RT by @HelgaTruepel: Die Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft (DIG) und die israelische Botschaft wollen am Sonntag mit einer Demonstration an die 100 Tage Geiselhaft der von der Hamas aus Israel entführten Menschen erinnern. https://www.juedische-allgemeine.de/politik/demonstration-fuer-freilassung-israelischer-geiseln/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/JuedischeOnline/status/1745819479760679246#m
[2024-01-12 14:46 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: "David Teeger wurde eine Woche vor der Weltmeisterschaft vom Amt des südafrikanischen U19-Kapitäns entbunden.
Der Grund? Er ist ein Jude, der sich für #Israel ausgesprochen hat."
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/jutta_ditfurth/status/1745822822608363766#m
[2024-01-12 14:59 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: The Federal Government rejects the accusation of genocide made against Israel before the @CIJ_ICJ. It is unfounded. In the main hearing Germany will therefore express its position as a third party. We continue to support the work of the ICJ as we have for decades.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/GerAmbTLV/status/1745832625153970587#m
[2024-01-12 15:38 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Link to livestream of Israel’s defense opening speech in ICJ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6CEKVSjg7o
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/faniaoz/status/1745747941308915894#m
[2024-01-12 10:01 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: "Accusing Israel of genocide is a complete distortion of victims and perpetrators.”
Thank you, German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck, for strongly rejecting the outrageous and baseless accusation that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/eurojewcong/status/1745521166469484817#m
[2024-01-11 19:00 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: As promised, here is my article in @MomentMagazine:
A Quick Guide to Zionism in Hard Times
Or, why in spite of everything I am a humanist Zionist.
Free access available.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/faniaoz/status/1745579820816236975#m
[2024-01-11 22:53 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Russ. & ukr. Info: #Russland kann seine vielen Toten heute besser ersetzen als 2023. Aufgeriebene Einheiten werden abgelöst. Der #Ukraine läuft die Zeit davon. Sie kann siegen, aber nur mit mehr Hilfe. Und weil 🇺🇸zögert, kommt es auf Europa an. Also auf 🇩🇪 https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-january-11-2024
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SchullerKonrad/status/1745709646902432092#m
[2024-01-12 07:29 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Viktor Orban's plan for Europe - according to Viktor Orban: "Occupy it."
Please don't.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/daniel_freund/status/1745726023038107970#m
[2024-01-12 08:34 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: "I would like to distance myself from her remarks."
@alexanderdecroo is apparently unhappy with the @Knack interview of his Minister for Development Cooperation, @carogennez, in which she lambasted Germany for doing Israel's bidding. De Croo now wants to "iron out the creases".
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Thaidigsmann/status/1745729444944240666#m
[2024-01-12 08:48 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: As the author of ‘Jews and Words’, a book that celebrates the Jewish culture of debate and textuality, I must spell out something that the book didn’t mention, a negative aspect of our talkative legacy.
You may not like it, but here it is.
This morning’s proceedings in The Hague focus on genocidical talk in the Israeli public sphere. There are dozens of examples: ministers, Knesset members, influencers. Even the manipulative Netanyahu mentioned Amalek, the ancient people that the Bible singled out for eradication. Never mind that great rabbis have determined long ago that Amalek is obsolete, and the biblical verdict does not apply to any existing nation.
What stands on trial today is the ancient Jewish habit of speaking to each other as if no one else is listening. The Jewish habit of making extreme statements irresponsibly, unthoughtfully, without expecting any payback.
For so many centuries we have exercised a wild freedom of speech among ourselves, in our own languages, relying on our own argumentative balance mechanism: extremism and moderation may clash, and moderation usually triumphs. The House of Shammai is legitimate, but the House of Hillel, the moderates, usually wins.
Israeli verbal culture inherited this freedom. But Israel is also a liberal democracy and member of the global community. Most of the loudmouths crying Genocide and Amalek are not aware of the profound dissonance, the huge damage, the justified outrage. Some don’t care.
Only a small minority wants actual genocide in Gaza and are morally crippled enough to carry it through: the extreme national-religious right.
The fact that Netanyahu allowed these thugs into his government and echoes their discourse is an eternal blot on Jewish history.
