RT by @SfEP: Wetlands are rich reservoirs of biodiversity that are vital for humanity and nature to thrive.
⚠️ Yet 25% of wetland species are now threatened with extinction.
#WorldWetlandsDay #ActForWetlands
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IUCN/status/1750557989705069007#m
[2024-01-25 16:35 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: #CBESF23, the first CBE JU Stakeholder Forum, was a success thanks to everyone who participated in it!
Your engagement stimulated debate on the future of #biobased sector in #Europe, showcased innovative technology and inspired solutions.
Read more: https://europa.eu/!xDHGpr
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/CBE_JU/status/1749682877606789456#m
[2024-01-23 06:38 UTC]
🐝 Interested to learn more about the latest research and findings on
Discover more through our dedicated Future Brief on pollinators and their impact on crop and wild plant pollination🌸🌱
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SfEP/status/1730146976417673536#m
[2023-11-30 08:49 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: Effective soil moisture management is essential for #PlantHealth.
Overirrigation and insufficient water are two issues that can hinder plants' access to nutrients from the soil.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/FAO/status/1729686365527507416#m
[2023-11-29 02:19 UTC]
Did you know that artificial lighting is illuminating our nights more than ever?
pollution damages our environment and even affects human health💡
Discover more through our latest Future Brief⤵️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SfEP/status/1729789917427835105#m
[2023-11-29 09:10 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: Bi-weekly News Alerts from @SfEP offer easy access to scientific findings in 3⃣0⃣ thematic environmental areas, with articles curated by an independent Scientific Content Advisory Group. 👥
👉 https://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/env/user-subscriptions/1701/create
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ICLEI_Europe/status/1729035577331253567#m
[2023-11-27 07:13 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: 🆕 Future Brief from @SfEP
💡'Night-time light pollution harms the environment but simple changes can reduce impact' report concludes.
Press release ⬇️
Read the report ⬇️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SciCommsUWE/status/1727647870092734508#m
[2023-11-23 11:18 UTC]
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🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SfEP/status/1727979960764129360#m
[2023-11-24 09:18 UTC]
Want to stay updated with the latest findings in
? 💡
Subscribe to the Science for Environment news alerts 📰 for regular insights to inform policy making.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SfEP/status/1726531629311807522#m
[2023-11-20 09:23 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: 🌿Enhance your knowledge of #Soil and #Water's role in building resilient #agrifood systems!
Join us at the Global Symposium on Soils and Water
📆 2-5 October
Register 👉🏿 http://tiny.cc/7vsavz
Website 👉🏿 http://tiny.cc/6vsavz
Via @FAOLandWater
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/UNBiodiversity/status/1725015841429729672#m
[2023-11-16 05:00 UTC]
Exciting news to tackling marine
Researchers have developed a framework for evaluating technologies that reduce
plastic pollution.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SfEP/status/1724355206069010864#m
[2023-11-14 09:14 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: Have you read the latest @SfEP #newsletter? From megafires 🔥, to marine plastic 🥤, to freshwater habitats 🐟- there are plenty of interesting studies to discover.
Check it out here 📰➡️ http://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/env/newsletter-archives/48825 #research #policy #science
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ICLEI_Europe/status/1722589150673571961#m
[2023-11-09 12:17 UTC]
🔥 Managing mega-fires: An experiment produces new management strategies!🌲
A study explores collaborative
management, combining expert and local knowledge to build resilient landscapes that protect
and communities.🌍
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SfEP/status/1722177132460142790#m
[2023-11-08 08:59 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: Discover how coastal wetlands serve as a powerful ally against extreme weather!
From buffering storms to mitigating heatwaves, #NatureBasedSolutions are key to resilience. 🌿 #ClimateAction #SustainableLiving #Wetlands
Via @ICUN @MWObs @MedWetOrg
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/UNBiodiversity/status/1721663753404485749#m
[2023-11-06 23:00 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: About 50 000 wild species are used for food, energy, medicine, material & other purposes.
This includes many plants.
But often these plants are not sourced or used sustainably, which threatens #biodiversity.
🌱How @FAO is protecting them: https://fao.org/documents/card/en/c/cb9267en
Via @FAO
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/UNBiodiversity/status/1721256068045492661#m
[2023-11-05 20:00 UTC]
Each month, we publish insightful news alerts on the latest
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🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SfEP/status/1721453729851875611#m
[2023-11-06 09:05 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: A bumblebee can only fly for about 40 minutes between feeding. But we've lost 97% of our wiłdflower meadows. So each nectar-rich flower you plant in a windowbox or your garden or community green spaces could be the pit stop that saves a bee 🐝
Via @LGSpace
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/UNBiodiversity/status/1720274609369718881#m
[2023-11-03 03:00 UTC]
! 🪼
Our oceans and marine life are threatened by
A recent study analysed the main policy initiatives to tackle plastic pollution👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SfEP/status/1720372942146539551#m
[2023-11-03 09:30 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: Destructive droughts and heavy rains are causing major damage, while melting snow and glaciers heighten flood risks and endanger long-term water security.
WMO is calling for more data sharing on the planet's global water resources. https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/10/1142227
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/UNBiodiversity/status/1719882012012556501#m
[2023-11-02 01:00 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: Groundwater constitutes the largest reservoir of freshwater in the world excluding glaciers & icecaps.
Groundwater depletion is a threat to food security, basic water supply, the environment & our planet.
Let’s use this resource sustainably.
👉🏻 http://bit.ly/3RfcguH
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/FAO/status/1719888555215040650#m
[2023-11-02 01:26 UTC]
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