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I encourage everyone to read the full study, which is accessible via this link: Many thanks to the authors @BardPetra, Zoltán Fleck, Anita Koncsik and Zsolt Körtvélyesi for their truly excellent work!


In summary, if we want to truly tackle the Hungarian Rule of Law crisis, the Commission needs to use all available legal tools at its disposal - which there are plenty of! I urge the Commission to fulfill its duty and protect our fundamental EU values.


The uncontrolled inflow of EU funding combined with the elimination of internal checks – including the control an independent judiciary would mean – make democratic pluralism and the prospect of political alternation illusory, undermining all non-systemic attempts for remedy.


...for the proper distribution of EU funds, and despite the express authorisation of the Rule of Law Conditionality Regulation to address issues related to the judiciary.


The dismantling of judicial independence should also be addressed via the Rule of Law Conditionality Regulation 2020/2092. The conditionality mechanism was triggered only with regard to corruption, despite the fact that judicial independence is of crucial importance...


The Commission should initiate legal procedures against Hungary, ideally through *systemic* infringement cases. Such bundled cases uncover systemic issues that would otherwise remain hidden.


The vast majority of laws and practices that compromise judicial independence or even fully capture the judiciary in Hungary have not been tackled in any form whatsoever by the EU institutions.


Yet, the EU has not deployed the tools at its disposal in a proper, comprehensive and timely manner to counter judicial capture in Hungary. The few isolated infringement actions the EU has taken failed and are doomed to fail in the future too.


The study identified 27 steps, with regard to the Constitutional Court and the ordinary judiciary, that gravely violate one or multiple European standards and principles regarding judicial independence recognized by the CJEU and the ECtHR.


The Hungarian government has taken numerous steps to dismantle judicial independence, from court packing, forced retirement and limiting court competences, to changing court structures, retributions, disciplinary proceedings and creating a climate of fear.


When judicial independence - the cornerstone of the RoL - is compromised, this negatively affects all segments of the public sphere and paves the way for numerous other value deficiencies, such as infringements of academic freedom, media freedom and freedom of information.


Central to the Hungarian rule of law crisis is the deliberate and systemic destruction of judicial independence. National judiciaries play a crucial role in upholding EU laws, values and safeguards, which makes court capture a serious risk for the Union as a whole.


Today we discussed the important findings of a brand-new study on systemic Rule of Law problems in Hungary with EU officials. I will share some key take-aways in this thread:


Starting now: our online event featuring the study presentation of "Systemic problems – systemic infringements: the case of Hungary", followed by a panel discussion and Q&A. Join us via:


Zeg haar naam, wees niet stil. Kom zaterdag naar het Malieveld en steun het Iraanse verzet
RT @humanverbond: De mensen die in Iran protesteren tegen onderdrukking verdienen onze massale steun. Met de solidariteitsdemonstratie op 8 oktober hopen we op de grootste steunbetuiging tot nu toe in Nederland. Kom, en teken de oproep op Wees niet stil. Zeg !


Heel goed dat rechter laat zien dat goede opvang geen gunst is, maar een recht van asielzoekers.
RT @VluchtelingWerk: 🧵De rechter heeft een kraakheldere opdracht aan het kabinet: de opvang van alle asielzoekers moet voldoen aan de minimale wettelijke eisen. En per direct mag geen asielzoeker nog in Ter Apel op straat belanden.


Met het afkeuren van de jaarrekening voor @Frontex geeft de vakcommissie in Europarlement een sterk signaal af: Frontex ziet onvoldoende toe op de bescherming van vluchtelingen aan Europa’s buitengrenzen. Het waarborgen van rechten moet prioriteit krijgen.


I fully agree with PMs Rutte and Rama and welcome this format of increased European cooperation. This should however not substitute EU enlargement.

For a stable Europe, it is crucial to take concrete steps towards EU accession of the Western Balkans.


Only systemic change can solve the rule of law crisis in Hungary. The 17 remedial measures as announced by Budapest are meaningless in the light of the country's captured courts and corruption. I urge the Commission to be steadfast in enforcing the conditionality mechanism.


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