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RT by @JaninaOchojska: Biegiem po pieniądze z KPO dla Polski!

Ambasador Polski przy Unii Europejskiej Piotr Serafin stanął na wysokości zadania. 🇵🇱🇪🇺


[2023-12-14 22:16 UTC]

RT by @JaninaOchojska: Upominek ukazujący zderzenie rzeczywistości , wręczony.


[2023-12-15 14:00 UTC]

Zuzanno, gratuluję i wierzę, że w Polsce znowu zapanuje prawo, które wszyscy będą szanować


[2023-12-14 08:47 UTC]

RT by @JaninaOchojska: People seeking safety in overcrowded shelters in Gaza are facing the spread of infectious diseases as well as inadequate food, water and basic services.

A humanitarian ceasefire is the only way to help desperate people in need.


[2023-12-13 23:00 UTC]

Krzysztofie, gratuluję, to ogromny zaszczyt pracować u boku takiego człowieka jak Adam Bodnar. Wiem, że dasz wszystko ze swojego talentu i wiedzy. Serdecznie pozdrawiam i życzę powodzenia


[2023-12-14 06:50 UTC]

Droga Izo, zawsze podejmowałaś trudne wyzwania a teraz wzięłaś najtrudniejsze. Życzę Ci wiele sił, dobrych ludzi do współpracy i wsparcia. Wierzę, że dasz radę, kto jak nie Ty...


[2023-12-14 06:57 UTC]

So we will continue to watch the bleeding of innocent civilians, watch the bodies of children being pulled out from under the rubble, watch the ashes and rubble. Come on, let's kill, let's destroy... What will be left of us? Where have values such as peace and human rights gone?


[2023-12-13 19:47 UTC]

Panie Ministrze, gratuluję. Przypadła Panu trudna "działka".
wykonuje "fantastyczną robotę", ale równocześnie łamie prawo. Troszczę się o bezpieczeństwo granic, tak samo jak mieszkańcy Podlasia i jak wiele NGO's.


[2023-12-13 15:45 UTC]

Przerażające obrazy z horroru jaki przeżywają palestyńscy cywile w strefie Gazy. Do bombardowań i śmierci doszły silne deszcze i wichury. Co musi się stać, żeby zakończyć mękę tego Narodu? Żądam powstrzymania ognia, uwolnienia porwanych i błagam o dialog.


[2023-12-13 16:15 UTC]

RT by @JaninaOchojska: Abdul Rahman Shaat (Abood) 3 years old,

He was a happy and healthy boy, his whole life ahead of him. In this video, he was expressing his happiness about going to kindergarten for the first time.

He was only 3 years old when he was killed in an Israeli airstrike along with his siblings, Rawan, 8 years old, Kareem, 12 years old, and their mother and grandmother On November 2023.
May God have mercy on them all in heaven.


[2023-12-12 19:41 UTC]

RT by @JaninaOchojska: Breaking news: Dr. Fatemeh RajaeiRad has been fired from university following her defiance of the Islamic regime’s mandatory hijab law.

She posted on her instagram: “The roaring river finds its way, even if it must pass through hard and impenetrable rocks.”

The Islamic Republic is a gender apartheid regime that is afraid of powerful and successful women like Dr. RajaeiRad. She will not be silenced, and doctors worldwide should bring attention to this injustice on her behalf.


[2023-12-12 20:09 UTC]

RT by @JaninaOchojska: Jedna z moich pierwszych decyzji jako Ministra Sprawiedliwości - wniosek do Premiera @donaldtusk o przystąpienie do Prokuratury Europejskiej @EUProsecutor

Do gabinetu Ministra i innych pomieszczeń wróciły flagi Unii Europejskiej 🇪🇺🇵🇱


[2023-12-13 14:44 UTC]

W osobach zaangażowanych wokół granicy polsko-białoruskiej - organizacji pozarządowych, mieszkańców Podlasia, aktywistów, polityków etc budzi się nadzieja, że to koniec kolejnym śmierciom w lesie, koniec pushbacków, koniec przemocy i bezprawia


[2023-12-13 15:00 UTC]

Prof Hanna Machińska laureatką nagrody Praw Człowieka. Nagroda zasłużona. Haniu, cieszę się, że Twoje wysiłki i Twoja praca na rzecz obrony naszych praw jest doceniona. Dziękuję Ci, że mogę żyć w lepszym świecie.ł,162657,30495739,


[2023-12-12 14:50 UTC]

RT by @JaninaOchojska: 🕯 A family of from the Kharkiv hub of the rescue network died in a terrible accident in .

Artur Vinogradov has been involved in volunteer activities since the beginning of the war. He delivered humanitarian aid and evacuated hundreds of people from the most dangerous combat zones under constant shelling. He started working with our rescue network last summer. Later, his young wife, Daryna, joined him.

Artur was responsible for evacuations in the Kupyansk direction. He always left his phone number and personally took all calls from people who needed help. After the evacuation, he helped people with basic needs. If Arthur saw people leaving with only slippers or old sneakers, he always took them to the warehouse and found a new pair of shoes there. Daryna was always by her husband's side. She took on the task of registering the evacuees and recording the data on her laptop.

Arthur was very reserved in his emotions, even silent. But he was an undisputed leader in his Kharkiv team. His colleagues remember him as a very responsible, determined and courageous volunteer. He was never afraid to go to frontline villages and towns to save people. He was the first to get permission to travel to de-occupied Vovchansk when the city was still mined. He was one of the first to go there to bring humanitarian aid to people and evacuate the most vulnerable.

Arthur had a huge and kind heart. Above all, he loved his wife, Daryna, and the children he was saving. Our boys recall how the young couple even wanted to adopt one evacuated child without parents. Arthur was always the first to persuade his parents to agree to the evacuation to save their children.

Arthur and Daryna got married in August 2022. They had a very tender romantic relationship. Their friends and colleagues say that the couple was so inseparable that they seemed to…


[2023-12-11 19:30 UTC]

Ogromna radość i duma. Iwerzę, że znowu staniemy się pełnowartościowym członkiem Unii Europejskiej. W Parlamencie Europejskim wiele osób gratuluje nam, tej jakże długo oczekiwanej zmiany.


[2023-12-11 21:30 UTC]

This is very stupid. How you dare to decide which nation has or has not the right to existence. Yours words were at the beginning of racism and nazizm. Shame on you


[2023-12-11 15:24 UTC]

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