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RT by @Michael_Heaver: So all the ECHR have to do is issue a last minute injunction & any deportation is cancelled. They have the last say & that means this bill is an utter waste of time, money & energy


[2024-01-17 20:21 UTC]

RT by @Michael_Heaver: How on earth can a load of MPs vote for amendments to the Rwanda Bill, and then vote for the unamended Rwanda Bill just hours later? Complete farce. All mouth and no trousers. Spineless. See you at 9pm @GBNEWS


[2024-01-17 20:31 UTC]

RT by @Michael_Heaver: Tonight I voted for Amendment and 11 of us Conservatives voted against the government on the


[2024-01-17 21:45 UTC]

RT by @Michael_Heaver: 🇺🇸 Trump didn't just win Iowa big - He's on course to crush Biden too! - @Michael_Heaver

Click below to watch the exclusive members only video ⬇️


[2024-01-17 11:59 UTC]

RT by @Michael_Heaver: 'The Conservatives now face a massive uphill struggle, and they know it!'

🗳️ Voters have abandoned the Tories with more switching to Reform than Labour - @Michael_Heaver

Click below to watch the exclusive members only video ⬇️


[2024-01-16 16:31 UTC]

RT by @Michael_Heaver: Well this particular MP isn’t “fucking around”. I will vote against if the legislation isn’t amended. Simple as that.


[2024-01-16 13:14 UTC]

RT by @Michael_Heaver: Rachel Maddow saying with a straight face that they won’t show Trump’s victory speech so they don’t broadcast lies. Despite spending four years parroting and fabricating the Russia collusion hoax. These people also think you’re stupid.


[2024-01-16 09:18 UTC]

RT by @Michael_Heaver: All amendments that aim to strengthen the Rwanda Bill and ensure it’s not frustrated by the Courts have received my full support. I’ve signed the amendments and intend to vote for them all.


[2024-01-16 10:51 UTC]

RT by @Michael_Heaver: When I was elected in 2019 I promised my constituents we would take back control. I want this legislation to be as strong as possible and therefore I will be supporting the Jenrick/Cash amendments. These are arguments I have consistently made and will continue to make.


[2024-01-15 18:57 UTC]

RT by @Michael_Heaver: 'He's been a backer of mine since day one... We're big fans. Thank you, Nigel. It's really an honour to have you here.'

@RealDonaldTrump gives @nigel_farage a shout-out at a campaign event ahead of the Iowa Caucus.


[2024-01-14 20:43 UTC]

RT by @Michael_Heaver: Pleased to sit down with @GBNEWS and @christopherhope to set out why the Rwanda Bill won’t work.

And what we can do to fix it.


[2024-01-12 17:55 UTC]

RT by @Michael_Heaver: A woman from County Durham with learning difficulties and depression.

Prosecuted & convicted last week in the Single Justice Procedure for not paying her TV Licence.

She's a constituent of Conservative Party chairman @RicHolden

This is the letter she sent to the court.


[2024-01-11 20:30 UTC]

RT by @Michael_Heaver: NEW; I have received a statement from Leo Docherty MP, slamming the Home Office for the decision and insisting he is “entirely opposed” to the project. Taking shots at James Cleverly directly.


[2024-01-05 14:35 UTC]

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