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@Femi_Sorry @TalkTV @JuliaHB1 Oh Femi you are such a tiresome, predictable bore. It's actually "Immigration and migration expert". Yes I am. Maybe one day when you have matured to have rational & decent conversations we can discuss the large amount of work I have done in this area Until then enjoy ad hominems


@Femi_Sorry @TalkTV @JuliaHB1 Femi, I actually did pupillage and practiced as in house barrister in several international banks. I have no idea how to amend such falsehoods on whatever site that is. As you also know I was UKIP for 2 years Independent for 3. I dont blame you for the mistake but take more care


@BenWBriscoe @GBNEWS @PiersUncensored @TalkTV Good luck @BenWBriscoe wish you well.


RT @TalkTV: "Our democracy has failed."

Migration expert Steven Woolfe says "elite senior civil servants" are using "very clever walls" to oppose anti-immigration policy, after Rishi Sunak told Piers Morgan illegal immigrants will be deported within days of arrival.


Freezing cold. Hat and gloves on. But this stunning brass band outside London Embankment's "The Anchor" warming everyones heart and souls.


RT @StBedesCollege: @Steven_Woolfe Thank you @Steven_Woolfe we are proud to be part of your journey and to continue providing opportunities to our students. 🙌

St. Bede's will always be your home, once a Bedian, always a Bedian. 🐝


RT @TalkTV: Two hundred asylum-seeking children are missing from temporary hotel accommodation

Migration expert Steven Woolfe: "Most of them seem to be in their late teens. The question you have to ask is are they going willingly?"

@JuliaHB1 | @Steven_Woolfe


Happy birthday to @StBedesCollege. An inspirational school that awarded me a scholarship, has amazing teachers & enabled me to lift myself out of the difficult circumstances of birth to pursue wonderful opportunities in law, banking, politics & media across the world.
RT @StBedesCollege: Happy Birthday St. Bede's! 🎂

This week we celebrate the 147th anniversary of the founding of St Bede's College. In 1876 Cardinal Vaughan, planted the seed of the Colleg…


@KonstantinKisin A truly inspirational and devastatingly effective speech by @KonstantinKisin destroying the Woke cult. My 9 year daughter watched it and said "my wife had a baby, not me,because we are old school" is the best and funniest line ever. She wants to say this at school!!!


Learning to understand that a caused by lies and betrayal of a partner is not the fault of those betrayed is key to .

is a healer just trust in time.
new coping mechanisms.
to learn how to love yourself


So from being a long time @AppleSupport supporter a computer 4 years old at 3k, a 1.5k repair Apple simply says single finger to loyalty


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At @AppleSupport undertook a repair costing £1500 92 days ago. Couldnt get in over Christmas. Same fault and now Apple saying will not honour repair @AppleSupport
Is it worth buying a MAC again!!! NOT LIKELY


Furthermore, despite the fact that the fault occured before the 90 days @applesupport in Southampton said not there problem I should have telephoned in the fault. Same issue, same fault but no flexibility. RATHER lose a long time consumer of @apple products.


For those suffering with from Christmas Remember if you gave your heart to someone unwilling to accept it/ unable to reciprocate your unconditional love it is not your fault. To love is a gift you hold inside. It is something to be proud off.


According to the World Health Org Male suicide causes half of all male violent deaths. In 2020 men are 4 times more likely to commit suicide. Jan is a major trigger month. Take a look at the men you know ask if they cant keep relationships, lonely, isolated unemployed.


RT @LeeAndersonMP_: For Sean
Over the past few days I've been contacted by people from all over the UK in response to Sean a young man who took his own life in Ashfield at Xmas. It has given me a lot to think about. If you want to tell me your own story then email me on


RT @LiamHalligan: At $86/barrel and €76/MWh respectively, wholesale oil/gas prices are now below where they were before Russia invaded Ukraine on 24.02.22

Yet, despite recent falls, diesel remains some 20% dearer. And we all know what has happened to household gas/electricity bills


@philipoltermann @transatlantic If they dont want the spoils if war Ill have it. It will help me pay my gas bill.


RT @ABridgen: Now the BMJ’s Journal of Medical Ethics confirm vaccine causes more harm than benefit to younger people. The roll out must be suspended and children must not be put at risk through these experimental mRNA treatments.


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