RT @strankaSDS: Evropski poslanci so po nagovoru predsednika vlade izpostavili, da jih skrbi Golobova nepodpora Ukrajini, vsiljevanje vegetarijanstva, krhanje vladavine prava ter da jih skrbijo pritiski na medije in policijo.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1602946901984350209
RT @ESN_Int: Around 15% of respondents reported receiving top-ups or additional #grants, but there is a lack of awareness of how @EUErasmusPlus #funding works. Confusion between disadvantaged backgrounds & special needs is common among top-up recipients.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1602709487952994304
RT @ESN_Int: More than 1/4 of respondents received their #grants later than 1 month after starting their mobilities & only 1/3 received the grant before departure. Major differences exist among countries with countries such as France, Spain & Italy having a bigger prevalence of late payments.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1602709465882857472
RT @ESN_Int: Almost half of the respondents can’t cover more than 50% of the costs of their mobilities with their #grants. Students participating in International Credit Mobilities (ICM - KA171) can cover a much bigger part of their expenses due to the higher grants. 💵
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1602707526725914628
RT @ESN_Int: ➡️ More than a quarter of the sample reports a monthly #scholarship of less than 301 euros! 💰
➡️ Grants for ICM #students are considerably higher than those for intra-European #mobility students: more than 70% report grants of over 700 euros.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1602707509487308801
Najlepše je, ko te v @Europarl_SL v Strasbourgu obišče skupina @strankaSDS! Vesel sem bil zanimivega pogovora o aktualnih dogodkih v Sloveniji in EU.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1602669341421588484
Skupaj s poslanci @Europarl_SL smo iranski režim pozvali, naj nemudoma preneha z usmrtitvami. Dosedaj je bilo ubitih že več kot 700 nedolžnih protestnikov. Zadnja javna usmrtitev je potekala včeraj, žrtev je bila stara 23 let. #StopExecutionInIran
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1602648494434648068
RT @JTsingtao: Pazi veleume: Bled, Bohinj in Kr. Gora, tris najbolj obleganih turističnih destinacij Gorenjske bo ostalo brez ui-ui in ekip NMP. Morš bit fuknjen od 1 do 100 najmanj 473.75, da kaj takega sploh pomisliš. Rešilci bodo na Jesenicah, Kranju in Tržiču. Radovljica ga pa nima že zdej.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1601558974649995265
RT @ksadjadpour: The moment the mother of Iranian protestor Mohsen Shekari, age 23, learns he’s been hanged for “waging war against God”. The regime told her to stay silent to win his release. This execution was meant to deter further dissent, but likely does the opposite.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1601558564359012352
RT @Demokracija1: Kaj počne Golobova vlada? Pri nas cene elektrike in nafte v nebo, na svetovnih trgih pa enake kot lani https://demokracija.si/izpostavljeno/kaj-pocne-golobova-vlada-pri-nas-cene-elektrike-in-nafte-v-nebo-na-svetovnih-trgih-pa-enake-kot-lani/ via @Demokracija1
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1601558143313809408
RT @ZCernac: Primerjava cen pogonskih goriv v SLO glede na borzne cene na svetovnih trgih danes in pred letom dni. Ob isti borzni ceni lani/ danes za nafto, danes plačujemo bistveno dražja pogonska goriva in kurilno olje. Zakaj ?
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1601558041044078595
RT @EdvardKadic: 50 sec, ki bi v demokratični državi vodile v padec vlade.
/ cc @ZCernac #tarca
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1601557598360117248
RT @idualliance: Young conservatives are the future of the freedom movement. Inspiring the next generation of leaders is key to good governance and advancing freedom.
Thank you @IYDU for attending #IDUDC.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1601557184512655360
RT @Metod_Berlec: Vabljeni k nakupu in branju nove št. revije @Demokracija1! V njej si lahko preberete uvodnik Gašperja Blažiča, pogleda Andreja Sekulovića in @arian_sajovic, kolumne @AleksanderRant, Janez Juhant, Stane Granda, @MitjaIrsic, Andreja @AValicZver, Keitha Milesa in @MatevzTomsic.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1601285258585858048
RT @strankaSDS: .@JJansaSDS: Leto nazaj si nismo predstavljali, da bo Finska vstopila v NATO. Leto nazaj tudi debate o povečanju proračuna za vojsko niso bile najbolj zaželjene. Evropa se je od invazije Rusije na Ukrajino zelo spremenila.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1601284454793695233
RT @strankaSDS: .@JJansaSDS: Velika zasluga za današnjo situacijo gre tudi bivšemu ukrajinskemu predsedniku Porošenku. S tremi reformami in pomočjo ZDA, Združenega Kraljestva in Kanade je ponovno zgradil ter posodobil ukrajinsko vojsko, ki je bila pred tem zastarela in po Sovjetskem vzoru.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1601284378218618880
RT @idualliance: Day 2 of #IDUDC is underway with 'War in Europe', a conversation on how to restore the territorial integrity of #Ukraine.
@JJansaSDS, @kvolker, and @Klitschko emphasize that the only way democracy and freedom are reinforced is by standing together against this tyranny.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1601284138627043329
RT @ZCernac: Primerjava v.p. cen elektrike Slovenija/Portugalska v času prejšnje in sedanje vlade. Danes v SLO 5x višja cena, kot v začetku leta, na Portugalskem približno enaka. Imamo pa "energetskega genija" na čelu vlade.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1601284116267565058
RT @JJansaSDS: #IDUDC 2022 of @idualliance connected the world's leading conservative voices. One of the largest, most substantial and best organized political event I have participated since 2002. 🙏 @stephenharper @LordAshcroft @Kattner_C @TMercep @IRIglobal
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1601284083971026947
RT @4FreedominIran: 3. We have learned from your courage, persistence, and tirelessness, we follow the news every day. From the prison to the university and from the university to the street, we stand hand in hand. We believe that the moment of meeting is near. #IranProtests #IranRevolution
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1600578672888528900
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Evropski poslanec/Member of the European Parliament/Member of the CULT Committee/Vice-Chair of the Delegation for South Asia