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Aftenens @Deadline_dr var i ordets bedste forstand opbyggelig. Per Schultz Jørgensen er stadigvæk en stor gave til os og den vigtige samtale om såvel vores børn som vores fælles fremtid. Bare han kunne blive hos os lidt længere. Men ihvertfald: Tak 🌹🍀🌻


@PSMIDTDK @MLundbyHansen @radikale @sofiecn @a_steenberg Tænketank @CEPOS lyder som en ridse i en gammel grammofonplade! En tankeløs tænketank er ret kedelig🤪


RT @_AGilmour: Great to stand with Ukrainian people like that.

But there’s another people struggling against a harsh and illegal occupation. You’ll have met some of them.

Much of world is now accusing West of double standards. Should avoid that, not least for sake of Ukrainians


RT @Eupalestinians: EUREP Kühn von Burgsdorff discussed today with Al-Haq Director Jabarin EU’s cooperation with PAL civil society & reaffirmed its commitment to support NGOs, incl. the six designated NGOs. Civil society plays a crucial role in defending HR & promoting democratic values.


RT @NOAH_dk: BREAKING: Tysklands regering bekræfter, at de vil arbejde for at fjerne støtten til afbrænding af primær træbiomasse (skove!) i EU's direktiv om vedvarende energi.

Følg trop @regeringDK! Sæt en stopper for DK's forfærdelige afbrænding af verdens skove i klimaets navn 🔥🌳


Så røg @regeringDK. hykleri om for at få en mere ‘humanistisk’ asylpolitik. Det er sminke på ren afskrækkelse. Middelhavet og alle farerne fortsætter. Flygtninge SKAL til Danmark før de sendes til Rwanda. @UIMinisteriet i samråd idag. Tak til @Carl__Valentin for at spørge


RT @PetraSchur: @MartinKonecny Dear @JosepBorrellF
The situation for the Palestinian population is getting worse by the day.

Can the EU please do something more then just being "deeply concerned”? The EU needs to support their words with action.



RT @CJPME: Jon Allen, former 🇨🇦 Ambassador to 🇮🇱 (2006-2010) said in a speech this month that Israel's actions against Palestinians in the West Bank fit within the definition of "Apartheid" under international law. The truth is increasingly impossible to ignore!


RT @CrisisGroup: Ground realities continue to shift the - conflict away from the two-state solution that the has long pursued.

The 🇪🇺 badly needs to update its approach.

[Thread] 🧵👇


RT @AnneValentina: Hvis @SFpolitik fortsat skal støtte , skal det undersøges grundigere og passe ordentligt på natur, miljø og klima. Derfor kræver vi en supplerende miljøkonsekvensvurdering og en ekstern ekspertgruppe, som peger på fejl og mangler..


RT @btselem: Along with 46 other civil society organizations, we are proud to stand in solidarity with our Palestinian colleagues facing the draconian measures of the Israeli regime


RT @alhaq_org: 🚨Breaking: Al-Haq’s G.D., Shawan Jabarin received a threatening call this morning from a person claiming to be from the (Shabak), requesting Shawan for interrogation & making threats of imprisonment & other measures if Al-Haq continues its work. We urge for immediate protection.


@Fee2themax Ævl igen. At have ret til at SØGE asyl er ikke det samme som at FÅ asyl


RT @MartinKonecny: EU statement: The EU shares international concerns about the raids and measures taken by Israeli forces on 18 August against a number of Palestinian Civil Society Organizations in Ramallah, in Area A of the occupied West Bank.


RT @LaraFriedmanDC: Why is Israel attacking Palestinian human rights defenders?

The same reasons it's getting set to implement new restrictions on access to the West Bank for foreigners.

The same reasons it has prioritized branding criticism of Israel/Zionism as "antisemitism" worldwide.



RT @GermanyDiplo: Statement by the Foreign Ministries of Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden on the Israeli raids of six Palestinian civil society organisations on 18 August 2022. -->


RT @alhaq_org: In a solidarity move - a group of representatives from various diplomatic missions are now meeting with representatives of the six organizations and discussing support for civil society in Palestine!


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