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The Palestinian Ambassador is still saying the air stole on the hospital was Israeli even though the evidence has now proven otherwise.
You cannot believe a word that comes out of his mouth. And he’s supposed to be the moderate here!


[2023-10-18 10:59 UTC]

BBC News Arabic TV and radio has a reach of 42 million people.
They have a responsibility to report fairly.
They don’t!
They have demonised iSrael for 3 decades.
They are complicit in the global growth of antisemitism


[2023-10-18 12:16 UTC]

Yesterday evening it appears that the Palestinian terror groups rocketed their own hospital killing 500 with a massive explosion indication it stored more ammo there.
The BBC &amp; SKY jumped to conclusions blaming Israel indicating their bias and hatred for Israel and shoddy journalism
Anna Botting of Sky revealed her hatred for Israel in her pure aggression. She should be sacked immediately. This is not journalism it was siding with terror.
Looks like I will cancel my
subscription now together with BBC licence and only watch the excellent


[2023-10-18 06:09 UTC]

Britain is at peace with Germany
We made peace by eliminating the Nazis
Israel can only make peace with Palestinians once every Palestinian Nazi is eliminated
We removed every weapon from Germany and retained troops there for decades.
Israel will need to do the same.


[2023-10-18 06:57 UTC]

Simple facts that anyone following the Israel-Gaza news needs to read!!!


[2023-10-17 16:17 UTC]

I’ve been reflecting on last weeks tragedy.
Whilst I hate the evil barbarism of Hamas.
My hatred for the BBC comes close.
They gaslight the entire Jewish population with their veil of neutrality.
This has been a 30 campaign to delegitimise Israel.
The BBC are evil.


[2023-10-17 12:21 UTC]

Sangita Myska from
posts satire about one of the most vile and barbaric attacks in the Middle East for half a century only a week after the brutality
Heaven help us. There are still 200 hostages out there. Women, children and babies. And people are laughing.


[2023-10-17 13:22 UTC]

Some hypotheticals:
1. What if the people of Gaza actually supported what Hamas did? Are they terrorists too.
2. What if it’s because they have been taught to hate Jews from the age of 3 because that’s what their (UN/EU funded) schools have taught. And now they’re brainwashed


[2023-10-17 13:26 UTC]

Rod Liddle’s speech on Israel/Palestine at the SDP Conference.
Short, clear and unequivocal.
Listen ⬇️⬇️


[2023-10-17 14:56 UTC]

This shooting in Brussels against two Swedes literally happened in the last 15 minutes.
And the BBC have the FXXXing cheek to call it a “Terror attack”
But murdering babies and shooting 260 innocent people at a music festival is not.
Fxxx You


[2023-10-16 21:00 UTC]

All these people who talk about the Palestinian’s just cause for their homeland being stolen - here’s a question.
My dad had his home stolen in Poland during WW2 and half his family murdered. 6 million other Jews faced similar.
Does that give me the right to go kill German babies now and rape German women because we’re still angry?


[2023-10-16 22:49 UTC]

Extraordinary. According to Hamas Palestinians want to die its the greatest honour. ⬇️⬇️


[2023-10-16 07:31 UTC]

Islamism and support for terror and antisemitic racist has spilled out on our streets today in large numbers.
This could become the major issue of the next election. British people are very uneasy about this.
Will be interested to see how the main political parties address it. We may even start to see some cross party support.


[2023-10-14 17:27 UTC]

Slight change of subject. But with war going on in the Middle East we are even more at risk without energy independence.
We should URGENTLY be fracking. It’s the quickest route to energy independence, as the Americans found out in the last 10 years.


[2023-10-14 17:59 UTC]

Sehr Gut. Listen my friends from people with historical perspective ⬇️⬇️


[2023-10-14 22:19 UTC]

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