RT silvia roman
El aire que respiramos. Equipaje de mano en @ElMundoInter por @anapalacio https://www.elmundo.es/internacional/2023/07/15/64b11b04e85ecee64b8b45b3.html
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RomanSilvia/status/1680100221685055489
Este fin de semana, con 'Equipaje de Mano' a Vilna: "la realidad del Mediterráneo en el ángulo muerto -también- de la OTAN, la completa un dato: en 2022, el gasto español en defensa raspó el 1,01% del PIB". 'El aire que respiramos' vía @elmundo_orbyt https://t.co/rO27aNkoiA
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/anapalacio/status/1680103053792276480
RT Belén Becerril Atienza
Hoy, @anapalacio en @elmundoes:
'La seguridad es como el aire;
se da por supuesta, hasta sentir el aliento del dragón que amenaza arrebatarla. Porque no hay vida sin
aire. Y no hay vida sin seguridad'. https://www.elmundo.es/internacional/2023/07/15/64b11b04e85ecee64b8b45b3.html
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Belen_Becerril/status/1680119456222027779
RT Tunku Varadarajan
A country long beset by violent division and dictatorial rule has somehow created a boisterous liberal democracy.
I review the excellent new "Spain," by @michaelreid52 of @TheEconomist
via @WSJBooks
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/tunkuv/status/1679893376085241867
RT Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
Celebrating Bastille Day at the French Embassy with their Excellencies Amb. Jérome Bonnafont, Amb. Etienne Oudot de Dainville & Amb Patrick Lachaussée @FranceONUGeneve. Also great to run into the iconic @mariaressa, nobel prize winner and renouned investigative journalist. https://t.co/2mvwMCnofy
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/NOIweala/status/1679899919837016079
RT German Marshall Fund
❝Ukraine does not need its potential to be unlocked. Ukraine needs its potential not to be locked. There are two reasons to unlock this potential.❞
🎧Listen as @prismUA's Hanna Shelest explains to @kristineberz at #NATOPublicForum: https://t.co/JZTyFr53Qd
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/gmfus/status/1678759150686437377
RT Laure Mandeville
Bravo François Xavier Bellamy de mettre les points sur les i face à ces affirmations mensongères présentées comme des vérités! @fxbellamy https://n.respublicae.eu/tamuke06/status/1678342939087450114
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Bel Ami: « C’est ce discours là qui a produit la faillite dans laquelle nous sommes aujourd’hui » @fxbellamy dénonce à raison le renoncement à transmettre la culture française à l’école, au profit d’une affirmation multiculturelle qui a fini par vider les poches de l’instruction publique. https://n.respublicae.eu/fxbellamy/status/1678334598244188160
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/lauremandeville/status/1678781266391601154
RT Daniel Gascón: Somos el segundo país con más fact-checkers después de Camboya o Birmania.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/gascondaniel/status/1678784822431326210
Porque la ciudad entera parece desierta, todavía sorprende más que, al recodo de una avenida y no se sabe de dónde, surge una verdadera riada humana. Va a hablar Zelenski, el auténtico líder del mundo libre en esta parte del mundo.. https://t.co/fRIgFkBhQH
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/anapalacio/status/1678791005049331712
RT Alicia GarciaHerrero 艾西亞
Re @danharris If it were only demographics, Africa would become the biggest economic power and not India. Much more is needed. It should be noted that China's structural slowdown cannot be explained by demographics, at least not just yet, because of rapid urbanization mitigating such impact
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Aligarciaherrer/status/1678818614047023104
RT Alex Ward: Reporter: What made Turkey agree to a deal? Biden, smiling: “What do you think?” He did not elaborate.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/alexbward/status/1678672069549015042
RT Financial Times: US says it ‘intends to move forward’ with transfer of F-16 jets to Turkey https://on.ft.com/44BZg98
Españolas en Vilna. @NATO @NATORomeroC @mariancaracuel @ZaidaCantera #NATOsummit https://t.co/PzrcCxy1Mq
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/anapalacio/status/1678686285370650625
Great intervention by @Kasparov63. Do not miss it! @NATORomeroC #NATOPublicForum https://t.co/o1gFrXffsQ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/anapalacio/status/1678694365433151488
RT German Marshall Fund
❝Ukraine victory includes three things liberation: reparation, justice, and territories. Justice is a very important because that's the way to send a very clear message that all war criminals will be brought to justice.❞ #NATOPublicForum
@Kasparov63 @vmsalama https://t.co/rdwlN1Rg1j
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/gmfus/status/1678701700528627713
RT Real Instituto Elcano
📢 ¡Nuevo Policy Paper!
🆕 ¿Qué busca Moscú con su mayor implicación en #África? ¿Es su compromiso fruto de un interés por un orden post-liberal y multipolar en el continente? Así es el tejido de la influencia rusa 🇷🇺 en la región.
✒️ @MiraMilosevich1.
https://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/policy-paper/rusia-en-africa-y-las-posibles-repercusiones-para-espana/ https://t.co/wiwBJVdZiP
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/rielcano/status/1678706899439452161
RT Bruno Tertrais
Agree. A « deep divide » would have been an opposition to Ukrainian membership by some members. https://n.respublicae.eu/simonfraser00/status/1678703430540427265
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Simon Fraser: Reading a lot of comment about how NATO is deeply divided over Ukraine membership. It’s a serious issue, but reality is NATO is fundamentally more united and purposeful than for many years.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/BrunoTertrais/status/1678706900156784640
RT The National
A large-scale Saharan dust cloud is due to hit Spain, Italy and France, severely affecting air quality https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/uk-news/2023/07/11/sahara-dust-cloud-to-hit-spain-italy-and-france/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1689074143
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TheNationalNews/status/1678746103909437441
Hanna Shelest. Great intervention! @NATO #NATOPublicForum https://t.co/2nAPPZkby0
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/anapalacio/status/1678752233951752193
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