RT by @Feleknasuca: ‼️Laura Castel: Imralı prison in Turkey is a real black hole in the soil of the Council of Europe @coe ⁦@CoE_CPT⁩

Mezopotamya News mezopotamyaajansi35.com/en/ALL

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/lauracastelfort/stat

[2024-02-14 09:51 UTC]

RT by @Feleknasuca: "Büyük Özgürlük Yürüyüşü" için Qers ve Wan’dan yola çıkanlar, 13’üncü günde Amed’de birleşti. Kar kış demeden yürüyüşlerini sürdürenler, kentte "Bijî azadi" sloganlarıyla karşılandı


🐦🔗: nitter.cz/MAturkce/status/1757

[2024-02-14 07:28 UTC]

RT by @Feleknasuca: sibê digihîje Amedê. Amed bi kelecan li benda rêwiyên azadiyê ye. Amedî dê vê meşê mezintir bikin û biherikin Amarayê!

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/dempartikurdi/status

[2024-02-12 18:27 UTC]

RT by @Feleknasuca: Di roja 12’an a Meşa Azadiyê de em îro li Batman û Bismilê ne. Di rêç û rêgehên cangorî û egîdan de em ji bo azadî, çareserî, diyalog û mafên xwe yên neteweyî dimeşin.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/omerrocalan/status/1

[2024-02-12 14:16 UTC]

Salek di ser erdheja 6’ê Sibatê re derbas bû. Hemû qurbaniyan bi rêzdarî bi bîr tînim. Me jibîr nekir, jibîr nakin û nadin jibîr kirin

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/Feleknasuca/status/1

[2024-02-06 11:35 UTC]

Hêza Suad Mirad Xelef û Suham Şengalî le gel Lorena Lopez de Lacalle ✌️

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/Feleknasuca/status/1

[2024-02-03 12:20 UTC]

RT by @Feleknasuca: Shengal – A Society Threatened by : European Parliament conference delegates demand Turkey halt attacks on Sinjar (). On-going Turkish military operations in the region perpetuate historical genocidal tendencies against the community, they say.


🐦🔗: nitter.cz/medyanews_/status/17

[2024-02-01 20:20 UTC]

RT by @Feleknasuca: Together with the most courageous and strong-willed women at the Conference in the . "Not only an int. recognition of the genocide, but an international of the autonomous self-administration of - is the only way to heal our wounds."

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/Eda_Dzg/status/17523

[2024-01-30 16:36 UTC]

RT by @Feleknasuca: 📌 Avrupa Parlamentosunda Ezidi Konferansı düzenleniyor. Konferansta önemli isimler yer alıyor. Detayları @medyahabertvv den takip edebilirsiniz.

📌Annual Ezidi conference continues at EU Parliament, Brussels

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/eremkansoy/status/17

[2024-01-30 10:03 UTC]

RT by @Feleknasuca: Demokratik, ekolojik kadın özgürlükçü paradigmamız ile yeni yaşamı hep birlikte öreceğiz.
Benim olanı almaya geliyorum!

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/DemPartiKadin/status

[2024-01-29 09:14 UTC]

RT by @Feleknasuca: We condemn the attack on Church during Sunday service. Our thoughts are with the victim who lost their life, and we extend our wishes for a speedy recovery to the injured. We strongly stand against this racist act. The perpetrators must be swiftly brought to justice.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/DemPartyEnglish/stat

[2024-01-28 12:30 UTC]

RT by @Feleknasuca: Einschätzung zu den Angriffen in Rojava - es ist extrem schwierig für Bevölkerung: Erneut haben die Angriffe der auf Nordostsyrien zugenommen. Während Ankara darin einen Anti-Terrorkampf sieht, werden vor allem zivile Einrichtungen bombardiert. fr.de/politik/tuerkische-bomba

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/StarostaAnita/status

[2024-01-17 20:02 UTC]

RT by @Feleknasuca: Pêşhilbijartinên me serkeftî didom in. Em bi gelê xwe serfiraz in. Tu kes nikare îradeya vê gelê tûne bike. Bi pêşhilbijartinê gelê me demokrasiya rasteqîn ava dike, li îradeya xwe xwedî derdikeve. Hûn her bijîn, her hebin!

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/DEMGenelMerkezi/stat

[2024-01-13 13:07 UTC]

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