Soomest tuli kurb sõnum. Ilkka Kanerva on surnud. Ilkka oli Soome välisminister, kui 2007. aasta kevadel Vene pingestas Eestiga suhteid. Ta tuli kiiresti Tallinna, et Eestis neil keerulistel päevadel meile Soome toetust väljendada. Talle läks Eesti hea käekäik alati korda.
RT @Stone_SkyNews: Yana is ten. She’s one of four children I have just met in a Ukrainian hospital.
A week ago she was in Kramatorsk train station trying to escape the war when it was hit by missiles.
She has lost both her legs. And her mother.
(At the request of docs we aren’t showing her face)
RT @nytimes: When a Russian missile strike hit a maternity hospital in Mariupol in March, Elena Karas, a nurse, was taking care of 13 premature babies. She was one of six medical workers in her ward who continued to work despite the dangers of commuting in the city.
RT @Biz_Ukraine_Mag: Memo to Emmanuel Macron: Vladimir Putin's Ukraine genocide is not the act of a brother
RT @ukraine_world: 16 y.o. Karina was raped by #Russia soldiers and shot in the head. Her tortured body was found in #Bucha.
#BuchaMassacre #RussianWarCriminals
Great, just do it.
RT @Nordic_News: Finland, Sweden move ahead toward possible Nato membership
RT @Biz_Ukraine_Mag: Mariupol before and after Russian "liberation"
RT @3TrAmvL026aJRar: Ukraine to survive desperately needs heavy weapons! The fate of Europe, the fate of democracy is now decided in Ukraine. Let’s stop Russian aggression and genocide against Ukrainians together!
RT @mrsorokaa: Presidents of Ukraine’s closest allies 🇱🇻,🇱🇹,🇪🇪&🇵🇱 arrived in Kyiv to meet with President Volodymyr Zelensky.
All four have been instrumental in making sure Ukraine’s voice is heard worldwide.
Thank you, friends!
RT @KyivPost: In Tallinn, women gathered in front of the Russian Embassy to protest against the Russian army's mass rapes in #Ukraine. They painted their underwear red and tied their hands.
Rootsi ja Soome liiguvad kiiresti NATOga ühinemise suunas. Rootsi valitsuspartei sotsiaaldemokraadid jõudsid äsja sellele otsusele. Ka Soomes on see otsus ilmselt lähiajal vormistumas.
See muudab oluliselt selgemaks Põhja-Euroopa julgeolekukeskkonna.
What was the point why Austrian Chancellor went to Moscow to meet Putin? #Austria can help end the war by providing a lot of military and financial assistance to #Ukraine , and by the closure of Austrian companies, including banks, in Russia and Belarus.
Täiesti arusaamatu, mis asjaoludel Austria kantsler Moskvasse putiniga kohtuma läks. Austria saab sõja lõpetamisele kaasa aidata, kui annab Ukrainale palju sõjalist ja rahalist abi ning Austria firmad, sh pangad, lõpetavad tegevuse Venes ja Valgevenes.
68% soomlasi toetab juba Soome liitumist NATOga. See on vajalik areng. Ja Soome valitsus võtab muidugi oma rahva tahet kuulda.
RT @MTVUutiset: MTV:n kysely: Nato-jäsenyyttä kannattaa 68 prosenttia suomalaisista
What?!!! Why?!!! Austrian leader to meet Putin in Moscow, hoping to build bridges.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Member of the European Parliament @RenewEurope, @EP_ForeignAff Vice-Chair, Foreign Minister of Estonia 2005-2014