Estou devastado, morreu um grande homem e um grande empresário, que aprendi a respeitar muito nesta última década que nos aproximou. Sinto-me obrigado para a vida a Rui Nabeiro. Pelo exemplo que deixa, pelo que fez por Campo Maior, pelo Alentejo, por Portugal.
Últimas semanas foram muito boas para o futebol português na Europa. Espero que tenhamos daqui a pouco a sorte no sorteio que faltou ao FCP naqueles últimos minutos. Queremos dois clubes portugueses nas meias-finais.🤞
RT @PES_PSE: Congratulations @PvdA on the strong result in yesterday's elections! PvdA/GroenLinks stand ready to lead the #Netherlands forward to a more social and green future for all.
#verkiezingen15maart #PS2023 #MaakLinksDeGrootste #NederlandKiest
RT @Reuters: Italian government tells Milan to stop registering same-sex couples' children
Depois de reações inexplicáveis, vazias do mínimo de empatia pelas vítimas de abusos, finalmente algumas vozes sensatas na Igreja fizeram-se ouvir, admitindo que "há dias em que não basta pedir perdão".
RT @PSnaEuropa: 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
@PedroMarquesMEP: "Não há espaço para ambiguidade. Não somos contra Israel, pois estamos ao lado de centenas de milhares, dos milhões de israelitas que estão a lutar pela democracia."
RT @TheProgressives: Prime Minister Netanyahu's judicial reforms put democracy and rule of law in Israel in danger.
A primeira mulher europeia a comandar a Estação Espacial Internacional, @AstroSamantha, a discursar no Parlamento Europeu. Inspiradora!
Prime Minister Netanyahu's judicial reforms put democracy and rule of law in Israel in danger!
More from @PedroMarquesMEP and @evinincir:
RT @TheProgressives: We reject the false, harmful claim made by Georgian Prime Minister, Irakli Garibashvili, who said in a Georgian TV interview on Sunday that the EU Parliament wishes to drag Georgia into the Russian war against Ukraine.
Full statement by @PedroMarquesMEP
Nous sommes plus de 120 députés européens, des économistes fiscalistes, des millionnaires, des ong… et nous demandons une taxation juste des ultra-riches.
Impossible? On nous l’avait dit aussi pour la taxation des multinationales! Mais nous l’avons fait!
Today we remember Zoran Đinđić, 1st democratically elected PM of #Serbia, assassinated 20 years ago.
He strived for a reformed country, free of Milošević’s destructive ideology and deeply anchored in the EU.
We stand w/ Serbia in the fight to build a better future on his legacy.
RT @euobs: [Opinion] Dindic's assassination 20 years ago was a brutal attack on Serbia's democratic and European aspirations.
By Portuguese @TheProgressives @PedroMarquesMEP and Croatian former foreign minister @TPicula
RT @LeitaoMarquesEP: "As mulheres são um fator decisivo de resistência"
@PedroMarquesMEP dedica a sua mensagem a todas as mulheres que estão, por este mundo fora, a lutar pelo acesso a diretos básicos, em países como o Irão e a Ucrânia.
RT @TSFRadio: Portugal associa-se à Comissão Europeia em ação contra Hungria por lei anti-LGBT+ Em
RT @IratxeGarper: Greece needs a change and to have a government that solves their problems.
@androulakisnick is the leader that Greece needs to make the changes, to implement the solutions, and to do it with a progressive vision, to achieve a fairer, more social and more egalitarian Greece.”
Εδώ κλείνει μια σημαντική επίσκεψη #Αθήνα με κοινό όραμα και ουσιαστικές συζητήσεις.Οι Ευρωπαίοι Σοσιαλιστές @TheProgressives δίπλα στον @androulakisnick και το @pasok για μια καλύτερη Ελλάδα.
Μας ενώνουν οι θέσεις αρχής, μας ενώνει το αίσθημα ευθύνης.
28.6% of young people are unemployed in Greece. This is a hangover from the austerity measures.
As progressives, we fight to guarantee young people decent working conditions and sustainable employment.
We must ban zero-hour contracts and unpaid internships.
In Athens of all places, one should understand the importance of democracy.
We are discussing with experts snd journalists the alarming signs of the decline of the rule of law in Greece.
It’s time for change.
Today we visited the Acropolis Museum where our MEPs were informed about the long-standing Greek efforts to reunite the Parthenon Sculptures.
We believe that their cultural value would be best appreciated in a unified public display under the Attican sun in the Acropolis Museum.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ • Eurodeputado @psocialista
• Member of The European Parliament, Vice President of @TheProgressives