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Deeply disturbing to see a copper-bottomed fascist top the poll in the Netherlands
Green-Left cooperation failed to stop him
But Timmermans may still end up as PM
I know from my Brussels days that he’s a bruiser but a skillful politician
And he speaks beautiful English!


[2023-11-23 07:26 UTC]

OBR says £19bn missing from money needed to protect public services from inflation
proposing major changes to how we tax wealth to cover this
Tories are living in tax-cutting la-la-land
Labour and Lib Dems invoking ‘growth’ that won’t come for years


[2023-11-23 07:40 UTC]

Surely better, though, to link full expensing to green outcomes
There is not much point in offering tax breaks to companies that won’t be with us after the green transition
Wasting our cash, and slowing the transition


[2023-11-23 07:49 UTC]

With everything broken, public services in crisis, and many struggling with cost of living crisis
Only a Tory chancellor could use a small improvement in the fiscal position to cut taxes
Tax cuts that will mostly benefit those who are better off


[2023-11-23 07:15 UTC]

Only 4% richest people are liable to Inheritance Tax after their death
Hunt plans to reduce this while cutting benefits for poorest people who already struggle to lead a life
would use the tax system to reduce inequality not increase it


[2023-11-18 08:19 UTC]

Conservative election strategy is now clear
They are going to start an almighty and divisive war about whether we should continue to follow global standards on human rights protection
They will mobilize hateful, racists arguments and lever divisions
This is a fascist strategy


[2023-11-17 08:41 UTC]

This is really exciting news!
A three-way contest and Greens come out on top in rural Somerset
We really can win anywhere these days


[2023-11-17 08:25 UTC]

The global framework of human rights law was agreed in wake of World War II
To stop countries going rogue and to protect citizens of those countries if they needed asylum
Sadly, it is now our country that is going rogue, reneging on our responsibilities to provide sanctuary


[2023-11-16 06:48 UTC]

The hyper-nationalist framing
Disdain for the legal framework and the rule of law
A boastful lack of compassion
Simple slogans masking complex problems
Projecting our problems onto others
This is what fascism looks like and it’s happening in our country right now


[2023-11-16 07:11 UTC]

The fantasy politics of Brexit reaches its apotheosis
Sunak now to whip his MPs to vote that Rwanda is a safe country for refugees
Next week will they vote that black is white?


[2023-11-15 17:57 UTC]

A relief that prices are increasing more slowly
This is mostly the result of a lower energy price cap
And the fact that higher energy prices are now baked in
Not something Sunak can claim as a personal achievement
Although I doubt that will stop him


[2023-11-15 10:08 UTC]

Our political system is based on Government vs Opposition
Today we will see both tearing themselves apart, one over migration and the other over Gaza
This is what our electoral system does: forcing impossible internal coalitions within parties


[2023-11-15 08:39 UTC]

Starmer seem to have forgotten that MPs sit in Parliament to represent constituents
Not to advance the cause of
This vote should be a matter of conscience with so many dying every day in Gaza
I’m proud
has long supported a ceasefire


[2023-11-15 06:17 UTC]

It’s a relief that prices are now rising more slowly
But this is the result of a new energy price cap
Higher energy prices are now baked in
It is nothing to do with Sunak
Although that won’t stop him claiming the credit


[2023-11-15 07:24 UTC]

Satire died - again
David Cameron, the man who oversaw a disastrous undermining in our relationship with our European neighbours
To be our Foreign Secretary?
Is this so that he can now destroy our relationships with the rest of the world?


[2023-11-13 10:10 UTC]

In 1948 Palestinians were driven off their land in what they call Al-Nakba, the catastrophe
The same thing is happening today in full view of the world’s media
And with the collusion of our government
Utterly shameful


[2023-11-10 07:32 UTC]

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