RT @Biz_Ukraine_Mag: RUSSIAN GENOCIDE IN UKRAINE: Most victims in mass grave discovered in recently liberated Izyum show signs of torture
RT @carlbildt: For the first time the 🇸🇪 Chief of Defense sits around the table when all the NATO military commanders meet - this time in nearby Tallinn 🇪🇪. Also 🇫🇮 makes its debut.
RT @KyivPost: 📸 Meet the Stolpakov family, Olena (mom), Dmitry (husband), Olesya and Sasha (daughters) from #KharkivOblast.
None of these people are alive. The entire family, including the grandparents, is buried next to #Izium.
RT @Mariana_Betsa: Cages in liberated Kupyansk, where Russians tortured and killed Ukrainians… #StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
RT @adnashmyash: Brazenly and on camera, the #Russian's kidnap orphans from the occupied territories of Ukraine and say that it is "for their good."
Just imagine if any other country occupied a part of Russia and took out children from there. What would be the reaction of Russia?
@timo_raiha Piibelehed Harku metsas :)
Vähem kui 4 kuud ja pilt on sootuks teine.
Izjumi-lähedasest matmispaigast leiti ühe pere 6 liikme surnukeha. Sõjakurjategijatest Vene režiim ei saa kunagi andeks. https://www.delfi.ee/artikkel/120068800/izjumi-lahedasest-matmispaigast-leiti-kuue-uhe-pere-liikme-surnukehad
Siin on värskelt näha riikide meelsus Venemaa Ukraina-vastase agressiooni osas. Nimelt oli ÜROs hääletus, kas lubada Ukraina presidendil erandkorras esineda ÜRO Peaassamblees video teel. Samas peegeldab see hääletustulemus põhimõttelisemat suhtumist Vene agressiooni.
Andsin Ukraina Espreso TVle otsesaates intervjuu. Jutt ikka Euroopa ja NATO edasistest sammudest Ukraina toetamisel, aga ka Eesti ühiskonna suhtumisest Vene agressiooni Ukraina vastu.
RT @Mariana_Betsa: Terrible… Izyum today. Tortured 445 people buried in this forest. Ukrainian soldiers were executed and dumped together in a single pit. Russia should pay for each crime, for each death #StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
RT @bsarwary: Large scale brutalization of Afghanistan underway.
RT @Biz_Ukraine_Mag: Russian soldiers retreated so rapidly in eastern Ukraine that they even abandoned their pillaged home appliances
RT @ukraine_world: The heroes don't die! A little girl near the grave of her father - defender of Ukraine 😢
Tegime saate Euroopa põhilistest suurematest turbulentsidest. https://www.delfi.ee/artikkel/120066708/euroopa-erisaade-el-agab-orbani-valjapressimise-all-mida-teha-paet-ja-mikser-on-eri-meelt
Milleks sellist juttu ajada? Omaenda riigi peale ebaadekvaatne kaebamine julgeolekut puudutaval teemal ja ajal, kui Euroopas käib sõda, pole lihtsalt aktsepteeritav. See ei tee Eestile head. https://www.err.ee/1608711700/ratas-toomi-kaebekirjast-ta-kusib-viisakeelule-oiguslikku-alust
Paet: ma ei ole Yana Toomi Eesti peale esitatud kaebusega nõus https://www.postimees.ee/7602322/paet-ma-ei-ole-yana-toomi-eesti-peale-esitatud-kaebusega-nous
RT @RoyalFamily: “Queen Elizabeth was a life well lived; a promise with destiny kept and she is mourned most deeply in her passing. That promise of lifelong service I renew to you all today.”
His Majesty The King addresses the Nation and the Commonwealth.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Member of the European Parliament @RenewEurope, @EP_ForeignAff Vice-Chair, Foreign Minister of Estonia 2005-2014