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RT @svenskarvarlden: Nu kan du som är medlem hos oss nominera DIN favorit till Årets Svensk i Världen!

I 35 år har utmärkelsen förärats svenskar som har utmärkt sig och satt både sig själva samt Sverige på världskartan.

Läs hur du nominerar här:


RT @WeyandSabine: 🇪🇺🤝🇨🇱 The EU and Chile closed a landmark deal. It will help:
🤝boost our partnership with an important like-minded partner
💪strengthen our economic resilience
🌎diversify and improve security of supply
⏫increasing opportunities for EU exports and investment
A thread 🧵


RT @iythinktank: Our Director Urban gives his views on how to involve young people in politics at Debating Europe.


This is tomorrow. Join us! 👇
RT @ARTNeTontrade: Our last webinar of 2022 will focus on what happened on trade policy front 2022! And what was supposed to happen, but did not! Register now


RT @miamikic: A challenge to my panelists in the @ARTNeTontrade webinar tomorrow! I asked the first question I planned to ask my esteemed panelist: "What are the biggest trade wins of 2022?" Answer:
[in case you wish to hear the humans' answers, register ]


RT @DagensArena: KRÖNIKA | Ungerns ledare kallar sitt land för en illiberal demokrati och ser upp till Xi Jinping och Putin. Men nu kanske EU till slut sätter ned foten, skriver @MalmstromEU, tidigare EU-kommissionär.


Warm congratulations and good luck. The right woman at the right place!
RT @BrigidLaffan: I am delighted & honoured to take over as President of @epc_eu from @HvRpersonal Think Tanks have a crucial role as producers & brokers of knowledge & as incubators of new ideas especially at times of great change m. I look forward to working with the team @epc_eu


Thank you @JessikaRoswall and good luck with the Swedish EU presidency!
RT @JessikaRoswall: The honor to participate in a panel ”Europe in a competetive world” together with @MalmstromEU @IlkeToygur and moderated by @FabianZuleeg. Thankyou @tepsaeu


Thank you for inviting me, great to be in this panel with @JessikaRoswall @IlkeToygur and @FabianZuleeg . Important discussion. And thank you @tepsaeu and @UISweden for two interesting days!
RT @tepsaeu: Thank you to our speakers in this first panel: @FabianZuleeg (@epc_eu), @JessikaRoswall (Swedish Minister for EU Affairs), @MalmstromEU (@PIIE), and @IlkeToygur (@CSIS)



RT @tepsaeu: "There are lots of things on the agenda - most challenging will be to keep Europe united vis-a-vis Ukraine and Russia, transatlantic relations, and China"

- @MalmstromEU



RT @tepsaeu: "On the Trade & Tech Council with the USA: it is a talking shop, but it is good to talk - we need more institutional organisations or platforms where we can discuss matters of common concern. Efforts here should be deepened"

- @MalmstromEU



RT @tepsaeu: "The European Union functions best in a world where there are rules, where there are international institutions and norms. The EU is involved with international partners to keep institutions like the WTO functioning and relevant"

- @MalmstromEU



RT @tepsaeu: "If Europe also engaged in a 'Made in Europe' race, it would damage US relations and would risk discord in the internal market with Member States going in a 'Country First' direction"

- @MalmstromEU



RT @gvonsydow: Stora frågor om EU:s roll i en konfliktfylld världsordning avhandlas av @JessikaRoswall @MalmstromEU under ledning av @FabianZuleeg vid @tepsaeu @UISweden pre-presidency konferens i Stockholm


RT @tepsaeu: "The Trade & Tech Council between the EU and USA works well, and will soon come with some conclusions on cooperation in global trade, but it needs to go much deeper than it currently does"

- @MalmstromEU



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