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RT by @PaoloGentiloni: This is an important article by David Cameron and Annalena Baerbock calling for a “sustainable ceasefire” in the war between Hamas and Israel. (Thread below)


[2023-12-17 17:53 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: Ukraine has always been and will continue to be a part of our common European home. We were granted EU candidate status last year. This year comes to a close with the decision to open Ukraine’s EU accession talks. Next year will be a year of intense work toward full membership.


[2023-12-16 15:01 UTC]

Apprendo della morte di Massimo
, professore, militante, parlamentare. E’ stato uno dei fondatori dell’ambientalismo italiano. Ciao Massimo RIP


[2023-12-14 13:14 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: Happy and proud of the historic deal reached today on platform work!

For the first time in the world, we are creating a legislation that will protect and improve the social and labour rights of gig workers.

@gualminielisa and @a_jongerius' react ⬇️


[2023-12-13 14:23 UTC]

on receiving the support of EU finance ministers to take over the
presidency. Looking forward to continuing to work closely with you in your next role to deliver the investment we need for strong and sustainable growth in Europe.


[2023-12-08 09:40 UTC]

Grandissima l’Italia di
. Ricordo ancora i quattro moschettieri del Cile, ricorderemo a lungo l’impresa della squadra di Malaga.


[2023-11-26 19:37 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: Today, 🇳🇴 Norway’s participation in the programme was launched at an roadshow event in Oslo.

Commissioner @PaoloGentiloni took part, underlining the good cooperation with Norway and its important contribution to the green transition and energy security of Europe.


[2023-11-24 14:42 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: Avec le commissaire @PaoloGentiloni, nous avons parlé politiques budgétaires et comment l’UE peut les adapter au monde post Covid dans un contexte de tensions géopolitiques croissantes.


[2023-11-15 13:56 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: 🇪🇺EU-Wirtschaftskommissar @PaoloGentiloni spricht auf dem Vienna Economic Forum🇦🇹🎡 über die Wachstumsperspektiven Europas, die gemeinsame Bewältigung von Krisen, die in den kommenden Jahren bevorstehenden Erweiterungen der EU & den neuen EU-Wachstumsplan für den Westbalkan. “Es wird keine Deglobalisierung geben, aber mehr Regionalisierung der Lieferketten und near-shoring. Deshalb ist eine engagierte Erweiterungspolitik strategisch so wichtig.” “Eppur Si Muove, der Erweiterungsprozess ist in Bewegung.” Mit ihm am Panel die Premierminister aus Bulgarien, Nordmazedonien & Kosovo, die stv Premiers von Montenegro & Moldawien sowie Ivan , moderiert von @c_ultsch @DiePressecom. Europa wächst zusammen.


[2023-11-13 13:34 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: Viladecans 🇪🇸 and Treviso 🇮🇹 are the winners of the 🇪🇺 European Green Leaf 2025 award

These cities have been recognised for their commitment to urban sustainability 🌿🌇

⬇️ as seen by 🇪🇺🛰️


[2023-11-12 12:08 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: 🚨 NEWS: New island appears after the eruption of an underwater volcano in Japan.


[2023-11-12 12:11 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: Economy and Finance ministers of the European Union and of the countries of the European Free Trade Association () have met in Brussels to discuss common efforts to:

📌 address decarbonisation
📌 de-risk supply chains
📌 deal with geopolitical developments


[2023-11-09 09:18 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: @PaoloGentiloni "Investire in tecnologie pulite ci rende più forti e liberi. I benefici della transizione sono superiori ai costi. Ma quesi costi non devono cadere sulle fasce più deboli della popolazione. La transizione o è giusta o semplicemente non è"


[2023-11-07 11:12 UTC]

Don Dante Carraro saluta gli oltre mille volontari
a Milano. Bello incontrare Medici con l’Africa e ascoltare le loro storie di speranza


[2023-11-04 12:40 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: Annual Meeting @Cuamm dal titolo "In Movimento. Con l’Africa tra emergenza e sviluppo"

Oggi ore 16 su
Tra gli interventi: card. Zuppi, Romano Prodi, @PaoloGentiloni e @NeriMarcore



[2023-11-04 07:00 UTC]

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