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Tories drop a huge 25.9% in Selby... worrying bell weather for Red Wall to come? Labour will herald this as a huge win, but they couldn't take Uxbridge thanks to Khan's ULEZ scheme
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Britain Elects: Selby and Ainsty parliamentary by-election, result:
LAB: 46.0% (+21.4)
CON: 34.3% (-25.9)
GRN: 5.1% (+1.9)
YRK: 4.2% (+0.8)
REF: 3.7% (+3.7)
LDEM: 3.3% (-5.3)
Labour GAIN from Conservative.


UXBRIDGE WAS A REFERENDUM ON ULEZ. Voters have spoken: they hate this punitive tax. This needs to be a wake-up call to Sadiq Khan and all eco-obsessed politicians nationally
Motorists are sick of being treated like cash cows by politicians who milk them dry!


ASYLUM HOTEL FIRE: A fire has broken out at the Devonshire House Hotel, Liverpool, which houses male asylum seekers
Residents have previously complained about "verbal &amp; emotional abuse" &amp; the food, which is paid for by British taxpayers
Live updates &gt;


Study shows "Greenland was ice-free 416,000 years ago when Earth warmed, causing global sea levels to rise 5-20 feet"
No cars, factories, industry. Perhaps the odd fire in caves. It's almost like the Earth's climate changes naturally over time 🤷‍♂️


As a dad, if my newborn baby had to get to hospital and Just Stop Oil wouldn’t move after being told that, I honestly think I’d drive through them
Slag me off all you like, but I’d put my child before myself, and certainly before these narcissistic, selfish imbeciles
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Censored Men: Just Stop Oil prevent a woman from taking her baby to the hospital.
Absolutely disgraceful.


EXCELLENT! Just Stop Oil slow march protestors encircled by “Just Stop Pissing Everyone Off” counter-protestors - forcing the Tarquins to sit this one out 👏🏻👏🏻


Fair play to @jonsopel Like many anti-Brexit liberals, he was duped by inaccurate BBC reporting on the Coutts scandal. But at least he's had the guts to apologise to @nigel_farage for it
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Jon Sopel: @nigel_farage Dear Nigel,
Always believed when I get things wrong, I own up to it. I got it wrong. Sorry. That will teach me to trust reporting of my old employer 😉 If your political views were even part of the reason why account was suspended from that is totally reprehensible


In a surprise to nobody, the Coutts boss who handled Nigel Farage’s bank account is a staunch Remainer. She’s also a climate change zealot who attended COP26. Self-appointed moral guardian!


Superb from @HowardCCox, who explains why successive governments have allowed motorists to be "fleeced" - because they rake in £billions from VAT on soaring pump prices
"Fuel giants and Government act like a cartel to keep petrol prices high"


Join me on Dewbs &amp; Co 6-7pm, chaired by @beverleyturner
🏦Woke capitalism: who gave banks like Coutts the right to be moral arbiters?
🌹What's the point of Labour? They're Tories in disguise - on tax, Net Zero, open borders &amp; wokery: they're all the same! With @AaronBastani


Christianity used to mean helping the neediest. Now it’s about taxing them to death, as
ex-Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams backs Sadiq Khan’s ULEZ plans
The new religion is climate change! Non believers must suffer! via @MailOnline


Here’s hoping Jeremy Corbyn runs for London mayor. He will split the Labour vote &amp; we have a real chance of shaking off the most divisive, tax-addicted, virtue-signalling politician of our generation: Sadiq Khan
The contest would be wide open!


The Bibby Stockholm shames our nation. It’s tangible, ugly proof this government has utterly failed in its primary task: to take back control of our borders
It is a painful display of surrender. Every single politician of all colours should hang their heads in shame


Re NOBODY wants the Bibby Stockholm. It isn’t a “floating prison”. 500 men will be free to come ashore &amp; roam the town every day. Even the “anti racists” don’t want it: they know it will overwhelm the NHS. Next, watch crime soar. It’s a horror show waiting to happen


Re Show me a single liberal that would want a monstrous carbuncle like the Bibby at the end of their street &amp; I’ll show you a liar. It’s a cataclysmic failure of state


Are the Tories heading for a by-election wipeout? We will find out on Friday… But will things be any better under Labour?
More of the same - more Net Zero, more immigration, more tax, more gender madness, more globalism - to me feels like: “Do you want to be hung, or shot?”


Drunk Muslim woman who brawled at bowling alley, hurling racial abuse &amp; attacking police, calling them: "F******g whites," avoids 'sobriety' tag - because it "would hinder preparation for Friday prayers"


Are Labour in bed with Just Stop Oil? They seem to share the same suicidal policy on banning North Sea Oil drilling - idiotically meaning we're more reliant on importing gas, as we can't rely un renewables that conk out when we need them most!
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Suella Braverman MP: My letter to Sir Keir Starmer over the latest Labour Just Stop Oil revelations.


Your usual reminder that Sadiq Khan’s “free” schools meals aren’t free. He’s taxing London motorists £500million/year through ULEZ schemes to pay for them. Plus London’s neediest kids already get free school meals!
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Sadiq Khan: The boy in this photo relied on free school meals.
Now I’m making sure every child in a London state primary school will have free meals at school every day from September.


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