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RT @AECOC_ES: Estos son los ponentes que estarán hoy en el 37º Congreso AECOC de Gran Consumo 👇


RT @AECOC_ES: .@anapalacio, Ministra de @MAECgob (2002-2004):

💬 “Creo que la globalización seguirá, pero seguirá de otra manera, y eso es un reto importante para el Gran Consumo.”


Hablando el el Congreso de AECOC. El sector de distribución. Espléndida organización.


RT @MDomanskaOSW: One of the best RU experts explains why women in the provinces don't resist against mobil. "My unemployed husband will not find any job here; he is heavily drinking and will die sooner or later; if he goes to the war he will at least earn some money and we'll get social benefits


RT @ianbremmer: uk single handedly keeping the podium industry afloat
6 designs since 2010:


RT @DeCromarty: Mientras preparo mi siguiente ciclo, dejad que John , artista genial que se dedica al cómic, os explique la historia del arte desde Monet a hoy y os arranque una sonrisa.


RT @jmzbeijing: Foreign media is like a Chinese banquet. Some spicy, some not. Some sweet, some sour. But lots of choices nonetheless.

Chinese media is like American fast-food. All tastes the same. One size fits all. Choices limited.

(Headlines from different PRC media)


RT @NuclearOperador: Que se passe-t-il à l’intérieur d’un réacteur nucléaire?


RT @Investcorp: Wishing our Indian friends and colleagues in India a prosperous & happy . May the splendor bring to your lives joy, peace, and bright cheer!  from all of us at


RT @vtchakarova: A watershed moment for India-UK relations. As India celebrates 75 years of Independence and Diwali, the UK is set to get its first Indian origin PM Rishi Sunak, who will also be the first PM of color. India has also overtaken UK to become the fifth biggest economy in the world.


RT @dansoncj: Page 1 of today’s People’s Daily gives a hint of how much Xi Jinping has centralised power and authority.

Just compare it with the Page 1s of PD after previous First Plenums. Here’s how they look starting from the 14th party congress in 1992


RT @aympontier: Comparaison de la rémunération des patrons du CAC 40 (salaires plus bonus bruts, sans les titres) avec la rémunération brute de Kylian Mbappé (salaire brut, sans la prime à la signature ni la prime de fidélité)


RT @arteviajero_com: La Catedral Nueva de Salamanca vista desde el claustro plateresco del Convento de las Dueñas, una de las estampas más bellas que nos ofrece la capital charra, declarada Ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO


RT @JavierBlas: Lies, damned lies, and statistics. I have updated this @opinion chart with fresh data.

China imported a record of ~1 million b/d of Malaysian crude in Sept. That's nearly **double** the real output of Malaysia.

The reality? Re-branding of Russian, Iranian and Venezuelan oil.


RT @NTenzer: To be fair, @EmmanuelMacron doesn't legitimize Putin's war of extermination. Elsewhere, he says no peace should include recognition of a status quo imposed by force.
But in saying this—"Russian power has been nourished by the resentment & humiliation born of the breakup...


A leer.
RT @JuanGBarba: 1/15 El libro 'Adriatic', de Robert Kaplan, es un obra maestra de la literatura de viajes, crepuscular, llena de intuiciones, y que por distintas razones me interpela muy personalmente. La he leído en el original inglés, por lo que las citas son traducciones mías.


RT @CcilMaisonneuve: King Coal ou comment se débarrasser du charbon : soyons révolutionnaires sauf à devoir proclamer encore longtemps “Le roi est mort, vive le roi!” ! Ce n’est pas @RauxJF qui va me contredire, n’est-ce pas ?😉 Ma chronique à lire dans @LEXPRESS cette semaine !


RT @Xiani_PCh: @anapalacio Not the only case of EU ports being in 🇨🇳 hands. For example in Spain this year in Valencia regional government approved ’s COSCO acquiring 51.01% of Spanish railway operator Logitren. Plus 👇🏼


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