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RT @simon_comm: For a country with a population alot smaller than most European capitol cities this is some statement of hope and positivity.


We won our right, a guarantee to self-determination. Exercising that rights, through proper planning & preparation, is the focus of a constitutional Irish unity debate on the GFA constitutional Irish unity provision should be operationalised, not whether it exists.  


RT @zuribia: El derecho a decidir: construyendo redes democráticas europeas para un marco de claridad. @MeritxellSerret @ehbildu @sinnfeinireland @anamirandapaz @galizasempre @IdeasForEurope @M_AndersonSF @obloque @Orhipean @Esquerra_INT


RT @EGq0dQx37DVMoJB: 17-year-old Palestinian boy Amjed AlFayed was shot dead in the early hours of Saturday by invading Israeli forces in Jenin camp.


RT @anamirandapaz: E agora estamos en Camelle, para que @M_AndersonSF coñecera a historia de Man, a historia dos naufraxios contada por Xurxo como o City of Agra, algúns con tripulación irlandesa e o sector da pesca de baixura e marisqueo.


RT @anamirandapaz: Seguimos na xornada coa política irlandesa Martina Anderson @M_AndersonSF por Galiza, empezando na Fundación @PlacidoRCastro en Cambados e as conexións do galeguista con ⤵️


RT @WAFANewsEnglish: They are finally reunited 😍❤

The Palestinian prisoner Arafat Nofal meets his mother after serving 14 years behind Israeli jails.


Hugh interest by representatives, Trade Union & Activists in about changing political landscape after the & SF topping the poll + 56% of MLAs being woman👏

Many questions on
& our vision of the future

GRMA 4 interest, support & music!


RT @anamirandapaz: Encontro @anaponton @obloque @M_AndersonSF @sinnfeinireland hoxe no Parlamento de no que Ana Pontón felicitou ao partido irlandés polo recente triunfo eleitoral⤵️


At Galician Parliament with @anamirandapaz meeting opposition leader Ana Ponton discussing SF topping the poll, the need 4 an Executive & SF presenting a better type of politics in Ireland

Lots of interest in 1st Minister @moneillsf & potential Taoiseach @MaryLouMcDonald👏


RT @bngcompostela: Recibimos esta mañá no Concello de Santiago de Compostela a visita de @M_AndersonSF e de @anamirandapaz, con quen aproveitamos para falar de política local e internacional


RT @anamirandapaz: De hoxe a sábado está @M_AndersonSF @sinn_fein @sinnfeinint en cunha intensa axenda que empeza hoxe. Compartimos escano na pasada lexislatura. Comprometida, valente, internacionalista, estamos felices no @obloque e na @galizasempre de darlle a benvida. Fáilte Martina!


RT @rubencela: Se o xoves, andades pola Coruña, non deixedes de asistir á palestra do ciclo "Diálogos desde a periferia" organizados x F. @galizasempre na q contaremos coa responsábel das relacións coa UE do @sinnfeinireland, @M_AndersonSF q estará acompañada x @anamirandapaz e


RT @belfastcc: Lord Mayor of Belfast, @CllrMichaelLong, has opened an online book of condolence in memory of journalist Shireen Abu Akleh.

You can sign it & leave a message at


RT @LiamMackle: Good Luck to my friend and colleague @JohnODowdSF in his new role. Hopefully we will have a fully functioning Assembly before very long. Our people deserve their votes to be respected.


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