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Thanks for hosting at Forman’s. Happy 30th.
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Darren Grimes: Thanks for all of the birthday messages! I had a blast!


The BBC is a national joke…
And the punchline is BBC VERIFY
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Robert MacKay: The BBC needs to be fined. It reported something it *wanted* to be true. It is not our national broadcaster, it is our national disgrace.


Corrupt dealings between the BBC and Sadiq Khan to hurt drivers.
Khan must go and the BBC needs defunding.
You tell ‘em @HowardCCox
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GB News: 'The producer contacted me to say Khan had interfered and had written to the bosses to say he wasn't happy with how ULEZ was being reported.'
Howard Cox reports live from the BBC where a whistleblower has accused bosses of 'colluding' with Sadiq Khan to silence ULEZ criticism.


Look like it’s taken a by-election to demonstrate the bleeding obvious to the Tories.
People don’t mind being green, but they are not prepared to bankrupt themselves over it.
Makes perfect sense. If we are richer we can mitigate the effects of climate change - if it happens.


Re Oh. And her salary was £5.25million last year from. 40% state owned bank.
She must GO!


Just seen Groundhog Day at the Old Vic.
One of the best and most uplifting shows I have seen in the West End for ages.
Highly recommended. There’s only a short run. Book now. Will take your mind off all the crap that’s going on around us.
Brilliant performances, music,…


Apartheid at its best. 🙄
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Jake Wallis Simons: Congratulations to Akwasi Afrifah who has won gold for Israel in the 200m at the European Championships 🇮🇱 💪🏽


If you have a spare 90mins today watch this. It will help you understand the Israel-Palestine dispute better than anything else I’ve seen.
Settling The Facts: A Deeper Look At Israeli Settlements DOCUMENTARY via @YouTube


Global antisemitism is on the rise. Much of it is couched in anti-zionism with so called "illegal" Settlements being used as the stick to beat Israel with.
Anyone vaguely interested in knowing the facts should watch this superb ground-breaking documentary.…


An excellent initiative by @trussliz
Policy proposals should be examined by the growth commission.
In my view we should ditch the OBR too. Budget responsibility should be about cutting waste so that budgets are never exceeded and never bigger than they need to be. We can’t…
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Liz Truss: How to increase GDP per capita is a core challenge for the UK and others.
Advanced economies have seen declining growth over decades.
I've convened @TheGrowthComm to analyse policy proposals and indicate what’s required to deliver growth.


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The Upper Lip: Girl, 14, Identifies As Head Teacher And Sacks All LGBTQ+ Activist Teachers
“It was time to get some adults back in the room,” says Rosie Brown.


The problem here is that too many people who claim to be “liberal” are supporting this scam. I shouldn’t be surprised if the bloke in a suit gains from investment in renewables but just doesn’t like being delayed in his taxi.
Just stop oil is a Marxist organisation. I don’t…
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Just Stop Oil: 🦺 When decades of non-disruptive protest, signing petitions and sending letters to MPs haven’t worked, civil resistance is the only option we have left to bring about the urgent change we need to survive.


This is true.
Mortgage rates are now higher than under ⁦@trussliz⁩. They were always going to rise due to Rishi’s money printing during Covid.
But at least Truss had a strategy for growth to counter the negative effects.
Sunak and Hunt are clueless.
Bring back Truss!


⬇️ brilliant initiative. It’s about time economists spoke out against the slow and steady grinding to a halt of western economies.
We need fresh thinking, inspiration and education about how to bring growth, wealth and prosperity to all.
Well done to @trussliz for backing…
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Ben Habib: If you believe in aspiration and ambition over a culture of dependency. If you believe the British economy needs less regulation, less taxation, less state intervention, and more entrepreneurial innovation, click below and follow this new initiative:


Great true story from a friend.
She was getting pissed off with her ridiculously expensive gardener so decided to arrange a meeting to see how the weekly spend could be reduced.
A week later a bill arrived and at the bottom was a charge for “Tete a tete - £100”
She was livid…


This ⬇️⬇️
From the man who only week ago told us the answer to our economic woes is his “Green prosperity plan”
It’s impossible to believe a word Starmer utters.


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