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RT @Mariana_Betsa: Heartbreaking. “I want to go home, I want to see the
sun”. Mariupol, basement under the Azovstal plant


Homsed Prantsuse presidendivalimised on põhimõttelise tähtsusega kogu Euroopa julgeolekule, sh Eestile ja ka Ukrainale, sest kandidaatide suhtumine Venemaasse on väga erinev. Macroni võit tagab senise toe Ukrainale ning NATO ja ELi Vene-poliitika jätkumise.


RT @lapatina_: A 17-year-old girl watched her mother and 15-year-old sister raped, beaten up and killed by 3 Russian soldiers. She was told that she was too ugly to be raped. She had to stay with their dead bodies for 4 days. This could have been a story about me, or any other woman in Ukraine


RT @franakviacorka: "Tell my mom: I've seen so much pain, but I'll never break." The medic from Mariupol makes a heart sign with his hands in blood. Since the beginning of the war, Mariupol residents have been in a living hell. It's impossible to underestimate the courage of doctors working there.


EL peab aitama dokumenteerida kõiki Vene sõjardite poolt Ukraina tsiviilelanike vastu sooritatud kuritegusid. Saatsin koos kolleegidega ELi juhtidele kirja, milles kutsume ELi looma keskkonda dokumenteerimaks Vene sõdurite poolt ukrainlaste vastu sooritatud kuritegusid.


RT @KyivIndependent: "The police did not show Karina’s body to her parents, saying it would be too shocking to see. She was buried in a closed coffin."


RT @KyivPost: A 70-year-old , Nadiya Trubchanikova, escaped the Kyiv region when the Russian army occupied it. While the woman survived, the occupiers killed her son. For over a week, she was hitching from her village to Bucha to search for his body before finally finding it.


Mis asi on asendustegevus?! See on elementaarne, et kõigile Vene agressorrežiimi propageerijatele tehakse elu maksimaalselt keeruliseks. See on vähim, mida teha. Vene sõda on must-valge teema.Ja kõik Vene režiimi toetajad on valel poolel koos tagajärgedega


RT @MFAestonia: Oh and just couple of hours ago @EstonianGovt decided to allocate another €700mil to assist 🇺🇦 refugees, strengthening our eastern border and to achieve energy independence. If there is a will, there is a way.


The EU's clear decision to give candidate status would be an important confirmation of the EU's future intentions. This would be also moral support for the Ukrainian people, who are suffering from Russian aggression. That the future in Europe is actually possible.


Just praegu oleks ELi selge otsus Ukrainale ELi kandidaatriigi staatus anda oluline kinnitus ELi tulevikukavatsuste osas. Vene agressiooni all kannatavale Ukraina rahvale oleks see lisaks praktilistele sammudele ka oluline moraalne tugi. Et tulevik Euroopas on tegelikult võimalik


RT @Conflicts: BREAKING: Very heavy Russian shelling reported along the front line in the Donbas region. There are indications that the Russian offensive has begun.


RT @AFP: Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday bestowed an honorary title on a brigade accused by Ukraine of committing atrocities in the town of Bucha


Tallinna Reaalkoolis oli täna Ukrainale pühendatud päev. Käisin rääkimas Vene Ukraina-vastase sõja mitmesugustest mõjudest rahvusvahelisele poliitikale. Aitäh Tallinna Reaalkoolile, et sellise õppepäeva korraldasite. Kõik algabki ju teadlikkusest ja suhtumisest.


@liisulass Eks ta nii ole. Viru keskuses saab sellest päris hea pildi.


RT @Biz_Ukraine_Mag: The cemetery in Kyiv suburb Irpin after one month of Russian occupation


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