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RT @shaunjlawson: In the ghettos prior to their deportation, he was beaten half to death in front of her. He never recovered from that beating.

The current discourse around refugees and asylum would have been unimaginable a generation ago.



RT @shaunjlawson: Re: @chrisgreybrexit's thread about his heroic father-in-law: in September 1939, my Hungarian great-grandfather was in London. Seeking asylum for his Jewish family.

When war broke out, his wife pleaded with him to return to her and their three daughters. Fatefully, he did.


RT @AubournFarming: Bit of a brown trouser moment today when a sink hole developed on the headland in the beet field we were lifting. Harvester and trailers had been over the area several times already then one of the tractors just suddenly began to drop out of site😮


RT @mikeysmith: The Home Secretary arriving by military helicopter in war-torn <checks notes> Kent.

67 miles from London. Takes 1h11m to get there by train, at a cost of £11.30.


So sensible! 👇🏻
RT @johnelworthy: Am I naive in thinking that if UK issued asylum seekers with temporary work visas this could solve several issues at once? Each applicant for asylum reviewed 6 monthly? Visa extensions possible? Crisis in agriculture, hospitality, care eased?


RT @SteveGrubb: @AkanKwaku How does one become so full of hatred, so enraged, on a false pretence that deciding to firebomb a group of immigrants is the right thing to do? Who on earth could get into people heads that much? Ah, your picture explains it.


RT @Lord_Snoooty: @AkanKwaku The reason we are having an explosion of small boats is after the Dublin convention no longer applies. Under that convention we could return any migrants back to France. Once we left that no longer applied meaning less control of our borders not more.


😱if true this is a serious wake-up call! For the BBC, but also for U.K. politics. Just awful. The risks to staff and residents near the centre were horrific, leaving aside the awful sense that migrants are a target.
RT @AkanKwaku: The man stood next to Farage having a sing along, is the far right terrorist who bombed an immigration detention facility in Dover a few days ago Andrew Leek. Farage appeared on BBC’s World at One less t…


Highly recommend!
RT @snifftheair: @camcycle @the_spokeswoman @AndrewHaley13 @CamSci84 @ordinarykicker @dave4labour @Chisholm4Trail @DrTmyron @AJ99500818 @mathsterrs @rdlarter @williamjnichols @SandieBlickem @timsykes3 @NOCCC2022 @richwoodham @psimonk @alexbeckett @Ezy_Ryder @CambridgEcon101 @ChrisNorep @greenarteries @CambridgeIndy @Cambslive @ab4scambs @NikJohnsonCA @greg_j_davis @KWargamer @LNethsingha @markrwilliamson @benschof…


Thank you Emily Davey for being willing to talk about the needs of those with mobility issues. Such important messages!

Since lockdown it’s been with me more’: Lib Dem Emily Davey on living with MS | Multiple sclerosis | The Guardian


RT @withorpe: BBC chair Richard Sharp has donated £400k to tories. He is ex director of Tufton St outfit CPS which claimed resonsibility for Kwarteng's budget announcements. His family foundation has donated to IPPR which sends funds to CPS & taxpayers alliance


RT @BestForBritain: Reality check: The UK has one of the lowest rates of asylum applications in Europe.

In 2021, there were just eight asylum applicants for every 10,000 people resident in Britain.

Chart: @NewStatesman


RT @jessphillips: While we're on hotels, 1000s of British homeless people in UK are placed in hotels. Families of five in one room, forced to move every 2-3 days. Children travelling 50 miles to school each morning because they live at a motorway services hotel. 12 years of Tory failure everywhere


RT @PhilipPullman: BBC News at 4pm interviewed an 'expert' from Migration Watch during an item about the Home Secretary and immigration, without the slightest attempt to explain that MW was a right-wing pressure group. BBC getting worse and worse.


RT @MatthewGreen02: @maitlis Brexit: increasing immigration by unsafe routes
Brexit: holding back economic growth
Brexit: creating staff shortages
Brexit: leading to more poorly funded services
: resulting in higher taxes
No wonder more & more people say we should move closer to EU not further away.


RT @RichardFoordLD: This is just ridiculous. As MPs it's our role to represent our constituents and help them with issues they're facing - not take weeks off to go on reality TV. If Mr Hancock wants to spend his time outside of Parliament, then frankly he should resign.


RT @LibDems: Another Conservative MP taking you for granted.

Matt Hancock should be in his office helping constituents deal with spiralling costs, not boosting his ego in a TV jungle.


RT @BrexitBin: "Britain’s goods exporters have all suffered from the poorly negotiated Brexit deal, increased red tape and duties. The same applies to services, which now fall outside the EU services market.
The anticipated increase in trade beyond Europe has also failed to materialise."


RT @CambsCC: Fabulous coverage of yesterday's Equiano Bridge's naming ceremony in Cambridge from @itvanglia. Thanks to everyone who joined us, it was an empowering and inspirational celebration of Olaudah Equiano's life.


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