RT @hrw: BREAKING @hrw & @amnesty report on abuses amounting to crimes against humanity & war crimes in Ethiopia’s Western Tigray Zone
Since November 2020, officials & Amhara security forces have engaged in a relentless campaign of ethnic cleansing to force Tigrayans from their homes🧵
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/blochbihler/status/1511569945183899655
RT @UNGeneva: "We are dealing with the full-fledged invasion of one Member State of the UN, #Ukraine, by another, the Russian Federation, a Permanent Member of the Security Council, in violation of the UN Charter, with several aims, including redrawing the internationally-recognized borders."
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/blochbihler/status/1511455725867917323
RT @IPPNWgermany: Morgen 12:30 vor dem Bundestag #Berlin ++ Nein zur Bewaffnung von Kampfdrohnen! ++ Spontane Kundgebung der Friko Berlin. Wir hoffen, Euch vor Ort zu sehen!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/blochbihler/status/1511455123238756361
RT @IPPNWgermany: Anlässlich des heute veröffentlichten #IPCC-Berichts fordert die IPPNW die Bundesregierung auf, das geplante 100-Milliarden-Paket für #Aufrüstung zurückzunehmen. Ein Umdenken hin zu ziviler Konfliktbearbeitung ist dringend nötig! https://www.ippnw.de/startseite/artikel/de/die-loesung-der-klimakrise-darf-nicht.html
#IPCCReport #Klimakrise
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/blochbihler/status/1511455094289707017
RT @campact: Wenn wir weiterhin Öl, Gas und Kohle bei autokratischen Regimen wie Russland kaufen, finanzieren wir damit Kriege und Menschenrechtsverletzungen! Wir müssen da raus, Schluss mit der fossilen Abhängigkeit. Jetzt unterzeichnen: https://aktion.campact.de/klima/fossile-abhaengigkeit/teilnehmen?utm_source=post-twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=22-04-04-campact-energiesouver%C3%A4nit%C3%A4t-as-video
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/blochbihler/status/1511208390277709827
@FMenschenrechte @forumzfd @IFFF_WILPF @DIMR_Berlin #EnforcedDisappearances
RT @UNGeneva: A powerful reminder why now, more than ever, #MultilateralismMatters.
@UNTreatyBodies work with States, civil society and individuals to ensure that the people of the world can enjoy their rights, and to protect and empower victims.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/blochbihler/status/1511207053246795779
RT @KrajewskiMarkus: Die Bilder aus #Butcha zeigen #Kriegsverbrechen: Wie können die Täter verfolgt werden und muss #Putin nach #DenHaag? Im Gespräch mit Florian Fischer-Fabian @BR24
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/blochbihler/status/1511203741965471750
RT @matthewfsmith: “The work of human rights defenders is within the public’s interest; these cases are not,” said @AmyAlexSmith @FortifyRights, calling for #Thai authorities to “urgently decriminalise defamation…” #Thailand #SLAPP https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2289222/activists-call-for-end-to-slapp-cases#l1i9s1sc021m7rh6mt0b
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/blochbihler/status/1510861731974766594
[2022-04-04 06:08 UTC]
RT @IntlCrimCourt: #AsktheCourt: Who is Mr #AbdAlRahman & what is he accused of? Find out here➡️ https://bit.ly/3JZNc7K & tune in for the opening of his trial before the #ICC on Tuesday 5 April.
📺Watch on 5/4 at 10:00 (CET) on ICC website or Facebook
📖More info: https://www.icc-cpi.int/Pages/item.aspx?name=ma273 #Darfur
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/blochbihler/status/1510507145485336580
[2022-04-03 06:39 UTC]
RT @KenRoth: An announced two-month ceasefire in Yemen -- the first in six years -- offers a much-needed opportunity to stop the bombing and shelling of civilians and the blockading of urgently needed humanitarian aid. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/02/world/middleeast/yemen-cease-fire.html?referringSource=articleShare
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/blochbihler/status/1510501845025841161
[2022-04-03 06:17 UTC]
@FMenschenrechte @forumzfd @IFFF_WILPF #Ukraine @DIMR_Berlin
RT @AgnesCallamard: .@amnesty colleagues have worked tirelessly to document, evidence Russia's crimes in Ukraine since the beginning of the invasion, along with the crackdown in Russia. Find our investigations, testimonies and proofs here: https://t.co/nXmGES4Mu6
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/blochbihler/status/1510500495697264641
[2022-04-03 06:12 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ #HumanRights professional I vice-president of UN Committee on Enforced #Disappearances I board member of @martinennals award I former MEP of @GreensEP