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Truly unbelievable and an insult to all MPs:
The secret service chief from reads a bit of blah blah off the page, then simply refuses to answer our 28 questions and leaves the @EP_PegaInquiry.

Here is our transcript of today's hearing:


I just asked Esperanza Casteleiro Llamazares, head of the CNI secret service, in @EP_PegaInquiry to confirm the surveillance with abroad (, ), as it became known.
But she evades on the matter.
Again: No parliamentary control of possible.
RT @ErnstCornelia: The results of our Independent Mission 24 – 27 October 2022 in Madrid and Barcelona:


RT @natynettle: Excited to speak at this event on the @EP_PegaInquiry. I’ll talk about the work civil society has done to investigate and other spyware and how we can hold governments and companies accountable.


This Friday, 2 December, we hold an event on the investigative committee on and comparable spy software in !
At 12.00 in the Green Salon of the Volksbühne.
It will be in English with translation.
With @ckanimba, @natynettle, @aboubakrj, @h_munzinger, @Cannelle_L


RT @Left_EU: Truth & justice need to be established in memory of the people who died in Melilla on June 24.

To remember that day & demand clarification on what happened, @MiguelUrban & @ErnstCornelia are organising the conference "Melilla-No Man’s Land?" tomorrow in the European Parliament.


RT @saskiabricmont: Invitation - victims in Spain
Crucial to hear and listen to what victims have to say: why have they been targeted? Who has been affected? And how did the political and legal system react?
Speakers include Pegasus victims & @jsrailton from @citizenlab


RT @assemblea_int: ⬛️⬜️On the @Left_EU trip to 🇪🇸, MEP @ErnstCornelia learnt that @KRLS was spied on by 🇪🇸police in 2018, while he was in 🇩🇪, seemingly without a previous approval, so the spying was illegal.

But the 🇩🇪Ministry of Justice refuses to give any information to @AndrejHunko.


THG-Emissionen auf konstantem Niveau, die Energiewende verschlafen - das sind sächsische Verhältnisse, die nun auch durch einen Bericht der Staatsregierung festgehalten wurden. Echte geht eben nur mit linken Mehrheiten ohne !
RT @BundSachsen: Neuer Bericht der Staatsregierung zu den THG-Emissionen Sachsens. Frisch gedruckt steht schwarz auf weiß: Zwei Jahrzehnte verschlafene Klimapolitik in Sachsen! Jetzt brauch…


The enables energy companies to sue states for unrealized investments. This promotes fossil lock-in & delays the energy transition. In tomorrow‘s vote, I will vote to withdraw from the !


Meine gestrige Rede im Europäischen Parlament. Für mich ist klar: muss die iranische Zivilgesellschaft unterstützen. Die Repression gegen die Proteste und das brutale Vorgehen gegen kurdische Gebiete ist zu verurteilen. Ein Ende des Atomabkommens kann niemand wollen!


Heute im Rahmen unserer Asyltour durch : Gespräch mit @Axel_Steier und @SeebrueckeDD über Landesaufnahmeprogramm und @luna_le
RT @ErnstCornelia: Diese Woche sind wir in unterwegs zum Thema . Erster Stopp war heute die Abschiebehaftanstalt in . Danach Gespräche mit der Kontaktgruppe Abschiebehaft und dem @sfr_ev, die hier vor Ort so wichtige Arbeit leisten!


On 18-20 July our Committee of Inquiry to investigate the use of and equivalent surveillance spyware (@EP_PegaInquiry) went on a mission to .
Here is the official, final report:
@edri @netzpolitik_org @accessnow @citizenlab @AmnestyTech
RT @ErnstCornelia: Find all details about hearings & missions of our inqu…


RT @jsrailton: BREAKING: victims of hacking in 🇹🇭 just filed a lawsuit against NSO Group seeking damages.👇

Latest in a slew of legal actions against the notorious mercenary spyware company. 1/


RT @MigControl: Do you already know what role is playing in 🇪🇺's of migration and border control? Read our recently updated entry about Frontex' activities and get a deeper insight in what's going on at Europe's externalised .



RT @luna_le: Nächste Woche sind @ErnstCornelia, @C_AB_ und ich auf Asyltour in . Es stehen Besuche der Erstaufnahme in Mockau, des Abschiebeknasts und Treffen mit vielen Engagierten an.
sind nicht verhandel- oder teilbar!


RT @HelmutScholzMEP: Important decision - now has 2 be proactive in to vote against modernization results - for . Climate & Citizens don‘t need this treaty - not before and not anymore @Pro_Caucus_EP @dieLinkeEP @Green_Europe @DieZukunftEU @europa_blog @AK_EU_Int


RT @AndrejHunko: Auf -Mission erfuhr die Kollegin @ErnstCornelia, dass |s Polizei 2018 das Handy von Carles Puigdemont in Deutschland ausspähte. Womöglich ohne Erlaubnis hiesiger Behörden (also illegal), druckst das BMI wegen etwaigem "Fortgang" von Ermittlungen herum. @KRLS @boye_g


As Chair of the EU- Delegation I strongly condemn the call of the Iranian Parliament for the death penalty for the imprisoned protesters as well as the sanctioning of Members of the European Parliament by the Iranian Foreign Ministry. Read my statement in English and Farsi:


RT @Left_EU: The climate-killing Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) allows corporations to sue governments for closing fossil fuels plants.

Rightly, governments are leaving the ECT in droves.

Today we request a point on the topic on this week’s .

The EU must exit the ECT.


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