Ta leping ja elamisluba tuleks lõpetada täna.
RT @Urmaspaet: Kultuuriminister Hartman ja siseminister Läänemets, kas te meelest on ok, et Eesti riigiteatri sisseostetud juht on tegelane, kes vihkab meie riiki? - Vene teatri lahkuv kunstiline juht: kõigist pragudest roomas välja mädane ja kõle russofoobia! https://kultuur.postimees.ee/7596175/vene-teatri-lahkuv-kunstiline-juht-koigist-pragudest-roomas-valja-madane-ja-kole-russofoobia
Kultuuriminister Hartman ja siseminister Läänemets, kas te meelest on ok, et Eesti riigiteatri sisseostetud juht on tegelane, kes vihkab meie riiki? - Vene teatri lahkuv kunstiline juht: kõigist pragudest roomas välja mädane ja kõle russofoobia! https://kultuur.postimees.ee/7596175/vene-teatri-lahkuv-kunstiline-juht-koigist-pragudest-roomas-valja-madane-ja-kole-russofoobia
RT @euobs: [Opinion] So-called #Russian #tourists should not be able to travel to the #EU and #Schengen countries. Tourist #visas already issued should be suspended, says @Urmaspaet vice-chair of European Parliament foreign affairs committee and @RenewEurope MEP https://euobserver.com/opinion/155919
"Ukrainian men have to fight for their freedom and the freedom of their country, at the same time, Russian men can come to European countries for vacation or shopping in nice European cities, and so on and so on," Urmas Paet, a Estonian MEP. https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/amp/2022/08/30/germany-and-france-join-forces-against-growing-calls-for-eu-visa-ban-for-russians
Urmas Paet: Vene suurlinnade elanikele peab sõda kohale jõudma. Euroopa tuleb neile lukku panna. https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/120059186/urmas-paet-vene-suurlinnade-elanikele-peab-soda-kohale-joudma-euroopa-tuleb-neile-lukku-panna
RT @Tsihanouskaya: My husband, Siarhei, was transferred from the penal colony to a prison regime & placed in a small isolation cell on the day of his birthday, August 18. Now he is forced to sleep on bare planks. They are trying to break him, but that will not happen. We will not forget our heroes.
Eesti ühiskond vajab ka psühholoogilist kaitset selliste domanovite eest. Karistusseadustik pakub auhinnaks 3 aastat tiktoki-vaba olemist kinnimajas ja boonusena tuleks seejärel tuusik nt ihaldusväärsesse Ust-Ilimskisse agressorriigis. https://www.delfi.ee/artikkel/120058352/video-kohtla-jarve-mees-kutsub-putinit-kaja-kallast-maha-looma
Russian z-tourists in Kazakhstan.
RT @RFERL: "They saw this ["Z”] symbol on the back of our car. They attacked us with accusations that we are fascists. [They said] that we attacked Ukraine."
Russian tourists in 🇰🇿 have faced anger from locals and even fines from police for sporting pro-war Z stickers on their cars.
RT @abdujalil: Russian propaganda stole this photo of Ukrainian kids to make a poster with a sign saying “Kherson is with Russia forever”. My colleagues from @BBC_ua found the author of that photo - Anna Pasichnik. She took photo of her children to show support of the armed forces of #Ukraine
RT @BBCWorld: Russia to build two nuclear reactors in Hungary https://bbc.in/3AkhfTK
RT @ylenews: Russian tourists withdrawing cash from Finnish ATMs using Chinese credit cards
Venemaa kodanikele turismiviisade väljastamise lõpetamisest. https://www.postimees.ee/7592473/eurosaadikud-nouavad-venemaa-kodanikele-turismiviisade-valjastamise-lopetamist
RT @adnashmyash: What does “Russian culture” look like?
Today it is represented by the famous Russian film director Mikhalkov, speaking about the need for a ban in Ukrainian (Russian-occupied) schools of the Ukrainian language and Russian teachers happily nodding at this.
Just ordinary Nazism!
The European Parliament EPP group chair Manfred Weber from Germany has called for a ban on the entry of Russian tourists into the EU. “We don't want those who are partly responsible for this war (...) to spend their holidays with us now."
RT @Mariana_Betsa: The Russians fired at train cars, killing at least 15 and wounding 50 civilians in Dnipropetrovsk region #StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
I took this picture in 2015 in #Ukraine near the Russian occupation line. That's how the help received from Estonia was noted there with gratitude. Ukraine still needs our support. Until Ukrainians can celebrate Independence Day freely in peace throughout their country.
Tegin selle pildi 2015.aastal #Ukraina idaosas Vene okupatsioonijoone lähedal. Nii märgiti seal tänuga Eestilt saadud abi. Eesti ja teiste südametunnistusega riikide tuge on Ukrainal veel mõnda aega vaja. Kuni ukrainlased saavad iseseisvuspäeva tähistada vabalt kogu oma maal.
RT @AFP: Russian tourists' luxury cars fill up Helsinki airport.
Porsches, Bentleys and other luxury cars with Russian licence plates are filling up the parking garage at the airport as Finland becomes a key transit country for Russian tourists flying to Europe
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Member of the European Parliament @RenewEurope, @EP_ForeignAff Vice-Chair, Foreign Minister of Estonia 2005-2014