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RT @UKMisBrussels: Thanks to all those who attended our Open Trade Gala Dinner in 📍Brussels last night, including @MalmstromEU for a fascinating keynote 💬speech, @GregHands & @AnnaStellinger for their remarks, and @Sam1Fleming for hosting duties.



RT @PIIE: If you missed @MalmstromEU's discussion on globalization (Is it dead? What does that even mean?) with @borgebrende of @wef, @AranchaGlezLaya of @sciencespo, & our own @AdamPosen, you can watch the entire episode here:


Fun indeed even in gloomy times…. Nice to see you again @AnnaStellinger at the open trade gala organised by @UKMisBrussels
RT @AnnaStellinger: Lovely as always to catch up with fabulous @MalmstromEU in Brussels!
Who said that global trade and trade policy isn’t fun?


RT @SabinaCiofu: Delighted to join UK Trade Policy Minister @GregHands, @UKMisBrussels, @Swedishenterp and @MalmstromEU at the launch of the in Brussels. Free open trade is in dire need of champions and it is great to see two like minded nations join forces in promoting it!


RT @GeorgeMRiddell: Great to be at the launch of the Open Trade Project with @GregHands, @AnnaStellinger and @MalmstromEU in Brussels.

Looking forward to a great discussion.

Thanks to @UKMisBrussels for organising.


RT @_AnabelG: Great episode of with thoughtful and smart discussions on current geo-economic frictions by @MalmstromEU @AdamPosen @AranchaGlezLaya @borgebrende . Pragmatic reflections on the value of the @wto and trade cooperation.


Thanks for a nice discussion. Good to meet you again @GregHands
RT @GregHands: 🤝A valuable meeting with former EU Commissioner for Trade @MalmstromEU.

I know Cecelia well from my time on Trade FAC, 2017-2018.

Insightful discussion on 🇬🇧-🇪🇺 trade and
promoting open and liberal trade principles.


RT @PIIE: If you missed @MalmstromEU's discussion on globalization (Is it dead? What does that even mean?) with @borgebrende of @wef, @AranchaGlezLaya of @sciencespo, & our own @AdamPosen, you can watch the entire episode here:


Thanks Pasi @vaaranpa
RT @vaaranpa: This was a fantastic outlook on globalization by @PIIE @AdamPosen @AranchaGlezLaya of @sciencespo and @wef @borgebrende moderated by @MalmstromEU - well worth your time! via @PIIE


RT @PIIE: If you missed @MalmstromEU's discussion on globalization (Is it dead? What does that even mean?) with @borgebrende of @wef, @AranchaGlezLaya of @sciencespo, & our own @AdamPosen, you can watch the entire episode here:


Thank you @AdamPosen @AranchaGlezLaya and @borgebrende for a very interesting discussion helping us understand where globalisation is heading
RT @AdamPosen: Just finished a great new podcast @PIIE with @MalmstromEU @AranchaGlezLaya @borgebrende on the long survival, if lower quality life, of globalization
Audience posed rightly hard questions on China, environment, and WTO. Let's keep the discussion and debate going!


RT @lherman8: Extremely good discussion today on all the challenges of de-globalization put on by @PIIE, hosted by @MalmstromEU. Pretty sobering, given WTO’s malfunction, global order fracturing, combined w the intensity of 🇺🇸 measures under the IRA. Q remains-where to from here? @AdamPosen


RT @jorgeoarmijo: Such an interesting conversation with @MalmstromEU, @AdamPosen, @AranchaGlezLaya and @borgebrende as part of @PIIE 🧭

Main topics: how globalisation is changing, the importance of international trade as source of growth and climate change.


RT @PIIE: TOMORROW: Is globalization really dead? Has global trade peaked? What does friendshoring & homeshoring mean?
@borgebrende of @wef, @AranchaGlezLaya of @sciencespo, & our own @AdamPosen join @MalmstromEU on to discuss.

Register now:


RT @DagensArena: KRÖNIKA | Som ordförandeland i EU ska Sverige lösa frågan om att allt fler länder gynnar sin inhemska produktion, på bekostnad av frihandel och i förlängningen de länder som behöver utvecklingen mest, skriver Cecilia Malmström.


RT @AranchaGlezLaya: Join us tomorrow to discuss the current state of globalization @PIIE

@borgebrende @adamposen @MalmstromEU



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