reclaim for people & public life" via @fietsprofessor


RT @EdwardJDavey: Rishi Sunak's desperate attempts to push through voter ID laws are nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to stop people voting

Proud that Lib Dems have tabled a fatal motion in the Lords to stop these Trumpian measures in their tracks


Great to see protesters in London to defend wild camping on Dartmoor
No wealthy private landlord should be able to overturn the right to camp out under the stars on Dartmoor. So vital especially for young people many of whom get their first taste for outdoor adventure on the moor
RT @guyshrubsole: Outside the Royal Courts of Justice to defend wild camping with ⁦@Right_2Roam⁩ & ⁦@EveryonesStars⁩! Wealthy landowner Alexander Darwall is trying to extinguish our legal…


Great thread on the reality of public sector pay rises.

It’s high time the govt got round the table.
RT @RichardJMurphy: Rishi Sunak has claimed that to pay a 10% pay rise to all public sector employees will cost each household in the UK £1,000. This is what I call CRAp - which stands for a ‘completely rubbish approximation’ to the truth. Let me explain…a thread…


Thanks to all who joined the Reclaim the Night march on a freezing Torquay evening!
Sexual harassment, abuse and violence is never OK, and it is incumbent on all of us to call it out wherever we see it - from everyday micro-agressions to serious violence


Thank god this harrowing story didn’t have a worse ending.
I’m glad your daughter got the meds she needed Rachel - and sorry to read what you went through trying to get them. It really, really shouldn’t be like this.

Let’s not forget billions on dodgy contracts for VIP mates
RT @RachelCurtis82: The Tories have destroyed our NHS.
A thread 🧵

My daughter was prescribed Clarithromycin late this afternoon by a GP. We couldn't get an appointment until 4.30 as there …


Fantastic to see Lib Dems now have a majority on North Devon District Council. And tories nearly beaten into third place.
Happy Friday everyone


Landkey, North Devon DC

Lib Dem - 374
Con - 237
Green - 228
Labour - 36

Lib Dem GAIN from Independent

Well done to new Councillor Victoria Nel!


RT @friends_earth: 🚨 BREAKING: The government have just approved planning permission for a new coal mine in Cumbria.

This is an appalling decision. This is a misguided and deeply damaging mistake.


The decision to open a new mine in Cumbria exposes this govt for the climate hypocrites they really are.
How can we show global leadership on climate now?
What about creating jobs with green tech instead?
We must look forward not back. Exporting coal is not the answer


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