Our disputative, wordy culture deserves to be celebrated, but it must denounce its dangerous outcrop of inciters to blind violence. Their Amalekite spe…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/faniaoz/status/1745402280277324018#m
[2024-01-11 11:08 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar. Sie zu achten und zu schützen ist Verpflichtung aller staatlichen Gewalt.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/igorpianist/status/1745449537215627376#m
[2024-01-11 14:16 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Es wird Zeit die #AfD an dem zu messen, was sie alles täte, wenn sie nur könnte. Vielleicht wacht dann mal der eine oder andere Protestwähler auf. #Remigration @ntvde @rtl_com
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/NikolausBlome/status/1745386626283397449#m
[2024-01-11 10:06 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Prominent civil rights jurist Irwin Cotler: "While Israel seeks to minimize civilian casualties, Hamas seeks to maximize them. For when innocent Gazans are killed, Hamas benefits in a twofold manner — it enables the demonization of Israel internationally, and the radicalization of Gazans domestically. Painfully, the weaponization of the genocide libel serves the same purpose, reflected in the global incentivizing of antisemitism."
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/faniaoz/status/1745103676190904815#m
[2024-01-10 15:21 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: NEU +++ Sprecher Auswärtiges Amt: "Können Aussage der belgischen Ministerin in keiner Weise nachvollziehen"
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Thaidigsmann/status/1745116300861407424#m
[2024-01-10 16:12 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Every shot #Hamas fires at #Israel is from behind a Palestinian baby.
This is a historic innovation.
Fighters taking all of their own country hostage is a new phase in military history.
Fighters digging a subterranean arsenal city under the feet of their wholly unprotected population is a new phase in military history.
Fighters shooting at their enemies from within *thousands* of inhabited family homes is a new phase in military history.
These “fighters” would be considered cowards in every other human culture.
But they are winning today’s propaganda war by getting their own civilians killed in the thousands. This too is a new phase in military history.
International law hasn’t caught up with them.
The Hague court is not even eligible to judge them.
Instead, it is indicting their enemies for aiming at them and hitting civilians.
A diabolically smart strategy, and a new standard for every future terrorist.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/faniaoz/status/1744823491789045930#m
[2024-01-09 20:48 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Waseem Ula, ein UNRWA-Lehrer, hat einen Chat für 3.000 UNRWA-Lehrer gegründet: http://t.me/UNRWA_edu - in dem er auch zum Mord an Israelis aufrief. Seit Beginn des Krieges haben mindestens 22 Lehrer die Gräueltaten der Hamas gegen Israelis ab dem 7.10 öffentlich gefeiert.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/aryeshalicar/status/1745061178529698157#m
[2024-01-10 12:33 UTC]
Der unverschämt verschämte Antisemitismus von heute. Jean Améry über den Verrat der Linken
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/HelgaTruepel/status/1745071381203521609#m
[2024-01-10 13:13 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Die Hamas verfügt über ein chemisches Labor für die Waffenproduktion, das sich tief unter der Erde in einem Terrortunnel befindet.
Das für diese Operation benötigte Fachwissen und die Menge an Ressourcen sind atemberaubend. Gaza könnte ein großartiger Ort sein, wenn die Hamas ihre Ressourcen in die Zivilbevölkerung und nicht in den Terror investieren würde.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IsraelinGermany/status/1744740645988876502#m
[2024-01-09 15:19 UTC]
ruft alle dazu auf, die EU mitzugestalten und am 9.Juni zur
zu gehen!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/HelgaTruepel/status/1744674198780322031#m
[2024-01-09 10:55 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Agam, Karina, Daniela and Liri are not on any Hamas list of returnees, past or present. They are probably still alive.
They are my fellow-citizens. Cynically betrayed by our worst government ever, then bestially tortured by our worst enemy ever.
Don’t ask me to cease fire before expressing at least a polite concern for their fate.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/faniaoz/status/1744494727250985156#m
[2024-01-08 23:02 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ EX-Mitglied des Europäischen Parlament,EX-Kultursenatorin, Grüne,Vorsitzende Europa Union Bremen, Romanliebhaberin, Yoga.Motto:ohne Angst verschieden sein