RT by @VivianeRedingEU: 🏆 "La diversité culturelle est inscrite dans notre droit européen, nous devons l'appliquer."
@VivianeRedingEU reçoit le prix de la personnalité et une caricature de @cocoboer pour ses combats menés au nom de la diversité culturelle
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/coalition_fr/status/1732481955852144950#m
[2023-12-06 19:27 UTC]
RT by @VivianeRedingEU: Les lauréats de la 13e édition du Prix de la diversité culturelle et le Président de la @coalition_fr avec les dessins de @cocoboer
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/coalition_fr/status/1732483254068928615#m
[2023-12-06 19:32 UTC]
La diversite culturelle est une richesse et un droit fondamental!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/VivianeRedingEU/status/1732751632520143079#m
[2023-12-07 13:19 UTC]
RT by @VivianeRedingEU: When Daddy and Mum were in South Africa in 1966, they purposely flew over Robben Island at a low altitude and asked the pilot to wave his wings, knowing that Nelson Mandela and his band of brothers were below.
When Mandela visited The United States for the first time, he went to the JFK Library in Boston. He spoke about how much Daddy‘s visit meant to the Anti-Apartheid Movement.
Daddy had been invited to the University of Cape Town by Ian Robertson. In retaliation, the regime placed Robertson under house arrest.
Decades later, at the JFK library, Mandela, laughing, recalled that when Daddy visited Ian, my father showed the surprised young student how to evade the government bugs by turning on the bathtub and sink and talking in the bathroom.
As we commemorate the 10th year since the passing of Nelson Mandela, may we remember that his legacy lives on through us. A fearless leader and a tireless advocate for solidarity, Nelson Mandela was a testament to the power of resilience, justice, dignity, and forgiveness in the face of adversity.
Let us draw inspiration from his legacy, striving to resist injustice, uphold dignity, foster unity, and commit to a better, more compassionate tomorrow. 💙🕊️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/KerryKennedyRFK/status/1732043103681528026#m
[2023-12-05 14:23 UTC]
RT by @VivianeRedingEU: Geköpft wird Freitags nach dem Gebet, außer vor Wochenenden, wo EXPO, WM, Olympische Spiele stattfinden.
Hand-abhacken wird auf Montag nach der UNO-Konferenz für Frauenrechte gelegt und Auspeitschen am Dienstag nach der Klima-Konferenz.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/paneuropa_at/status/1729558402345406685#m
[2023-11-28 17:50 UTC]
RT by @VivianeRedingEU: Der Psychologe Dr. Jan Ilhan Kizilhan, ein Traumaspezialist aus Deutschland:
„Das jüngste jesidische Mädchen, das ich untersucht habe, war 8 Jahre alt. Und sie befand sich etwa acht Monate in den Händen des IS. Sie wurde zehnmal verkauft. Das bedeutet, dass sie im Zeitraum von acht Monaten hunderte Male vergewaltigt wurde.“
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Anna_lena2022/status/1725608283006701844#m
[2023-11-17 20:14 UTC]
RT by @VivianeRedingEU: The foundation of goodwill needed to build a true capital markets union exists among policymakers, banks and investors.
But if we don’t build on it now, we risk jeopardising Europe’s ability to deal with future challenges.
Read my full remarks https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/key/date/2023/html/ecb.sp231117~88389f194b.en.html
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Lagarde/status/1725516228930785372#m
[2023-11-17 14:08 UTC]
RT by @VivianeRedingEU: “A truly European capital market needs consolidated market infrastructures — and this is where the private sector can show its determination, too” says Christine Lagarde building on Draghi’s call for greater political integration #EUCO
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/alemannoEU/status/1725482566520606792#m
[2023-11-17 11:54 UTC]
Mercii..Recevoir est une emotion et un plaisir.Faire etait un devoir et une satisfaction
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/VivianeRedingEU/status/1724814148997902341#m
[2023-11-15 15:38 UTC]
RT by @VivianeRedingEU: The World Jurist Association and the Dominican Judicial Power Presented the World Law Congress 2025 #WorldLawCongress
@PoderJudicialRD @enjweb #RuleOfLaw
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/worldjurist/status/1724460673164251615#m
[2023-11-14 16:13 UTC]
RT by @VivianeRedingEU: Cette belle séquence où @SecBlinken parle de la langue de Voltaire qui lui a ouvert le monde-en sens inverse le jeune Voltaire racontait comment Shakespeare lui avait fait découvrir la pluralité des génies nationaux-d’abord heurté par la brutalité anglaise.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/DariusRochebin/status/1723218686310248665#m
[2023-11-11 05:58 UTC]
RT by @VivianeRedingEU: World War One redrew the world map: reshaping many borders in Europe.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/xruiztru/status/1723301124042605037#m
[2023-11-11 11:26 UTC]
RT by @VivianeRedingEU: Meta’s new “consent” wall is scam that undermines the European Court of Justice’s ruling of July.
This deceptive design pushes the user to “consent” to unrestricted use of their data. That includes intimate data that Meta obtains by tracking the user on other websites and apps.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/johnnyryan/status/1722861499104846034#m
[2023-11-10 06:19 UTC]
RT by @VivianeRedingEU: Poland’s opposition parties have reached a coalition agreement.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/POLITICOEurope/status/1723018236705308741#m
[2023-11-10 16:42 UTC]
# Women On Board#talent
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/VivianeRedingEU/status/1722319965645144213#m
[2023-11-08 18:27 UTC]
#talent#equality:meeting with the President of the Europan Commission to celebrate 10 years of the platform "Board Ready Women"
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/VivianeRedingEU/status/1722161997569999060#m
[2023-11-08 07:59 UTC]
RT by @VivianeRedingEU: „Seid menschlich, respektiert jeden. Ganz egal, welche Religion Sie haben, welche Hautfarbe Sie haben. Ich sage immer: Es gibt kein christliches Blut, es gibt kein jüdisches Blut, es gibt kein muslimisches Blut. Es gibt nur menschliches Blut.“
Margot Friedländer - Holocaust-Überlebende - wird heute 102 Jahre alt. Herzlichen Glückwunsch ❤️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/NurderK/status/1721169831221686610#m
[2023-11-05 14:17 UTC]
RT by @VivianeRedingEU: Barack Obama über Gaza. Wert anzuhören.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/RaimundLoew/status/1721235493776413101#m
[2023-11-05 18:38 UTC]
RT by @VivianeRedingEU: Ces mots lourds de sens de Biden sur la certitude d’être à un affrontement décisif (Proche-Orient, compétition avec la Chine, défense de l’imperium US): «Il arrive un moment, peut-être toutes les six à huit générations, où le monde change en très peu de temps. Nous y sommes. Ce qui se passera ces deux ou trois prochaines années va déterminer ce à quoi ressemblera le monde pour les cinq ou six prochaines décennies.»
À l’occasion d’un échange avec le président chilien Boric.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/DariusRochebin/status/1720362445963755888#m
[2023-11-03 08:49 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Former Vice-President of the European Commission, Former Member of the European Parliament
Facebook: VivianeRedingEU Instagram: VivianeReding