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Please can you all confirm whether @Campb37345Maree was ever an MD of your firm.

She regularly posts antisemitic hate tweets and in her profile claims to be a former MD of a ‘Big 5’ consultancy.


If Boris Johnson merged with Farage - I’d be up for that as long as we have a free market , low tax, small state economy and drop the Green bullshit.

Many in the Tory Party would flee the Party to join this new movement.
RT @nigel_farage: The gap between Westminster and the country is now even bigger than it was 10 years ago. We must defend the Brexit legacy.


Excellent analysis by @HadleyFreeman
RT @HadleyFreeman: Today’s column is about Roger Waters: listen to his music all you like, just be honest about his views


It’s not surprising young people are disillusioned. They blame it on climate but the fact is it’s very hard to compete in this world. Almost impossible to get on the property ladder and cost of living is so high no one can save - so may as well trash everything as nothing to lose
RT @JustStop_Oil: 🛢 More and more people are supporting the demand for no new oil and gas.

🦺 More and more people are supporting civil resistance to get this demand met.

🚷 Sign up to g…


Whoever thought that the trade deal with Australia would result in us getting a kangaroo court?


Sterling has appreciated by 4% against the euro in the last 3 months.

Eurozone now in recession.

Will this trend continue?


This seat voted Brexit by a margin of 27%.

Would be interesting to see @nigel_farage contest this seat
RT @NadineDorries: I have today informed the chief whip that I am standing down as the MP for Mid Bedfordshire, with immediate effect.
It has been an honour to serve as the MP for such a wonderful constituency but it is now time for another to take the reins.


I take no pleasure in the EU being in recession. My pro-Brexit stance was always on the basis that some external event would eventually crash the German economy and the single EU currency would create tensions which could ultimately lead to chaos. Is this the start? Who knows.
RT @john4brexit: Eurozone economy plummets into recession with Germany 'problem child' | World | News |


This man has had £36million in subsidies from UK taxpayers.

This is what he thinks of you.

Disgusting. He should return it all - especially as his company is worth £100million.
RT @DaleVince: A message for @DailyMailUK from Dale @JustStop_Oil


“Two years to save the world, says AI adviser.”

This is great news.

Can we now stop dementing ourselves with climate change and what might happen in 100 years.

We have much more pressing priorities.


Excellent article by Dominic Lawson explaining the scam behind Drax.

This is symptomatic of the entire green industry. We are all being duped.

The money behind Just Stop Oil comes from the Oil industry. Of course they don’t want new oil - why would they want more competition?


New study reveals Antarctic ice shelf area grown by 5305 km2 from 2009-19

In 2007, Al Gore told us Arctic sea ice levels were ‘falling off a cliff’. He was completely wrong. In fact, the trends in sea-ice are an antidote to climate alarm.


How does ⁦@thetimes⁩ know that “Most voters want to reduce Britain’s dependence on fossil fuel”? (First para)

People want cheap energy. They want us to be energy independent. Has polling been done on this?

It has been done on Netzero and the majority want a referendum.


He did say he was standing again.
RT @nigel_farage: The Biden situation is beyond embarrassing. It is time the 25th amendment was moved.


Why are businesses promoting trans?

Why do advertising agencies think this is clever?

Most people couldn’t care less but they don’t want it thrown in their faces continually.

If you want to be inclusive Nationwide - start including the wishes of the majority too.
RT @AskNationwide: We're committed to building an inclusive society for all 🏳️‍🌈

So, to celebrate the start of , we invited our colleague May Kit Reign to raise the flag at our Swindon …


This is one of the most important quote tweets I have done ⬇️⬇️⬇️
RT @catandman: RIchard Lindzen is an eminent MIT Meteorologist & lead author of IPCC reports, until politicians took over the science. HIs incisive comments on climate change & the net zero fraud are so important they need regular repetition.Wholly supported by real science & events. 1 of many:


This man is very sick. Great music. Shit politics.
RT @GillianLazarus: Just listen to him! He thinks (((we're))) taking over his country.


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