is on everybody’s lips, especially in the run-up to 🇪🇺 elections.
A competitive Europe is at the heart of our citizens’ preoccupations.
My views on the 4 pillars for a ‘Competitiveness & Industry New Deal’ that makes a difference👇
[2024-04-15 16:09 UTC]
Very impressive visit of a special
site in the heart of Finland 🇫🇮
EU defence factories are already ramping up their production.
It is accelerated by our European support — for 🇪🇺&🇺🇦 security.
There is no time to lose.
[2024-04-15 14:33 UTC]
Finland means
As your Commissioner in charge of defence industry, my role is to visit every EU production site on our continent — to facilitate & accelerate war economy mode for defence production.
Finland plays a central role for both Ukraine & EU security.
[2024-04-15 08:37 UTC]
RT by @ThierryBreton: .@ThierryBreton : "Zelensky mène une résistance admirable face aux russes (...) L’aide européenne dépasse l’aide américaine. On va accélérer la production" #Ukraine
[2024-04-08 06:44 UTC]
RT by @ThierryBreton: 🎙️ 8h30-9h L’invité politique de @JJBourdin_off
➡️ @ThierryBreton est l’invité du jour
[2024-04-08 06:33 UTC]
RT by @ThierryBreton: 💬 « La compétitivité n’a pas bougé depuis vingt ans entre les Etats-Unis et l’ #UE » affirme @ThierryBreton
🎧📻 Retrouvez son #Interview au micro de #DavidAbiker
[2024-04-04 17:00 UTC]
compliance monitoring at full speed🔎
for researchers is key — that is why we launched an inquiry on all platforms and opened 3 cases on this issue.
Productive discussion today in Leuven🇧🇪 w/ 🇪🇺 & 🇺🇸
on opening up the black box of online platforms.
[2024-04-04 17:53 UTC]
🚨 2 new investigations on
sector 🏭
Solar panels have become strategically important for Europe: for our clean energy production, jobs in Europe, and security of supply 🇪🇺
We aim to preserve Europe’s
by ensuring that companies in our Single Market truly play fair.
[2024-04-03 10:15 UTC]
R to @ThierryBreton: L’occasion d’échanger sur le stand cyber de la Commission européenne avec les équipes 🇪🇺 mobilisées au quotidien pour faire du #cyber un espace sûr et bénéfique pour l’ensemble de nos concitoyens et entreprises 👍
[2024-03-26 19:11 UTC]
Heureux d’être à Lille ce soir pour inaugurer le
Au cours de ce mandat, nous avons établi un véritable arsenal
pour protéger nos citoyens & entreprises — renforcé avec l’
Une vision dès 2019, déroulée avec le plein soutien de notre démocratie 🇪🇺
[2024-03-26 19:08 UTC]
🚨 In just a few weeks, our first investigation under the
Regulation has already yielded results.
Our 🇪🇺 Single Market is open — for firms that are truly competitive and play fair.
We will continue to take all necessary measures to preserve Europe’s
and competitiveness – with assertiveness and speed.
[2024-03-26 18:16 UTC]
Strengthening today our
with South Korea on crucial areas such as semiconductors, 5G/6G, cybersecurity, AI, online platforms, connectivity & research 🇪🇺🇰🇷
Together, we can promote global standards, support
for our economies.
[2024-03-26 16:20 UTC]
Notre boussole commune avec mon collègue
: une Europe plus compétitive & une industrie de pointe qui crée des
de qualité, sans ne laisser personne au bord de la route. 🧭🇪🇺
Nous y travaillons ensemble tous les deux depuis 4 ans.
Échange, à 4 mains, ce matin au Parlement européen, avec les députés européens et nationaux des 27.
[2024-03-26 15:19 UTC]
Not all heroes wear capes 🦸
enforcement team fully mobilised to defend the EU general interest online! 🇪🇺
[2024-03-25 11:13 UTC]
RT by @ThierryBreton: Livraison d'armes à l'Ukraine par l'UE : "Ce n'est pas suffisant mais c'est ce qui avait été promis. On va continuer à accélérer", assure @ThierryBreton
[2024-03-24 13:15 UTC]
From EPRs to SMRs!
Productive meeting with
and industry on how the 🇪🇺 Small Modular Nuclear Reactors Alliance will:
🔹Support industry-led projects
🔹Create strong market demand
🔹Develop supply chains
🔹Facilitate access to finance
[2024-03-22 12:26 UTC]
RT by @ThierryBreton: This is EUxclusive! 🎬
Don’t miss Commissioner @ThierryBreton’s interview on CNN tonight at 9:00PM CET
— with the one & only @richardquest straight from Brussels!
[2024-03-21 18:03 UTC]
There is no competitiveness without
… or
! 🇪🇺
Great to lead the Pact for
with my friend and colleague
With 3.5 million workers already trained, the Pact is ensuring that the EU’s green and digital transition creates jobs in Europe.
[2024-03-21 17:34 UTC]
RT by @ThierryBreton: During the meeting with EU Commissioner @ThierryBreton we talked about strengthening cooperation in the field of defence industry of Ukraine and the EU, as well as the use of European funds to increase the capabilities of Ukrainian manufacturers. Looking forward to welcoming you in Kyiv to discuss our priorities and showcase Ukraine's wide industrial potential.
Під час зустрічі з єврокомісаром @ThierryBreton обговорили посилення співпраці у сфері оборонно-промислового комплексу України та ЄС і використання європейських фондів для збільшення спроможностей українських виробників. Будемо раді зустрічі у Києві, щоб обговорити наші пріоритети та продемонструвати широкий промисловий потенціал України.
[2024-03-20 19:06 UTC]
RT by @ThierryBreton: Tem sido um dia intenso de encontros para agradecer a todos aqueles com quem trabalhei com maior proximidade ao longo destes anos. Excelentes conversas com a Comissária @ElisaFerreiraEP e também com o Comissário @ThierryBreton.
[2024-03-20 19:27 UTC]