RT @druzinadoo: Danes, ko goduje zavetnik gasilk in gasilcev 👩🚒🧑🚒, sveti Florijan, čestitamo vsem gasilkam in gasilcem ter se jim zahvaljujemo 🙏 za njihovo požrtvovalnost in srčnost. ♥️
👉https://www.druzina.si/clanek/gasilci-o-svojem-poslanstvu https://t.co/407L7LMaOQ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1654073524829519878
RT @BorutPetric: Namesto da vsi moraliziramo o vzrokih, kaj je šlo narobe v Srbiji pri 13-letnemu fantu, začnimo v Sloveniji z aktivnostmi, kako preprečiti podobno tudi pri nas, že danes. Vsaka ideološka indoktrinacija, ki že malčke uči normalnosti orožja (kjer pištola ne bi smela biti niti 1/2 https://t.co/KuZCAbVtFG
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1654073247506333697
RT @kapler_franci: Tale je polepšala današnji dan.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1654072924343525377
RT @MrsMThatcher: Socialists say “publicly owned”. What they mean is “State controlled”.
Socialists say “Government aid”. What they mean is “taxpayers' aid”.
Socialists say “social justice”. What they mean is “selective justice”.
Socialists say “equality”. What they mean is “levelling down”.… https://t.co/JFHZOtsuIv https://t.co/AJR6AjRKSA
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1654072864646070274
RT @strankaSDS: Ob današnjem dnevu, na praznik sv. Florjana, vsem gasilkam in gasilcem iskreno čestitamo. 👩🚒👨🚒
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1654072803564437504
RT @DrustvoHudajama: Amalije Zupanc,28 l.dekle so skupaj z okoli 100 drugimi, Titovi morilci po koncu vojne 1945 ubili s strelom v tilnik in vrgli v jamo od avionske granate pred pokopališčem v Laškem.Družina ni smela ne žalovati, niti govoriti in dolgo časa niti napisati na nagrobnik njeno ime. https://t.co/OMjloloP68
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1654072594839085063
RT @JohanSalomon: This puzzle was composed more than 100 years ago by J. Schumer
White to move and mate in 2! ✅
(Not as easy as it looks) https://t.co/DeV6vkyNd5
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1654030570547040257
RT @ZigaTurk: Na dan svobode medijev z zadovoljstvom ugotavljam, da je medij Twitter precej bolj svoboden, kot je bil eno leto nazaj. Hvala @elonmusk. https://t.co/yYRHHvBy3q
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1653865057413939202
RT @JozeBiscak: Dear @RSF_inter, could we get information on how many and which of the press freedom experts in Slovenia (including journalists, researchers, academics and human rights defenders) have received the questionnaire?⬇️ https://t.co/r7ZzfmJydX
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1653864866262786052
RT @DrustvoHudajama: Jože Sirk, oče 3 otrok, je vztrajal, da se nima pred partizani česa bati in da se pred njimi ne misli umikati z doma :
»Saj nisem nič hudega naredil.«
Truplo so vaščani našli naslednji dan v gozdu. Potem so hoteli zažgati celo vas Selce.1.) https://t.co/yoXmCLnmln
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1653806307726569500
RT @DKopse: Eriko sem nagradil za vztrajnost.
Skoraj se je stopila 😅😘
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1653806210221584390
RT @SusanPolgar: Photo of me learning chess from my Dad at 4 years old, with my Mom always around to support. Very shortly after that, I played in the Budapest Championship for girls 11 years old and under, winning it with a perfect 10/10 score. I was so small, I couldn’t reach the table at the… https://t.co/JGMOUVdaqZ https://t.co/NfCqmsNi2V
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1653806102662852626
RT @Metod_Berlec: #Protest Na protestu na Trgu republike v Ljubljani delamo za #Demokracija z veliko in malo začetnico. https://t.co/yW8ezwolgC
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1653805948840955905
RT @SusanPolgar: Never seen photo of my late grandmother who was instrumental in helping me become stronger mentally and emotionally. I am eternally grateful. Here was just one of the memorable moments:
After 3 major incidents after I became the #1 female player in the world, as well as the #1… https://t.co/UCc5oCEKe6 https://t.co/NqBVCCwcwB
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1653800873317871623
RT @BojanPozar: Gre za isti vzorec plačevanja kot pri Vesni Vuković (in zelo verjetno tudi pri Primožu Cirmanu, glede na dokazano dejstvo, da je bil PC zadnji lastnik pararelnega podjetja VV), z denarjem iz državnega podjetja, s podpisom Roberta Goloba, danes PV.
To so pravzaprav kar srhljiva… https://t.co/96aMb3QX7p https://t.co/3dvELJvZ8t
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1653722838442942464
RT @DKopse: To pa je bil zelo bogat program obiska, če potrebujejo dodatnih 15 delovnih dni, da zberejo dokumentacijo 🧐 https://t.co/xsdI0ZUq0i https://t.co/atjUkgkq6E
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1653722475513913349
RT @DrustvoHudajama: Poboj pri Roženpelju predstavlja enega večjih vojnih zločinov partizanom nad Slovenci. Do umora 5 kmečkih gospodarjev je prišlo v noči iz 8.sep. 1942 v vasi Roženpelj pri Trebnjem. V partizanskem napadu so bile požgane tudi njihove domačije. https://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poboj_pri_Ro%C5%BEenpelju https://t.co/Uvv6WfxezK
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1653722105786032128
Na zahtevo po objavi celotne interne dokumentacije, povezane z obiskom komisarke @VeraJourova v 🇸🇮, ter zapisnika s sestanka med komisarko in P US Accettom je EK po pretečenem roku odgovorila, da prosi za podaljšanje roka zaradi preobsežne dokumentacije.
Nekaj se kuha🧑🍳😅
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1653415921942233092
RT @SusanPolgar: Both Nepo and Ding are amazingly talented players. Nepo may even have another shot at the title in the future because that is how talented he is. In this match, the nerves and will of both players were severely tested. However, to be a champion, one has to have ice in his veins,… https://t.co/nLQ3nPGuaY https://t.co/k3CuxSFVKs
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1653393759428640769
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Evropski poslanec/Member of the European Parliament/Member of the CULT Committee/Vice-Chair of the Delegation for South Asia