RT @Klimatgranskarn: Gigantisk nedskärning av miljöbudgeten planeras de kommande åren:
Från 20 miljarder 2022 till 8,6 (!) miljarder 2026.
Framgår av tabellen i VÅP på sid 84:
Living in the twilight zone, cockeye squid float between two worlds and have adapted to keep an eye on both! | Marine life | The Guardian
Interesting! And encouraging! #IndustryTransition
RT @JonasAlgers: "Plans for a gigascale renewable energy plant to help decarbonise Indian steel production moved forward when Siemens Gamesa books a deal to supply wind turbines to the project
(SG) will deliver 46 of its SG 3.6-145 turbines to the 989MW wind-solar array"
RT @MikeHudema: If you made $53,000 a day or $20 million per year since Jesus was born you would still not make the profit Shell made in 2022.
It’s time for Shell to Stop Drilling and Start Paying for the climate damage they’ve caused.
#ActOnClimate #climate #energy #renewables
@ErikHalkjaer @RSF_RUG Tack för bra synlighet i dessa för demokratin så viktiga frågor!
SD vill alltså ha höjd hastighet, sänkt skatt på fossilt, inga biodrivmedel, inga vindkraftverk, ingen avdragsrätt för kollektivtrafik (dvs färdmedelsneutralt reseavdrag) inga bonusar till elbilar. Lycka till @liberalerna att nå klimatmålet 2030!
531 forskare: Utsläppen måste minska nu, regeringen! #klimatkris #svpol
Professor in computer science: no one knows if AI develops internal goals. “It’s in no country’s interest for any country to develop and release AI systems we cannot control.” Regulate now! | Stuart Russell | The Guardian
Subventioner till fossila bränslen fördubblats senaste året enl rapport från IEA. Mer än 12 000 miljarder i stöd till bensin och gas, långt, långt mycket mer än till förnybart. Definitionen av galenskap. #klimatkris
Denna ofattbara cynism. Från oljebolagen, bilindustrin, beslutsfattare. Fy fan. Hemlig rapport från Shell 1989 varnade för klimatkatastrof - http://DN.SE
@kristianteleki @FaunaFloraInt Congratulations Kristian! Thank you so much for all the brilliant work you’ve done for Friends of Ocean Action, and for our ocean! The best of luck for you in your new important role!
@a_gustavsson O-f-a-t-t-b-a-r-t.
RT @GraceOSllvn: The EU recently banned the barbaric practice of shark finning - where fins are cut off live sharks
However the EU fishing industry still hunts thousands of tonnes of shark for export to Asia.
I'm joining calls this afternoon in the Parliament to clamp down on the shark trade.
Devastating. #ClimateCrisis
RT @suechomba: This is North Horr, Marsabit county, Kenya. After a prolonged drought, pastoralists are experiencing the next calamity in the form of floods. Whatever Livestock survived the devastating drought are now dying from floods. Climate change impacts continue to hit the poorest harder
RT @NiranjanAjit: the most powerful climate report of the decade was published on monday, after 195 governments fought over the words in its summary for policymakers, and the only media allowed in the room just published its account of who lobbied for what 1/
”So who has been lobbying the Germans to object? “It’s the oil and gas industry, because it gives them a market to keep refining and making fuels,” Keynes says. “And it’s also the engine components lobby, so they can keep making [ICE] engines.”
@Femtesstic @G_OCeans @FAOfish @our_fish @DrRashidSumaila @ThomsonFiji When fish are allowed to die of “old age”. A cardinal sin according to a former colleague from a Spanish fishing constituency. 😎
RT @TBTCoalition: Responding to concerns about the impacts of a ban on #bottomtrawling in #MPAs on European food security, @VSinkevicius says:
"On the contrary, long-term food security is threatened by the degradation of ecosystems" and fisheries will not survive without healthy ecosystems 🙌🙌🙌
RT @SEIresearch: #WorldWaterDay | Regardless of where we live, #water connects us all. Ensuring access to sanitary water and hygiene creates a ripple of benefits across humanity and ecosystems, such as securing livelihoods, improving health and food security and more. 🧵
RT @SweWaterHouse: Isabella Lövin, tidigare Miljö- och klimatminister:
”Vi behöver samverka. Såväl globalt, nationellt som lokalt för att mildra de förväntade konsekvenserna av klimatkrisen.”
@IsabellaLovin #världsvattendagen #WWD
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Author, speaker. Oceankänslan (N&K). Friends of Ocean Action. Former Deputy Prime Minister/Minister for Climate&Environment