RT by @anapalacio: Since my colleagues published this investigation earlier today, showing how some British wind farms overstate their output to receive extra payments (which consumers have to pay), the UK energy regulator Ofgem has opened an investigation | #renewables
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/JavierBlas/status/1753101985082208346#m
[2024-02-01 17:04 UTC]
RT by @anapalacio: Iran is starting *construction* of four new reactors, with a total output of 5000 MW. No info on design/vendor. Russian 1200 MW VVER reactors, I'd guess. Projected cost is ~$20 billion, for 5000 MW. Western plants are costing several times as much. Iran also says that they're planning to have ~20 GW of nuclear by 2041.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/HopfJames/status/1753112456975769751#m
[2024-02-01 17:45 UTC]
Un rato de esparcimiento en el campus de Georgetown,. Después del frío, cielos grises y lluviosos, ha amanecido un día glorioso y transparente que nvita a pellas.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/anapalacio/status/1753150111381631187#m
[2024-02-01 20:15 UTC]
RT by @anapalacio: Este mes de Enero he tenido la suerte de disfrutar de alguno de los atardeceres y amaneceres más espectaculares desde que vivo en Tenerife.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Imanolzuaznabar/status/1752746546544685156#m
[2024-01-31 17:31 UTC]
Pienso ir!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/anapalacio/status/1752804549545357653#m
[2024-01-31 21:22 UTC]
RT by @anapalacio: Ya son 3 grandes Monedas Africanas que se desploman ..Keep an Eye!!!👇 Importantes consecuencias económicas, sociales , migratorias y geopoliticas .. En el vecindario de 🇪🇺 @anapalacio @alvaro_ims @Manuj_Hidalgo @IlkeToygur @AECID_es @miguelsantos12 @ManzanoCr @kristinakausch
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/alvaroortiz1968/status/1752659745268248912#m
[2024-01-31 11:47 UTC]
RT by @anapalacio: .@anapalacio thinks Taiwan's recent election bodes well for the struggle to uphold liberal-democratic values globally. https://bit.ly/3vRBud3
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ProSyn/status/1752353482294894871#m
[2024-01-30 15:30 UTC]
RT by @anapalacio: Alemania 🇩🇪 invertirá 40.000 millones de € en la construcción de 25 GW de ciclos combinados de gas natural para generar electricidad.
Ironías de la ceguera antinuclear: los 17 reactores nucleares cerrados aportaban 25 GW en 2011.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/OperadorNuclear/status/1751884152603914632#m
[2024-01-29 08:25 UTC]
RT by @anapalacio: China 🇨🇳 tiene un plan para desengancharse del carbón: convertirse en la mayor potencia en energía nuclear del mundo.
El gigante asiático actualmente dispone de 55 reactores operables, 26 (no 23) en construcción, 42 planificados y 154 propuestos.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/OperadorNuclear/status/1751386412333551971#m
[2024-01-27 23:27 UTC]
RT by @anapalacio: The President of @emirates, Tim Clark, has told Australian media that widespread sustainable aviation is NOT possible without nuclear energy.
“If you want to get hydrogen, the power that takes is enormous. You won’t get that through alternative sources (solar, wind, etc).”
“Nuclear will not only give you the power you need for a country but also give you the power to do all these power to liquid transformations.”
An interesting perspective when reflecting on Australia’s ambitious plans to be a “hydrogen superpower”.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ShackelWill/status/1751429789284778465#m
[2024-01-28 02:19 UTC]
RT by @anapalacio: Mala idea | La semana en que fue noticia, @Savater_ firma esta excelente columna, muy pedagógica, como siempre. https://theobjective.com/elsubjetivo/opinion/2024-01-28/ideas-creencias-itziar-ituno/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/JuanCladeRamon/status/1751638107546403256#m
[2024-01-28 16:07 UTC]
De leer con atención
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/anapalacio/status/1751077654579618210#m
[2024-01-27 03:00 UTC]
RT by @anapalacio: The chorus among grid reliability experts is becoming more consistent. Replacing firm power sources with intermittent ones (i.e., not keeping the firm sources open and on standby) reduces grid reliability. Firm sources like nuclear enhance grid reliability.
Yes, large-scale deployment of storage (batteries, etc..) could take over the "backup" role, but that apparently hasn't happened yet. Also, analyses show that the amount of storage required to have a reliable. 100% renewabel grid would be impractical and unaffordable.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/HopfJames/status/1750945251580346414#m
[2024-01-26 18:14 UTC]
RT by @anapalacio: BREAKING: Yemeni Houthis hit with a missile a tanker operated on behalf of commodity trading giant Trafigura. The tanker is on fire.
“Firefighting equipment on board is being deployed to suppress and control the fire caused in one cargo tank,” Trafigura said.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/JavierBlas/status/1750977429215068326#m
[2024-01-26 20:22 UTC]
Efectivaamente, no se lo pierdan.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/anapalacio/status/1750916879437500784#m
[2024-01-26 16:21 UTC]
Buena reflexión.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/anapalacio/status/1750891121734250692#m
[2024-01-26 14:39 UTC]
En Washington. Excelente conferencia del Assistant Secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs. en el German Marshall Fund. La casa del trasatlanticismo.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/anapalacio/status/1750586228712570973#m
[2024-01-25 18:27 UTC]
RT by @anapalacio: Sobre la degradación de Davos como foro económico y la disrupción que supuso el bien construido discurso de Milei.
By @anapalacio
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Proserpinasb/status/1748646672811299165#m
[2024-01-20 10:00 UTC]
RT by @anapalacio: ¿Prescribe Davos?
✍ @anapalacio
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ElMundoInter/status/1748615461330186334#m
[2024-01-20 07:56 UTC]
RT by @anapalacio: Mucha Atención … el conflicto sigue extendiéndose a Países de otro calado Pakistan Retaliates With Strikes Inside Iran as Tensions Spill Over https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/17/world/asia/pakistan-iran-strike.html?smid=tw-share … @anapalacio @manuelmunizv @IlkeToygur @rielcano @SimonWolfe @jitorreblanca @alvaro_ims @kristinakausch
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/alvaroortiz1968/status/1747889454969131029#m
[2024-01-18 07:51 UTC]
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