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8/18 People do normal things amid the devastation: children eat icecream, farmers work their fields, boys and girls meet, children are born. All this sends a very powerful message to the Russians and their twisted lords:


7/18 But what impressed me most was the determination of the people to recover and reclaim their lives, both as a nation and as individuals. Roads, bridges and homes and are being repaired.


6/18 All this is far beyond the average experience of an average person. It makes you think that this could be my country, my city, my family. This could be me. What would I do and what would I hope from others?


5/18 The trip made a strong and lasting impression on me. Pictures do not really convey the violence and abnormality of bombed residential buildings, schools and hospitals, or the horror of the graves of children retrieved from the rubble.


4/18 We also made a day trip to Chernihiv and its surroundings, to the North-East of Kyiv. Chernihiv was sieged and bombarded by Russians in March-April.


3/18 We visited the towns of Borodyanka, Bucha and Irpin to the North-West of the capital. These localities saw heavy fighting, Russian occupation and mass-killings of civilians in March.


2/18 We had in Kyiv numerous meetings with people from the Verkhovna Rada, the Government, the President's office, the Prosecutor General's office, the media, think-tanks, military intelligence, human rights organizations, etc. Also with ordinary people.


1/18 I had an opportunity to visit Ukraine on August 24-28 of August with my esteemed Baltic colleagues @markomihkelson, @RihardsKols and @andrikiene.


5/5 Kävin alustavia keskusteluja isäntien kanssa, eivätkä he nähneet estettä tällaiselle järjestelylle. Tutkailen hetken, olisiko asiaa järkevintä lähestyä valtuustoaloitteen keinoin vai jollakin muulla tavalla.


4/5 Vaihdossa voisimme antaa vaikkapa käytetyn roska-auton, ambulanssin tai jotakin muuta. Ukrainassa tarvitaan nyt aivan kaikkea, koska syksy lähestyy ja koulut ovat alkamassa.


3/5 Mieleeni tuli ajatus, että kotikaupunkini Helsinki tai vaihtoehtoisesti jokin valtion instanssi voisi ostaa ukrainalaisilta yhden panssarivaunun raadon ja pystyttää sen monumentiksi esimerkiksi Venäjän suurlähetystön lähettyville tai muuhun sopivaan paikkaan.


2/5 Palaan matkan yksityiskohtiin myöhemmin, mutta esitän tässä yhden ehdotuksen. Muiden pahojen tekojensa ohella venäläiset heinäsirkkalaumat ovat ryöstäneet kaikenlaista alueilla, joita he pitivät hallussaan. Jos jotakin ei ole saatu mukaan, se on ammuttu rikki.


1/5 Vietin viikon Ukrainassa yhdessä Viron, Latvian ja Liettuan ulkoasiainvaliokuntien edustajien kanssa. Tapasimme hallinnon, median ja kansalaisyhteiskunnan edustajia sekä paljon tavallisia ihmisiä, ja vierailimme kevään keskeisten torjuntataistelujen näyttämöillä.


4/4 Russian tourists do not travel because they oppose the regime. Travel does not make them oppose the regime, either. They support the regime because so far the regime has been able to offer them both "greatness" and comfortable lifestyle.


3/4 All sanctions hit first and foremost the innocent. The ruling elite will be the last to suffer. That is in the nature of things. The purpose of the blockade is to make it clear to the people of Russia that there will be no life as usual under the current regime.


2/4 These arguments are strange. The existing flight ban and the disinvestment and withdrawal of Western companies and employers also hit "innocent" people. They also increase anti-Western sentiment. Should we lift the current sanctions, then?


1/4 Many people, also in Finland, object to a tourist visa ban on Russians. One argument is that this would target "innocent" people and be unfair. Another is that it would increase anti-Western sentiment in Russia and thus work for Mr Putin.


@MikkoMann Se, että joku muu EU-maa myöntää venäläisille viisumeita, ei kai ole kovin hyvä peruste jatkaa niiden myöntämistä itse. Suomi voi piilotella Italian selän takana ja Italia Suomen.


8/8 "Talking" to Russians and "keeping channels open" did not democratize Russia; on the contrary, it made the current genocidal regime possible. And it continues to do just that. Appeasement and watered-down compromises only prolong the tragedy.


7/8 Russia and the Russians have chosen to become the enemy of the world, and they should be treated accordingly. Russia should be isolated economically, diplomatically, culturally, and in all other ways.


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