RT by @JanAlbrecht: Rocket Fire now against the City of Nahariyya and other Communities in Northwestern Israel.
[2024-08-11 22:44 UTC]
RT by @JanAlbrecht: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said today that Russia has started a fire on the grounds of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the largest such facility in Europe.
[2024-08-11 21:01 UTC]
RT by @JanAlbrecht: BREAKING 🚨
Hxmas has announced that it will not participate in the round of talks that were scheduled to begin this Thursday in Qatar.
[2024-08-11 19:03 UTC]
RT by @JanAlbrecht: 1.Die Rechtsprechung des BVerfG schützt Art. 5 GG und sichert die Meinungs-, Rede- und Informationsfreiheit umfassend.
2.Wer so tut, als lebten wir fast in einer Diktatur, untergräbt das Vertrauen in die Demokratie.
3.Letzteres ist Kerngeschäft von AfD und BSW
[2024-08-11 15:13 UTC]
This fire is not near the reactors and is not a threat to them.
The fire is at the base of one of the natural draft cooling towers circled in red.
The nuclear reactors (green) are offline. Cooling towers are not in use.
The public is not in danger from it
[2024-08-11 20:14 UTC]
RT by @JanAlbrecht: BREAKING: Olivia Rodrigo has announced her endorsement of Kamala Harris for President. Let’s go.
[2024-08-11 18:28 UTC]
RT by @JanAlbrecht: BREAKING: Ariana Grande has announced she is endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President. Let’s go.
[2024-08-11 15:34 UTC]
RT by @JanAlbrecht: Hamas has Refused to enter into another Round of Negotiations with Israel on August 15th, despite the call to do so in a Joint Statement recently from U.S. President Joe Biden, Egyptian President El-Sisi, and the Emir of Qatar Al Thani.
[2024-08-11 18:39 UTC]
RT by @JanAlbrecht: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is reporting that at least Two Explosions were heard earlier at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Southeastern Ukraine before the Pillar of Black Smoke was seen coming from one of the Cooling Towers; with Officials at the Plant claiming the Tower was Attacked by several Drones.
[2024-08-11 20:26 UTC]
RT by @JanAlbrecht: Der Haushalt der Bundesregierung für 2025 ist vielversprechend, den großen politischen Aufgaben unserer Zeit wird er trotzdem noch nicht gerecht. Zudem bekommt die Finanzpolitik zunehmend ein Demokratieproblem. Eine Analyse mit Vorschlägen für die Zukunft: https://www.boell.de/de/2024/07/30/guter-haushalt-schlechter-haushalt
[2024-08-10 16:39 UTC]
RT by @JanAlbrecht: Russia has used a thermobaric bomb against Ukrainian forces as it announced a "counter-terrorism" operation to retaliate against Ukraine's shock incursion into Kursk https://trib.al/zxqLRk4
[2024-08-10 18:50 UTC]
RT by @JanAlbrecht: The outsize & unaccountable power of tech companies/CEOs runs wider and deeper than the Musks of this world. It is a systemic problem that needs systemic answers to save democracy. My upcoming book The Tech Coup analyses the problem and offers solutions: http://thetechcoup.com
[2024-08-10 12:30 UTC]
RT by @JanAlbrecht: You mean like your @x co-owner buddy from Saudi Arabia is already doing now? https://apnews.com/article/saudi-arabia-death-sentence-twitter-a2b5549806605d1d21f332ac4c36e43f
[2024-08-10 14:54 UTC]
RT by @JanAlbrecht: "With nearly 195mn followers, he is America’s most influential purveyor of disinformation. In total he has made 50 posts since January 1 that have been debunked by independent fact checkers ... These were viewed 1.2bn times." https://www.ft.com/content/bdd100a8-4817-44f6-9838-bda760aaebf1
[2024-08-09 22:40 UTC]
RT by @JanAlbrecht: Kursk Battle Map (August 10 - 11:00)
Ukrainian Forces 🇺🇦 have entered and partially control the settlements of Snagost and Plekhovo in Kursk, according to Russian and Ukrainian reports
Ukraine controls 450 to 550 sq km of the Kursk Region and is attacking in multiple directions
[2024-08-10 08:19 UTC]
RT by @JanAlbrecht: Wir gedenken des 44-jährigen Peter Deutschmann, der heute vor 25 Jahren am 10. August 1999 in Eschede von zwei Neonazis ermordet wurde. Allein weil er es wagte, Zivilcourage zu zeigen und sie mit ihrer offensichtlich rechtsextreme Weltanschauung zu konfrontieren. 1/10
[2024-08-10 08:31 UTC]
RT by @JanAlbrecht: Elon Musk schwadroniert vom Bürgerkrieg in Großbritannien, Peter Thiel stimmt einen Abgesang auf den Liberalismus an. Was hinter der Radikalisierung der Tech-Elite steht – und welche Folgen sie hat. https://www.handelsblatt.com/meinung/morningbriefing/morning-briefing-plus-revoluzzer-von-rechts-die-umsturzfantasien-der-tech-milliardaere/100058227.html?utm_term=organisch&utm_campaign=standard&utm_medium=sm&utm_content=ne&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1723270421
[2024-08-10 06:16 UTC]
RT by @JanAlbrecht: Bündnis Strahlender Wladimir nennt zwei Bedingungen für Zusammenarbeit nach LTW: 1. Keine weiteren Waffenlieferungen an Ukraine. 2. Keine Stationierung von amerikanischen Mittelstreckenraketen. Bei diesen russischen Bedingungen kommt nur die Schwesterpartei AfD in Frage.
[2024-08-10 05:42 UTC]
RT by @JanAlbrecht: Signal is blocked in several countries but you can set up a proxy server to help people access Signal no matter where they live. Here’s how:
Thank you for helping keep Signal available for everyone who needs it.
To share your proxies use #SignalProxy
[2024-08-09 22:39 UTC]
RT by @JanAlbrecht: 🌍🔥El Niño has gone but the warming continues. The 10 warmest years have all occurred in the past decade! July's global mean temp was 1.21°C above 1951-1980 & 1.45°C above 1880-1920 averages, beating 2023's by 0.02°C. The 14th consecutive month of record highs since June 2023.
[2024-08-09 16:01 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Vorstand | president @boell_stiftung. Ehemaliger MdEP | former MEP @GreensEFA. Minister a.D. | former minister @land_sh. On Mastodon: @janalbrecht