We must work day & night to ensure that the perpetrators are held accountable in #Ukraine. Emotional visit to the suburbs of Kyiv, where some of the most horrendous war crimes have been committed. #NoImpunity #dkpol
RT @DmytroKuleba: Welcoming @JeppeKofod in Kyiv. He was received by @ZelenskyyUa and then we held detailed talks. I am grateful to Denmark for standing with Ukraine on many fronts: from weapons to sanctions and recovery. Since the times of vikings, Ukrainians and Danes are stronger together 🇺🇦🇩🇰
RT @EUCouncilTVNews: Arrival and doorstep by @JeppeKofod Minister of Foreign Affairs of #Denmark, at the informal Foreign Affairs meeting (#Gymnich) taking place on 31 August 2022 in #Prague.
"We want to restrict visas for Russian tourists in Europe" #visaban
Gorbachev was pragmatic. Champion of democratic reforms. Critical in ending Cold War peacefully.
My wish tday, as 🇷🇺 descends into corruption, war w/ neighbours & repression of its people, is that Russia’s leaders acknowledge this part of his legacy. May he rest in peace. #dkpol
Very disappointed that Russia blocked consensus at #NPTRevcon. 🇩🇰 Will continue to work with allies and partners to realize the aims of the Treaty. As I said at the conference: #NPT will remain a fundamental and irreplaceable cornerstone of international rules-based order #dkpol
RT @JeppeKofod: The current security situation means that the road to a world without nuclear weapons is too long. The best way to shorten that road is to r…
RT @nsnielsen: Socialdemokratiet: Medierne har alt for travlt med at dæmonisere og hetze mod Mette Frederiksen.
#dkmedier: Det passer i hvert fald ikke!
Ekstra Bladets nye chefredaktør:
Disheartened by Serbia’s decision to cancel the @EuroPride 2022. When I last year met the activists @BelgradePride they were looking forward to host the event.
#LGBTQI rights are human rights, and human rights are essential to the EU 🇩🇰 🇪🇺 🌈
RT @GermAmbDNK: Tidens udfordringer kræver tæt samarbejde: Første 🇩🇰🇩🇪 handlingsplan fordyber vores samarbejde omkring bl.a. energi og sikkerhed.
Skrevet under af udenrigsministrene @ABaerbock og @JeppeKofod i Kbh i dag. Stor dag for vores landes venskab. #dkpol
Læs: https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/de/newsroom/deutsch-daenischer-aktionsplan/2548528#:~:text=Mit%20dem%20gemeinsamen%20Ziel%2C%20die,2050%20CO2-neutral%20zu%20werden.
Proud to sign the action plan for closer coop. between 🇩🇰 and 🇩🇪 with @ABaerbock
We will strengthen our political, cultural and economic bonds and we will be front-runners in the green transition. This is needed more than ever after Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine #dkpol
Strongly condemn deadly Russian attack on civilians - including children - in #Chaplyne. Another cruel attempt by the Kremlin to crush brave Ukrainians celebrating their independence. I commend the heroic courage of all Ukrainians who fight for their country & freedom. #dkpol
RT @DmytroKuleba: Terrorist Russia keeps killing Ukrainian civilians. At least 15 killed in a Russian missile strike on a train station in Chaplyne, Dnipropetr…
Strongly condemn Russia’s detention of political dissident @roizmangbn. He has every right to speak his mind. Grotesque that Russians who criticize the war in Ukraine risk ending up in jail.
The Kremlin continues to violate basic human rights to avoid political debate. #dkpol
RT @JosepBorrellF: The EU condemns the detention of Russian political activist @roizmangbn for criticising Russia’s war against Ukraine.
This is yet another …
Når @AlexVanopslagh m.fl. mistænkeliggøre det danske embedsværk og kritiserer minksanktionerne så undergraver de i virkeligheden tilliden til det danske demokrati. Demokratiet har vi alle et ansvar for at værne om. Helt enig i ekspertkritik! #dkpol https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/politik/ekspert-undrer-sig-over-kritik-af-minksanktioner
RT @AHuitfeldt: Svært gode samtaler med min kjære venn @JeppeKofod i København i dag. FNs sikkerhetsråd, Ukraina og energi på dagsorden. 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Tak for god debat om verdens tilstand og det danske kandidatur til FN’s Sikkerhedsråd hos @AltingetDK. Vi skal tale meget mere FN i de kommende år. For at skyde debatten i gang, udgiver regeringen i aften en hvidbog om FN, Danmark og en verdensorden under pres. Glæd jer! #dkpol
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ 🇩🇰 Far til to piger. Privat profil. Socialdemokrat. Fhv. Udenrigsminister. Fm Minister for Foreign Affairs, Denmark.