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On 25.08.1942 Jewish girl Huguette Szterck was deported from
and murdered in a gas chamber.
Juwan and Bilal Saeed Al-Liddeh died on 19.12.2023, when the Israeli bombed the house they were in in
These children had their future taken away from them.


[2024-01-09 09:55 UTC]

RT by @JaninaOchojska: ❗Wczoraj premier @donaldtusk wyraźnie podkreślił, że pushbacki są niezgodne z prawem. Jako organizacja obecna na granicy PL-BY od początku kryzysu, liczymy, że rządzący jak najszybciej zakończą tę praktykę zanim kolejna osoba straci życie w polskim lesie


[2024-01-04 18:00 UTC]

RT by @JaninaOchojska: “The suffering is everywhere – I mean absolutely everywhere – that I have been.” Gemma Connell is the Gaza team leader at @UNOCHA and tells me what she is seeing on the ground. “I have never in my humanitarian career seen [this] level of suffering, desperation and depravation.”


[2024-01-04 18:14 UTC]

Mohamed Nour, Egipcjanin, przedstawił kolekcję wyrażającą solidarność z Palestyną.
Nazwana "Hurra", czyli "Wolność" opiera się na palestyńskim szalu „keffiyeh”, symbolizującym patriotyzm i kulturę Palestyny.


[2024-01-03 19:09 UTC]

RT by @JaninaOchojska: NEWS

In a statement, Senator Bernie Sanders is calling for no more US funding of “Netanyahu's Illegal and Immoral War Against the Palestinian People.”

“The issue we face with Israel-Gaza is not complicated. While we recognize that Hamas' barbaric terrorist attack began this war, we must also recognize that Israel's military response has been grossly disproportionate, immoral, and in violation of international law. And, most importantly for Americans, we must understand that Israel's war against the Palestinian people has been significantly waged with U.S. bombs, artillery shells, and other forms of weaponry. And the results have been catastrophic.

Since October 7th, over 22,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli strikes, two-thirds of these victims have been women and children - and 57,000 have been wounded.
Since the start of the war 1.9 million Palestinian men, women, and children have been driven from their homes - 85% of the total population of Gaza.

According to an analysis of satellite radar data nearly 70% of the housing units in Gaza have been destroyed or damaged by Israeli bombardment. Today, not only are the vast majority of people in Gaza homeless, they lack food, water, medical supplies, and fuel. A recent UN report indicates that half of the population of about 2.2 million are at risk of starvation and 90% say that they regularly go without food for a whole day. The chief economist at the World Food Program said the humanitarian disaster in Gaza is among the worst he has ever seen. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Congress is working to pass a supplemental funding bill that includes $10 billion of unconditional military aid for the right-wing Netanyahu government to continue its brutal war against the Palestinian people. Enough is enough. Congress must reject that funding. The taxpayers of the United States must no longer be comp…


[2024-01-02 20:23 UTC]

RT by @JaninaOchojska: 🇮🇱Israel will face trial for Genocide in the International Criminal Court (ICC), which has scheduled a hearing next Thursday, for South Africa's lawsuit accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza.

🇳🇱 Israel has confirmed that it will appear in the Netherlands next week to defend against the charges.



[2024-01-02 21:37 UTC]

RT by @JaninaOchojska: The Islamic Republic killed her just because she didn’t want to cover her cute short hair.
This is who was beaten up to death by morality police in Iran.

I cannot stop thinking of her.
Iranian teenagers hate Mullah’s regime. They want to have a normal life.


[2024-01-03 01:56 UTC]

RT by @JaninaOchojska: Przypominam, że 5-letniego Sana wyrzuciliście przez druty na Białoruś wraz z jego wujkiem, chorującym na cukrzycę.
Wujek zmarł obok Was, ale po stronie BY.
Takie historie zostaną z Wami na zawsze i żadną PRową akcją nie wygumkujecie tego.


[2024-01-03 06:49 UTC]

RT by @JaninaOchojska: The aftermath in Kharkiv.
The city's mayor reported that 41 people have been injured by preliminary information. Reports about deaths are being confirmed.


[2024-01-02 08:13 UTC]

RT by @JaninaOchojska: This video tells the story of 2023 in Gaza in 31 seconds, depicting how it was before the genocide committed by Israel.


[2023-12-30 19:40 UTC]

RT by @JaninaOchojska: “I reiterate my call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza and the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages.”

– @antonioguterres remains gravely concerned about further spillover of the conflict in the Middle East.


[2023-12-29 20:02 UTC]

Takie ciekawe zdjęcia można było zrobić na Global Refugee Forum w Genewie, w którym uczestniczyłam jako delegatka Parlamentu Europejskiego


[2023-12-30 17:34 UTC]

RT by @JaninaOchojska: 29 December 1928 | A French Jewish boy, Isaac Blumberg, was born in Paris.

On 19 August 1942 he was deported from to in a transport of 1,000 Jews. Murdered in a gas chamber after selection on 21 August 1942.


[2023-12-29 08:00 UTC]

RT by @JaninaOchojska: A baby boy sleeps on the sidewalk- he and his family are unable to find shelter after they were displaced from Al-Bureij refugee camp.


[2023-12-26 22:00 UTC]

26 grudnia 1992 roku z Polski wyruszył pierwszy konwój z pomocą dla oblężonego Sarajewa. Ten konwój rozpoczął 30 letnią historię
Dziękuję wszystkim ofiarodawcom, wolontariuszom i pracownikom za długie lata pomocy ludziom w potrzebie.


[2023-12-26 16:45 UTC]

Tak wyglądały przygotowania do Wigilii dla osób bezdomnych i ubogich (500 osób) w Czasoprzestrzeni na Tramwajowej weław
.iu gdzie znajduje się moje biuro poselskie. Dziękuję wszystkim wolontaiuszom i ofiarodawcom, dzięki którym ta piękna Wigilia była możliwa


[2023-12-26 13:46 UTC]

Przywitanie naszych gości (24 grudnia, godz. 14.00) i zaczęło się świętowanie: łamanie się opłatkiem, składanie życzeń, wigilijne potrawy, rozmowy przy stole, śpiewanie kolęd. Każdy gość został obdarowany jedzeniem z wigilijnego stołu i z paczką przygotowaną przez wolontariuszy


[2023-12-26 13:54 UTC]

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