Hommik liivatormises Bagdadis. Peagi peaksid algama mul kohtumised..
RT @Mariana_Betsa: Our kids. Russia ruined their lives. Photo @EmilioMorenatti #StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
Brüsselis Euroopa Parlamendis käisid mul
külas Kadrioru eakate keskuse VENÜ ja Nõmme vanameeste klubi liikmed. Et tutvuda Euroopa Parlamendi töö ning Brüsseli kevadega :)
RT @Mariana_Betsa: Heartbreaking to see Ukrainian kids suffer so much. Photo @EmilioMorenatti #StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
RT @EmilioMorenatti: Oksana lost both legs and 4 fingers when a shell sticking near her house. “There was explosion. After that I felt my legs like falling into emptiness. I was trying to look around and saw that there were no legs anymore - only bones, flesh and blood”. In Lviv, Ukrainia, May 2022.
RT @Mariana_Betsa: So heartbreaking. Ukrainian hospitals by @EmilioMorenatti #StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
RT @RenewEurope: The EU must support #Ukraine’s ability to trade!
We welcome the endorsement, in #EPlenary, of the temporary suspension, for one year, of duties on all Ukrainian exports to the EU.
#StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦🇪🇺
I met with members of the Norwegian Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense, led by the head of the committee Ine Eriksen Søreide.We mainly talked about the Russian war on Ukraine, sanctions against Russia, Ukraine's application to join the EU and much more. #Norway
Kohtusin Norra parlamendi välis- ja kaitsekomisjoni liikmetega eesotsas komisjoni juhi, endise välisministri Ine Eriksen Søreidega. Peamiselt kõnelesime Vene sõjast Ukrainast, sanktsioonidest Venemaa vastu, Ukraina ELiga liitumise taotlusest ja paljust muust.
RT @Nordic_News: Denmark is ready to support Finland and Sweden, also militarily, Danish defence minister tweets
RT @Mariana_Betsa: Brave Oleksandra. 19. A student. She decided to join armed forces of Ukraine to fight against Russian aggressor. Killed by Russia. RIP #StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
The next Eurovision-related goal for all normal people and normal countries must be that the next #Eurovision final concert can take place in Mariupol, for example, if #Ukraine so wishes.
Kõigi normaalsete inimeste ja normaalsete riikide järgmine Eurovisioniga seotud eesmärk peab olema, et järgmine Eurovisioni finaalkontsert saaks toimuda näiteks Mariupolis, kui Ukraina seda soovib.
Kohtusin Šoti valitsuse liikme, tööministri Richard Lochheadiga. Rääkisime Venemaa agressioonist Ukraina vastu, Euroopa energiapoliitikast ning kiirest muutustevajadusest ses valdkonnas. Samuti Šotimaa ja Suurbritannia sisearengutest viimaste kohalike valimiste valguses.
RT @Mariana_Betsa: 11-year-old Yaroslav takes care of his mother and sister. Both had their legs blown off during a Russian missile attack on the railway station in Kramatorsk. Photo credit @Gerashchenko_en #StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
Vaatasin täna pilvede vahelt paistvat Soomet kohe teise pilguga. Ikkagi peatne NATO-riik. See on Soomelt oluline otsus, mis tugevdab kogu Põhja-Euroopa julgeolekuruumi. Soome ja Rootsi liitumisel NATOga on kogu Euroopa põhjaosa lõpuks ühtses julgeolekukeskkonnas ehk NATOs.
Full support, #Finland
RT @TPKanslia: Joint statement by the President of the Republic and Prime Minister of Finland on Finland's NATO membership
Kõnelesin Põhja-Norras Tromsøs Arktika-konverentsil Euroopa ja seal hulgas Arktika energiajulgeolekust. Kuidas on Vene sõda Ukrainas mõjutamas energiajulgeolekut ning milliseid valikuid peaks Euroopa tegema. Pidades silmas Arktika võimalusi ka taastuvenergia osas.
RT @ukraine_world: The 97-year-old veteran of WW II, Ivan Lisun near his destroyed house, Zolochiv, Kharkiv region.
📸 by Ricardo Moraes/Reuters
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Member of the European Parliament @RenewEurope, @EP_ForeignAff Vice-Chair, Foreign Minister of Estonia 2005-2014