RT by @SfEP: 📢 Apply for the 2024 CBE JU call for proposals! €213M available to support projects driving competitiveness in #circular and #biobased sectors across Europe.
🗓️ Apply by 18 September
Check out #CBEInfoDay in your country: https://www.cbe.europa.eu/events?f%5B0%5D=cbe_ju_events_search%3Ainfo%20day
[2024-05-13 09:00 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: 🌿🌊Wetlands provide crucial ecosystem services, combat flooding, & support high #biodiversity!🦆
But they're disappearing fast: over 85% of the world's wetlands have already been lost.🐸
Explore 5 key facts about these ecosystems with
@IPBES's infographic! ⬇️
[2024-05-13 18:00 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: 📢 Calling all nature lovers and biodiversity junkies!
🐝 Ahead of #Natura2000Day, join us for a BioBlitz!
🔍 What is a BioBlitz?
We look for as many species as possible within a set time
✅ How can you join?
Find it out 👉 https://observation.org/bioblitz/categories/natura-2000-day-2024/?
[2024-05-14 08:32 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: Our world is made of an invisible web.
Loss of species weakens this web & can alter an entire ecosystem, & this affects us too.
Take pollinators for example. Without them, most of our food wouldn't exist.
@FAO's work to protect #BiodiversityPlan
[2024-05-06 09:00 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: How can we better promote sustainable #tourism?
The #EUFunded project @H2020Spo has developed a support tool to help Europe’s rural & urban areas lay the groundwork for sustainably promoting their unique cultural heritage.
🔎Discover it 👉 https://europa.eu/!yGRttF
[2024-05-06 07:30 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: Healthy, productive, resilient ecosystems provide essential services to humans:
Learn more from the @SfEP infographic
[2024-05-05 20:00 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: 🗓️Ahead of International #BiodiversityDay we continue exploring the targets of The #BiodiversityPlan!
🎯A day = a target!
6⃣ On May 6th, learn more about Target 6 aimed to reduce the introduction of Invasive Alien Species #IAS & minimize their impact.🐛
@IPBES @UNBiodiversity
[2024-05-06 08:00 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: Nature-based solutions (NbS) benefit both #biodiversity and human well-being.🍃🌏🏃
💡Find out more about NbS' potential, benefits, and applications in this infographic.⬇️
[2024-05-01 15:00 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: The 2024 🇪🇺 #KnowledgeValorisation Talks are waiting for you!
Share & tell your best practices about:
👉 Artificial Intelligence
👉 #Research security
👉 Social sciences & humanities
📅 Apply before May 10
More 👇
[2024-05-06 09:30 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: Have you heard about @soill2030? 🤔🌱
They're a #MissionSoil project that is changing the game in sustainable agriculture 🚜
SOILL coordinates the network of 100 EU-funded soil health living labs and lighthouses!
Learn more 👉 https://www.soill2030.eu/
[2024-05-06 06:11 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: 🍀Don't miss this!
Register to explore the vital role of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in the @IPBES Assessment of Invasive Alien Species
Gain valuable insights and make a difference!
👉Register here: https://unesco-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Kw5U-rXHTRKjCCs4Cq5xzw
#PartOfThePlan #YouthIntoAction #GYBN
[2024-05-06 12:26 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: The CBE JU-funded @OLEAF4VALUE project invites you to its final event, showcasing the development of an innovative #valorisation system for olive leaves turning them into valuable products.
📅 29 May
🕒 10:00 - 14:30 CET
📍 Madrid, Spain
Secure your spot: https://www.eventbrite.es/e/redefining-biobased-value-chains-in-the-eu-oleaf4value-final-project-event-tickets-876487396397?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl
[2024-05-05 06:37 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: Human activity has altered three-quarters of the Earth’s land surface and has threatened 1️⃣ million species with extinction🐅🌿🐒
@theGEF & @UNEP are working to protect & restore #biodiversity in China’s Shennongjia National Park: 👉http://wrld.bg/kyRM50RmGiP
[2024-05-06 14:00 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: The #BiodiversityPlan sets humanity on a path to halt and reverse nature loss, but there is a long way to go from agreement to action.
Ahead of #BiodiversityDay @UNBiodiversity explains how to be #PartOfThePlan: https://www.cbd.int/biodiversity-day/take-action/2024
[2024-05-06 02:23 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: Biodiversity is essential for the physical health of people and the planet, but did you know it can also positively affect your mental health? 🧠🌳
Learn more about the positive influence of #biodiversity on mental health ⤵️
#BiodiversityPlan #PartOfThePlan
[2024-05-05 10:00 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: Over the years, the #LIFEprogramme has financed thousands of projects on climate and environmental issues, including #biodiversity.
It published its latest calls on 18 April: https://cinea.ec.europa.eu/programmes/life/life-calls-proposals-2024_en
Need some guidance? Virtual information sessions from 23 to 26 April👇
[2024-04-23 07:58 UTC]
RT by @SfEP: We need more #Research & #Innovation to solve the most complex societal challenges 🌍
The @OECD Ministerial meeting on transformative Science, Technology and Innovation fostered international cooperation and exchanges on these crucial topics 🤝
[2024-04-24 12:24 UTC]
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